View Full Version : Checkbox in options

09-15-2005, 07:45 AM
to see and use a hidden forum ...

I would like to have a mod or howto.

What I want :
I would like to have a forum that is hidden by standard (I was thinking on having NSFW material in it) and if users wants to see it and post in it they have to check a checkbox in User options to be able to.

This only to keep the forum decently clean for the ppl that surf from work and stuff.

I know I can make it by having public usergroup and such but thought that a checkbox option for my members would be easier and "cleaner" ....

Anyone ???

Chris M
09-15-2005, 12:30 PM
You can create a Multiple Selection checkbox profile field, and only allow 1 option :)

Then you can create a plugin to say something like:

if ($vbulletin->userinfo['fieldX'] == 'true') {
$show[yourhiddenforum] == true;
Then edit the templates that display the forums and add something like:
<if condition="$forum[forumid] == Y"><if condition="$show[yourhiddenforum]">template content here<else />&nbsp;</if><else />template content here again</if>
Thats just rough guess work but theoretically works :)
