View Full Version : Cinq - gone, or has your forum been hacked?

09-11-2005, 07:08 AM

Looks like your excellent website is... Gone ??

Are you gone, or has your website been hacked?



Marco van Herwaarden
09-11-2005, 07:32 AM
Don't look like a message a hacker would leave.

09-11-2005, 07:58 AM
Don't look like a message a hacker would leave.

Yes, I spotted this too! I hope all is OK in Cinq's camp... let us know matey please.

09-11-2005, 08:36 AM
The articles hack is one of the most important hacks within my board.
I hoped cinq will release it for vB 3.5 and now his page is down.

Hopefully this is only a bad dream

09-11-2005, 09:10 AM
i dont think this is a bad dream :( Its real

09-11-2005, 11:41 AM
I don't think it is gone for long. b/c cinq was planning to release a 3.5 version of VBarticles and releasing other hacks on top of that...

I hope it does come back...

09-11-2005, 11:47 AM
There was another message earlier in the day yesterday, saying Down for a While or something like that...

I'm sure he has many PM's in his mailbox, as I'm sure most of us have dropped him a note... I'm sure he's just not going away (I hope) I am (was) also looking forward to 3.5 releases of VBArticles and VBGlossary from Cinq

09-11-2005, 12:48 PM
There will be other SUPPORTED hacks soon guys. I would just let the unsupported vbarticles go away.

09-11-2005, 01:49 PM
There will be other SUPPORTED hacks soon guys. I would just let the unsupported vbarticles go away.
This is uncalled for. Cinq supported his hack from his site and shared it with everyone here for free. I hope that this situation is only temporary....

09-11-2005, 02:13 PM
This is uncalled for. Cinq supported his hack from his site and shared it with everyone here for free. I hope that this situation is only temporary....

You are incorrect. Cing HAD a site that he setup in hopes of others helping him support the hack. Support from him personally was non existant with the exception of a few cases.

Paul M
09-11-2005, 02:16 PM
Why does this hack have it's own premium section on vb.org ?

09-11-2005, 02:22 PM
Feeling jelous, eh Paul? :P

09-11-2005, 02:29 PM
You are incorrect. Cing HAD a site that he setup in hopes of others helping him support the hack. Support from him personally was non existant with the exception of a few cases.
This was not my experience. Also- his hacks worked fine, and if you followed instructions there was no need for any support.

Why does this hack have it's own premium section on vb.org ?
Because Cinq requested one. If you feel a hack of yours requires a premium area here then you can request (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=73723) one. Modification authors of large Modifications may PM either Xenon or Erwin to apply for Premium Modification status if they believe they qualify for such.

Paul M
09-11-2005, 06:49 PM
If you feel a hack of yours requires a premium area here then you can request (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=73723) one. Modification authors of large Modifications may PM either Xenon or Erwin to apply for Premium Modification status if they believe they qualify for such.Yes, I know how you get one :) I think you kinda missed the point of the question (see below).

Feeling jelous, eh Paul? :PNo.

You both seemed to have missed the point of my question - Cinq does not seem to support this hack from this forum, nor, as far as I can tell, is it available for download at vb.org (or anywhere else now it seems) hence the very simple question, why does it have it's own area ?

09-11-2005, 07:36 PM
well, since it's not available here, and not accessible there (vbarticles.com), does anyone have this hack available so that i can install it? please help :cry: .

Marco van Herwaarden
09-11-2005, 07:56 PM
We have been discussing what to do with 'abandoned' premium hacks in staff. Looks like we never thought of this when we started with it. It is not so easy to withdraw the status, since the postings about the hack are not in a single thread anymore like with a 'normal' hack.

09-12-2005, 02:55 AM
Looks like he is installing Vb3.5
If you goto
There is something about an upgrade script not been run yet.

Hope he is just in the middle of upgrading....

Neutral Singh
09-12-2005, 04:59 AM
Now it says... --> Gone...

09-12-2005, 07:13 AM
Now it says... --> Gone...

However If you look a little deeper at http://www.vbarticles.com/forum/index.php then you get

vBulletin datastore error caused by one or more of the following:
You may have uploaded vBulletin 3.5 files without also running the vBulletin 3.5 upgrade script. If you have not run the upgrade script, do so now.
The datastore cache may have been corrupted. Run Rebuild Bitfields from tools.php, which you can upload from the do_not_upload folder of the vBulletin package.

Fatal error: vBulletin datastore cache incomplete or corrupt in /includes/init.php on line 171

Which is what gives me some hope that he is just upgrading...

09-12-2005, 07:53 AM
Looks like he is installing Vb3.5
If you goto
There is something about an upgrade script not been run yet.

Hope he is just in the middle of upgrading....

I think your wrong because it says The page cannot be displayed.

I really want this hack for 3.5 but i cant see it happening anytime soon

09-12-2005, 12:31 PM
yep looks like he ran into troubles upgrading...

Here is his thread on vbulletin.com; http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=153950

09-12-2005, 02:10 PM
No need for the speculation.
To cut a long story short, did a backup, tried to run upgrade, faced many errors, tried to redo everything with the backup only to realise backup was a corrupted one. Attempted to obtain a 3-4day old backup from host, but they only do daily backups ( of which has already been messed up by the upgrade processes ).

So end of the day, I have nothing to work with anymore.
So there, as the page says...gone. :(
Oh well, it's been fun. Esp with folks like 1014 around lol

Reeve of shinra
09-12-2005, 04:29 PM
It happens to alot of people (including myself) ... I guess you could just install the last good copy you have and let users re-register.

09-12-2005, 04:42 PM
No need for the speculation.
To cut a long story short, did a backup, tried to run upgrade, faced many errors, tried to redo everything with the backup only to realise backup was a corrupted one. Attempted to obtain a 3-4day old backup from host, but they only do daily backups ( of which has already been messed up by the upgrade processes ).

So end of the day, I have nothing to work with anymore.
So there, as the page says...gone. :(
Oh well, it's been fun. Esp with folks like 1014 around lol

oh no dont give up!! i could help u? that has the most potential! please dont give up....i know a lot of people besides me who are only waiting on your hack to upgrade........dont bother bout ppl talking trash about that one its the best one.........i wish there was something i could do........if there is let me know!

09-12-2005, 04:58 PM
No need for the speculation.
To cut a long story short, did a backup, tried to run upgrade, faced many errors, tried to redo everything with the backup only to realise backup was a corrupted one. Attempted to obtain a 3-4day old backup from host, but they only do daily backups ( of which has already been messed up by the upgrade processes ).

So end of the day, I have nothing to work with anymore.
So there, as the page says...gone. :(
Oh well, it's been fun. Esp with folks like 1014 around lol

Don't Give Up Cinq!!!

I've been playing around with vBArticles and we have planned on it being a big part of our site. Cinq has been very responsive to every question, and has been very patient with a lot of my "newbie" questions. Thank you Cinq!

09-12-2005, 08:34 PM
Damm, sounds like you have had a bad couple of days :(

Hint: In the meantime you can always release your Vb3.5 glossary and articles hacks on here :D /hint

09-12-2005, 09:49 PM
cinq i would really like it if you could release articles for 3.5 i am willing to pay for it because its something that i really need for my forums

09-12-2005, 10:19 PM
No need for the speculation.
To cut a long story short, did a backup, tried to run upgrade, faced many errors, tried to redo everything with the backup only to realise backup was a corrupted one. Attempted to obtain a 3-4day old backup from host, but they only do daily backups ( of which has already been messed up by the upgrade processes ).

So end of the day, I have nothing to work with anymore.
So there, as the page says...gone. :(
Oh well, it's been fun. Esp with folks like 1014 around lol

Sorry to hear that. :( I just migrated my board to VBulletin and was going to your site to get your mod. Any chance of it being e-mailed to me...by you or someone? (nealu at sport-touring.net)

Thanks. :(

09-13-2005, 01:19 AM
cinq i would really like it if you could release articles for 3.5 i am willing to pay for it because its something that i really need for my forums

same here!!

09-13-2005, 12:44 PM
We were waiting for vbarticles for vb 3.5 too - Is there anything else similar that could be used instead? :(

Diana Notacat
09-14-2005, 07:30 AM
Yes, don't give up! I've accidentally destroyed my own forums half a dozen times and loyal people always understand! :D This really is one of the better and most useful hacks, and many webmasters adore your systems even if there are a few dissatisfied people!

09-14-2005, 02:14 PM

We understand your need to give this project up. When you no longer have time to support it - I think thats the best thing you could do. It saves all of us a lot of time and energy.

Best of luck

James T Brock
09-15-2005, 01:51 AM
How exactly did your backup go corrupt? What method did you use to create the backup??? Telnet, cron, PhpMyAdmin?

I'd like to know in-order to avoid this happening to me in the future.

09-16-2005, 01:59 AM
How exactly did your backup go corrupt? What method did you use to create the backup??? Telnet, cron, PhpMyAdmin?

I'd like to know in-order to avoid this happening to me in the future.

Methods not that important.

Just backup twice and make sure you verify the backups if you want to be sure.

You should do regular backups anyhow, so if worse case happens you only lose a week or so of data.

09-16-2005, 03:20 PM
Sorry to hear about the problems.

Does anyone have the latest stable version available? I just decided to switch to it from V3Articles and now I can't find it. Anyone, please?

Rick Sample
09-16-2005, 09:06 PM
Yes, it seems like cing is trying real hard. When I first saw the word "GONE" I thought he had just gave up on the hack and took it offline. Now since I've read this thread, that truely isn't the case, which is an awesome thing to see! If anyone has a copy of the version for 3.0X, can someone send it to me? I already have it on one of my sites, I just launched another one and I need it on their as well.

If anyone is willing to help send me this hack, whether it's Cing himself or another user, I'd be willing to give you a link on one of my popular sites for one month! (Thats if its ok with cing, I'm not trying to buy this hack or anything, this hack just means alot to all of my sites and it'll save me alot of time)

Cheers, best of luck Cing ;)

Eddie Hughes
09-17-2005, 08:59 PM
I love this hack and have it running,however somtimes when I post using the WYSIWYG It creates double entries within the same article???


09-18-2005, 06:39 AM
Yes, it seems like cing is trying real hard. When I first saw the word "GONE" I thought he had just gave up on the hack and took it offline. Now since I've read this thread, that truely isn't the case, which is an awesome thing to see! If anyone has a copy of the version for 3.0X, can someone send it to me? I already have it on one of my sites, I just launched another one and I need it on their as well.

If anyone is willing to help send me this hack, whether it's Cing himself or another user, I'd be willing to give you a link on one of my popular sites for one month! (Thats if its ok with cing, I'm not trying to buy this hack or anything, this hack just means alot to all of my sites and it'll save me alot of time)

Cheers, best of luck Cing ;)

I would, but cinq clearly states that he doesn't allow it:

Redistribution of this hack is STRICTLY NOT allowed.
I DO NOT allow my hack to be ported/translated/released elsewhere other than here in vbulletin.org
You may create add-ons for this hack but please do notify me about it so I can link it up. :)
Yeah, I was smart and downloaded this before the site went down. Even though I don't need it lol. I run 3.5 now and I really want this for 3.5!

09-18-2005, 11:18 AM
I would, but cinq clearly states that he doesn't allow it:

Yeah, I was smart and downloaded this before the site went down. Even though I don't need it lol. I run 3.5 now and I really want this for 3.5!

so its over? man i loved that hack guess ima have to pay for one that wont run with vb.....that sucks it took forever to find one :(

09-18-2005, 04:24 PM
Well this is the kind of attitude that loses customers. I am moving on to something else also. This is just plain uncaring.

09-18-2005, 06:21 PM
Well this is the kind of attitude that loses customers. I am moving on to something else also. This is just plain uncaring.

What "customers" are you talking about? cinq's vbArticles is a free hack. He really has no obligation to give you a copy or give support...

09-18-2005, 06:28 PM
maybe I should not have used the word customers. :)

Users, better?

I know there is no obligation, but after offering the hack for so long and building its reputation, it's sad to see that the person no longer cares. I know there is no reward for this, but I know at least for myself, if I got an email from him giving me the download, he'd be getting a "Donation". What's fair is fair. I have done it several times before with the hacks I "installed". Instead I got turned off to the whole thing and went with another option.

09-18-2005, 11:59 PM
Well, we all are free to choose what we believe.
You think I don't feel the pain of having worked up my own site only to see it nonexistent now, due to errors on my part, and a somewhat unresponsive host? Kirby has tried to help in this, a great deal and i appreciate it but we have yet to get this going.

You know what, after incidents like this, I'd much rather spend my time doing other stuff for people who appreciate it.
If you want this, contact me privately.
DONT expect a response, because you are NOT my customers.
Unless you pay.

09-19-2005, 02:04 AM
You should have just made it paid in the first place. You never had the same attitude as the rest of the hack authors who help the community. Its as if you never wanted to give it away in the first place. I would have easily paid $150+ for this if fully supported. It's as important to me as vb itself. No biggie though, I have purchased another 3rd party content management system. You really have shot yourself in the foot with this. There was big opportunity for your hack.

I am not attacking you or anything, I am just happy to see this go away. It will save a lot of people, a lot of time.

09-19-2005, 02:42 AM
You should have just made it paid in the first place. You never had the same attitude as the rest of the hack authors who help the community. Its as if you never wanted to give it away in the first place. I would have easily paid $150+ for this if fully supported. It's as important to me as vb itself. No biggie though, I have purchased another 3rd party content management system. You really have shot yourself in the foot with this. There was big opportunity for your hack.

I am not attacking you or anything, I am just happy to see this go away. It will save a lot of people, a lot of time.

y dont u drop it?...........you're not making it easier for anyone here by saying that.........glad you find one but im still without one! and with your comments that is not helping my situation here.........think about other people he didnt shoot himself in the foot..............caz other people will suffer from this! plus i dont know why you're saying he hasnt been supporting it check each and every post i've made he helped me out.......just dont expect him to be there 24/7 he has a life too........

Marco van Herwaarden
09-19-2005, 04:12 AM

Please stop your non-stop rants about others in many threads. If you have something constructive to post, please go ahead. If you have a negative remark to make, make one (!!) in a constructive way, but stop posting over and over again the same story.

09-19-2005, 03:56 PM
Get over it.... everything I post is constructive. It's the people who didnt want to donate and leach off of these hack authors who ruined it for everyone. Hell I offered cing several hundred dollars to rework this hack for 3.5 and I didnt even care if everyone else could download it for free.

Get off my arse and go back to work.

09-19-2005, 08:24 PM
Get over it.... everything I post is constructive. It's the people who didnt want to donate and leach off of these hack authors who ruined it for everyone. Hell I offered cing several hundred dollars to rework this hack for 3.5 and I didnt even care if everyone else could download it for free.

Get off my arse and go back to work.

This horse has offically been beaten, there is no point in posting such things anymore as the author seems to have moved on to other things.

You must relize that we are all volunteers here, including the staff and all hack authors. The author is totally within his rights to move on to other things or remove his code from this site.

09-19-2005, 08:28 PM
You both seemed to have missed the point of my question - Cinq does not seem to support this hack from this forum, nor, as far as I can tell, is it available for download at vb.org (or anywhere else now it seems) hence the very simple question, why does it have it's own area ?

We are aware of this and will figure out exactly how it will be handled after the 3.5 upgrade, we wish to preserve all the support posts so that complicates things a bit.

It's the people who didnt want to donate and leach off of these hack authors who ruined it for everyone.

I just wanted to say one thing about this. This site has always been based on the idea of exchanging code for free, this benifits both the end user and people who write code for their own site. To call these people 'leechers' is an insult and many of them give back to the modifications they install themselves in ways other then money, these include: beta testing, bug fixing, translation, or writting their own modifications to the original code.

09-19-2005, 09:31 PM
normally i wouldn't jump into this discussion when it get's to people's feeling's being hurt or moderator's being upset with people. But, i really need to throw out an idea here, cause i totally disagree with the way this is being handled.

Why can't there be a section on this site with sub forum's, the sub forum's will be for coder's. Each coder, if proven and spend's time on this site and give's to the community here, can have his own room. That way, cinq or the geek, or yoyoyo, etc..can put up their site addon's and new member's or member's like myself that aren't savvy with code, can come and check stuff out. The owner of the code or anyone he feel's can help with the code, will help there....like yoyoyo or whom ever....

I know people will say use the search button, but that is not my point. If a hack is complete, the owner of the software can put it in his own sub section of the site, he can even put up beta testing software and get the bug's fixed during the beta run.

I personally have been searching just for this type of software and i too was/am willing to pay. I came to this site here, looking for information on building my site (which i have found alot of), and looking to see how people better their sites. I think my site has come along way's do to the efforts of people who have shared their work with me and i truly appreciate that. But not all of us can just throw a hack onto our sites and it become's frustrating when you know there is a great program and it get's pulled completely from the internet like this. I have tryed now for a week to get the geek's GAS program running on my site and i just can't do it, so i searched and searched and the next best thing sounded like Cinq's work. Do to a database error, his site is gone, and i think that is terrible, but would my above suggestion help eliminate problem's like that? Then it is at a central location and other's can help other's if that makes any sense if cinq is busy with life.....

Just my .02, i don't think what cmiller1014 said was mean or vicious in anyway, other then not understanding why, if his database is corrupt, the file can't be found here? I think that is a great question. I don't think cinq need's to answer that at all if he doesn't want to. I just don't understand, why this has become such a highly debated issue. If he doesn't want to share, then don't share, if it is just as stated, a database error, then if there was a section here for cinq, he could already have had the file stored here or this may never have happened......

Hotwheels of insanemustangs.com

09-19-2005, 10:16 PM
This thread has outlived its purpose ( purpose being, yes, my site is down but I am working to get it back up, with Kirby's help ).

And for the record Brad, I don't think I have said anywhere I am throwing in the towel and "have moved on to other things."

Get over it.... everything I post is constructive. It's the people who didnt want to donate and leach off of these hack authors who ruined it for everyone. Hell I offered cing several hundred dollars to rework this hack for 3.5 and I didnt even care if everyone else could download it for free.
I would've helped anyone, even if they didn't donate. So it doesn't make you any more special than anyone else, just because you were willing to donate.
Yes, I appreciate the thought, but if you could still check your private messages over on my site ( which you cant now..duh ), you would have noticed that all I asked of you was an admincp account and an ftp account, so that I could help you. But all your replies to me, not a single one volunteered this information. Like I said, I can help, but some people don't seem to want to be helped. So I am puzzled. You want help but you don't want to receive it and yet you go around saying I am useless in supporting my hack.
It isn't "the people who didnt want to donate and leach off of these hack authors who ruined it for everyone." It's people like you, whom despite attempts by the hack authors, whom within their means offer something for free, offer to help for free and yet get this kind of crap, that ruins it for everyone.

Think about that for a second.