View Full Version : New Header Design

09-13-2005, 05:32 AM
Hi there everyone, could I ask you to take a quick look and let me know what you think. I wanted to add some depth to the header on our site so I requested some slight flash be done.

If you visit our site http://www.atvpros.net you will see the image of the rider on the quad.

Now visit http://www.mindesticmedia.com/betasystem2/flashheader.html to see my new idea.

What do you all think??

Thank you in advance for your time :)

09-13-2005, 05:47 AM
I like it but I would be totally against using it on your site. At 500K, it will a while to load for those still on dial-up. That's awfully big for an swf file. ;)

09-13-2005, 05:52 AM
I like it but I would be totally against using it on your site. At 500K, it will a while to load for those still on dial-up. That's awfully big for an swf file. ;)

Ya right now we are thinking we can get it down to around 200k :(

Evidently, it required additional image files to make it work, therefore, increasing the size.

Thanks Boofo for taking a look!!

09-13-2005, 05:56 AM
200K is still awfully big to load on each page. And it will only be new for so long, as does with most flash files. They get boring real fast especially when you see it all the time. The trade-off isn't worth it in most cases. ;)

09-13-2005, 05:57 AM
Ya you are probably right...I was just trying to add some depth, but like you said if it is going to slow down someone browsing the site, that is not going to interest them at all.


09-13-2005, 09:26 AM
I liked the .GIF better. Has NICE EFFECTS with with brushes. You can always just create the same effect with imageready...

09-13-2005, 07:46 PM
eek ... don't use it -- too big