View Full Version : vbulletin.org admin (Brad) like hidden post count

Inferno Dragon
09-23-2005, 02:48 PM
how I can get the same thing which Brad (vbulletin.org admin) using I saw that his post count display ??? and in his profile you can't see his post count:

I am interested in this hack, as I don't want my users/mods/admins to see my post count!


09-23-2005, 02:54 PM
*** Untested ***


<if condition="$post[userid] == 1234>
Nothing to see!
<else />
Normal display


<if condition="$userinfo[userid] == 1234>
Nothing to see!
<else />
Normal display

Keep in mind that it will still be displayed in ModCP/UserCP.
To avoid that you would have to alter fetch_userinfo() at least

Inferno Dragon
09-23-2005, 04:14 PM
hmm..thanks for the quick reply, but one more small question, how I define two users IDs in? (for example I want to define two users with userID 1 and userID 2)

<if condition="$userinfo[userid] = 1234>

nevermind, I got it! :) thanks for the help!