View Full Version : Steamcast 0.9.73 beta Status Full (VB3.5)

10-15-2005, 10:00 PM
Steamcast 0.9.73 beta: Status Full 1.0 on your VB3.5 Forum Home.

/* -----------------10/15/2005 3:33pm-----------------
This is a Nice hack to add Steamcast Status on your VB3.5 Forum Home.
Hope it helps !!! Zachariah @ http://www.gzhq.net

Steamcast was written from the ground up to provide multiple stream source signals from one internal server. These source signals can either be initiated and generated an external source application such as Oddcast, SAM Broadcaster, SHOUTcast DSP, or sc_nsv (SHOUTcast/Icecast2 Source protocal tools) or by files on the local system or on other ICY/ICE compatible servers outside of the local system. Steamcast's interface is meant to give the end user as much ease in managing their server as possible and from as many different platforms as possible. Steamcast provides a web administration panel to control and manage users of the system and even the system itself. The API is developed to work from remote systems from multiple platforms so that a server may be managed easily from anywhere. Currently the only provided remote management tool provided is Steamcast Manager (yet to be released) which provides access to the steamcast system and it's configuration from a Windows Machine into any Steamcast server on any platform. More details will be announced about these and many other features which are spec'd out to be part of the Release 1.0.0 build as they become available.
Zerro Queries Added

(this hack requires a password form the steamcast admin to pull stream information.)

== Install: 2-5 min ==

Collapsible Table
Server Name
Last 19 songs
3 Popup players (quicktime, media player, real player)
DJ Name
Current Song <marquee>
Media Type
Most Ever Connected
Hit Count
Users Connected
Unique Connected
Avj. Connect Time
User Max
Online / Offline status
Data (in / out)
Throughput (in / out)

================================================== =====

Adds: 2 plugins
Edit: 1 template
Upload: 4 images
Adds: 5 templates
Adds: 19 phrases "stc_" prefix
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Variables used.
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If you choose not to show any/all:
Here is a list of variables that can be used in your "forumhome_steamcast". If do not wish to show data, just remove the variables.

$stdef = Default station name
$stip = IP shoutcast server
$stport = Port of shoutcast server
$stadmin = Admin User name
$stpass = Admin password (not DJ) to shoutcast server
$song[t] = Song History: t can range from 1-50. EX: $song[1], $song[2] .... $song[50]
$meta_song = Current song playing
$name = "Discription" - setting in DJ - DSP (I used for DJ Name).
$genre = - setting in DSP.
$total_nodes = Current users online
$total_unique_nodes = Current users online from different IP's
$total_max_nodes = Total users the server can support.
$tuneins = total connections since DJ connected.
$total_peak_nodes = # users connected over 5 min.
$content_type = mpeg, wav - tells the type of media being played.
$bitspeed2 = kbps used by all Users connected.
$bytessent = megabytes sent from server to the client.
$bytesrecv = megabytes sent from DJ to the server.
$avgemin = average total minutes listend by users.
$bitspeed = Quility of the Bitrate - setting in DJ - DSP .
$stamp = 'http://'.$stip.':'.$stport.'/listen.pls';
$stlnk = 'http://'.$stip.':'.$stport.'';

How do I add more song History (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=797245&postcount=8).

10-16-2005, 04:22 PM
Very very nice work Zack! *Pressing Install*

10-16-2005, 05:39 PM
Very very nice work Zack! *Pressing Install*
Good to here, I only had a localhost to test on. This is setup for 1 source. I have not played w/ multi source yet. Perhaps in a later ver.

I will have a "lite" ver. soon that does not need an Admin password to pull feeds. It will have less options, as the data the steamcast gives to public vs. admin is limited.

10-16-2005, 05:45 PM
what do I put here:

$stdef = "Server Name"; // Default station name
$stip = ""; // ip of steamcast server
$stport = "8000"; // port of steamcast server
$stadmin = "Username"; // admin User name
$stpass = "changeme"; // admin password to (not DJ) steamcast serve

10-16-2005, 05:48 PM
hey :)

this hack work with Firefox ?

10-16-2005, 05:52 PM
This is a Status hack for Steamcast and XML reader.

what do I put here:

$stdef = "Server Name"; // Default station name
$stip = ""; // ip of steamcast server
$stport = "8000"; // port of steamcast server
$stadmin = "Username"; // admin User name
$stpass = "changeme"; // admin password to (not DJ) steamcast serve

If you have a server online: Fill out the info.

================================================== =====
Edit Plugin Settings |

Admincp => Plugin Manager => Hook Location : forumhome_complete => Steamcast Status Full - Main => EDIT

10-16-2005, 05:54 PM
hey :)

this hack work with Firefox ?

Yes sir. (all the scrn shots are in firefox) I have had reports that the "plugin" to download a player if not installed is still buggy. I have not looked into why firefox is having a problem.

Firefox will work on all players however I think real, mediaplayer, or quicktime must be installed. :nervous:

I just need to change some <if> player is not installed go get the correct plugin. I need to visit firefox's site and look for the embed / installer codes some day.

10-16-2005, 06:33 PM

; ShowLastSongs [*20]: This setting tells steamcast how many stream related meta updates
; to store in history. This capability was added for compatibility with reporting agencies.
; A Setting of 1 through 50 is acceptable.

Default is 20 and you can set to 50, but you will have to edit forumhome_steamcast template and add $song[21] , $song[22] - $song[50]. 1 value for each song history you wish to show.

10-16-2005, 06:52 PM
Awesome, liking the hack! :)

10-16-2005, 08:29 PM
This is really cool.

Silly question, i have a shoutcast server set up that i stream through.

Can i still use the hack? Ive set it up but it doesnt appear to work?? Its probably me!

Id really like to use this, been looking for something like this for a long time.

Any help would be great. Very very great. :rolleyes:

10-16-2005, 08:33 PM
This is really cool.

Silly question, i have a shoutcast server set up that i stream through.

Can i still use the hack? Ive set it up but it doesnt appear to work?? Its probably me!

Id really like to use this, been looking for something like this for a long time.

Any help would be great. Very very great. :rolleyes:

Shoutcast Status Full (VB3.5) :bunny:

10-16-2005, 09:01 PM
You my man are a genious, thank you very much!

10-16-2005, 09:47 PM
One last questio, where do you upload the image files to? Via ftp to the server? if so where?

10-16-2005, 09:56 PM
One last questio, where do you upload the image files to? Via ftp to the server? if so where?

$stylevar[imgdir_misc] - style_location/images/misc

10-16-2005, 10:16 PM
Cool, thanks. I got there eventually.

One more thing i want to change varibles like current listeners, most ever?

How do i get rid of these? Ive gone through the edit plugin, and done it there but it actually doesnt remove the text, just the out put.

also is it possible to change the url'a of the plugins i.e. winamp goes to "serverip".m3u etc etc

Thanks in advance

10-17-2005, 09:34 AM
K, I'm trying to get steamcast to run on my server... it's a linux server...
Tried getting steamcast to run however I keep getting permission denied errors...
However, I'm logged in as 'root'... with all access privledges...

10-17-2005, 12:13 PM
K, I'm trying to get steamcast to run on my server... it's a linux server...
Tried getting steamcast to run however I keep getting permission denied errors...
However, I'm logged in as 'root'... with all access privledges...

I have not looked @ linux support on the steamcast website. In my EX. I had a win x86 based system. After the install did you open a port in the linux built in firewall ?

port 8000, 8001 (default) ?

10-17-2005, 09:05 PM
will this interrate with VB CMPS

10-17-2005, 10:15 PM
will this interrate with VB CMPS
It will soon. I need to make a "lite" and a CMPS ver. Give me a few days.