View Full Version : Mark User in Showthread and send em an PM

10-18-2005, 04:23 AM

sometimes you wont give a link just to a few people posting in a thread.
So i would think it would be fine, if every Poster has a Checkbox in his Postbit.
There xou have to check the guys who shell get the Link or whatever.

Now under the last Post of a Site there shall be be a button, for example beneath the answer Button, and...

...a)if click it you'll be redirected to your newpm-site with all the checked People in your receivers-list.

or (better i think)

...b) a menĂ¼ is poping a up (like the standart-serachbar in the navbar), there you paste youre message, link whatever and send click go and teh marked people will get the Link, whatever as PM.