View Full Version : New 3.5 Style

09-19-2005, 12:36 AM
Just got this finished...not much in the way of content, but your opinions on the style are what I'm looking for ;) Demo link here. (http://vbskinworks.com/35forum/index.php?styleid=8) You can use guest/guest123 to sign in and play around with it. Thanks in advance for looking!

09-19-2005, 12:48 AM
The Buttons (New Reply and such are a bit blurry (or maybe it's just me)) also read my post http://vbskinworks.com/35forum/showthread.php?p=5#post5 it explains some other things better then I could describe here. Most of your styles are really good except I'm to poor to afford them.

09-19-2005, 01:15 AM
Thanks Kran...I have a few things to clean up and those are some of them...appreciate you taking a look!

Tony G
09-19-2005, 11:13 AM
I personally think the yellow and dark blue do not mix. They contrast too much.

Light blue and yellow, maybe, but not dark.

09-19-2005, 06:23 PM
I personally think the yellow and dark blue do not mix. They contrast too much.

Light blue and yellow, maybe, but not dark.

Actually Tony G, I like the dark blue and yellow :) I guess it's all down to personal preference :)

09-23-2005, 01:11 PM
horizontal blue/yellow rows are drawing focus to it - overpowering the content
- minimize it's visibility (use a lighter hue)

09-27-2005, 08:13 PM
I think it looks ace, very neat :)
try using www.lipsum.com to generate some dummy text to fill out your forum so we can get a better idea of a active site