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12-10-2005, 03:30 AM
First of all,Thank you very much sv1cec for this great great hack.. :)

When someone is Perm Banned, it puts them in the usergroup I specified, however it does not use that usergroups default title name, instead it just says Permanently Banned on their posts. How do I change this? Ive searched phrases and cant find a way to change it to match what that usergroup really says.

Most of the phrases are in functions_warning.php (aws35\upload\includes) You can change it to what ever you like..

By the way, I created a new group, Moderator helper..(not even protected group) What they do is just move/del/edit things but I dont want them to have power for warnng members..Is there any option that just specific groups can use aws?

12-10-2005, 03:54 AM
Can anyone answer my question? bump.

Edit includes/functions_warning.php and find:

$title="Permanently Banned";

I believe that if you remove that all together, then the software will use the defaiult title of the user group, but I have never tested it. If it does not, just change the Permanently Banned to whatever you like.

I created a new group, Moderator helper.. What they do is just move/del/edit things but I dont want them to have power for warnng members..Is there any option that just specific groups can use aws?

I have never tried that, but I think that if you enter your admin/smod/mod groups in AWS options, and if you do not enter that particular group (mod helpers) then your mods should be able to use AWS, but your moderator helpers will not. That's what you want, right?

12-10-2005, 04:07 AM
I have never tried that, but I think that if you enter your admin/smod/mod groups in AWS options, and if you do not enter that particular group (mod helpers) then your mods should be able to use AWS, but your moderator helpers will not. That's what you want, right?

In AWS User Group Options, I didn't even mention modhelper group,John.. Moderator Usergroup is just 7 and Modhelper is 46....I think the problem is when I add them for a forum, they automaticly earn that power in that forum..What would you suggest?

Johannes de Le?n
12-10-2005, 08:28 PM
I've got a SQL error and somehow it tells me it is due to this extension, can anyone lend me a hand please and tell me how to fix it? ;)

Btw, I get it everytime I try to save a profile from the admincp.

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.2:

Invalid SQL:
passworddate = xxxxxxxxx,
password = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
### Bitfield: user.options ###
options = IF(options & 8, options - 8, options),
options = IF(options & 1024, options, options + 1024),
options = IF(options & 16, options, options + 16),
options = IF(options & 256, options - 256, options),
options = IF(options & 512, options - 512, options),
options = IF(options & 32, options - 32, options),
options = IF(options & 2048, options, options + 2048),
options = IF(options & 4096, options - 4096, options),
options = IF(options & 1, options, options + 1),
options = IF(options & 2, options, options + 2),
options = IF(options & 4, options, options + 4),
options = IF(options & 64, options, options + 64),
options = IF(options & 128, options - 128, options),
options = IF(options & 32768, options - 32768, options),
usertitle = 'xxxxxx',
customtitle = 2,
username = 'xxxxx',
email = 'xxxx@xxxx.xxx',
languageid = 0,
homepage = '',
birthday_search = '',
birthday = '',
showbirthday = 2,
icq = '',
aim = '',
yahoo = '',
msn = '',
skype = '',
parentemail = '',
posts = 105,
referrerid = 0,
ipaddress = '',
alerts = 0,
warnings = 2,
warning_level = 0,
warning_bans = 0,
usergroupid = 12,
displaygroupid = 12,
membergroupids = '18',
reputationlevelid = 7,
reputation = 20,
autosubscribe = 0,
threadedmode = 0,
showvbcode = 2,
styleid = 0,
timezoneoffset = '0',
daysprune = -1,
joindate = 1107082800,
lastactivity = 1134253080,
lastpost = 1109052000
WHERE userid = 223;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'alerts' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Saturday, December 10th 2005 @ 10:24:47 PM
Script : http://xxxxx.xxxxxx.xxx/admincp/user.php
Referrer : http://xxxxx.xxxxxx.xxx/admincp/user.php?do=edit&u=223
IP Address : xxx.xxx.xxx.xx
Username : Johannes de Le?n
Classname : vb_database

12-11-2005, 12:32 PM
Is there any place I can view all the phrases for this system, and this system only?

And if not, please list all of the phrases that applies to this system, so people can translate them !

My site is mostly visited by children in the age of 8-16 and most of them would be clueless if they recieved warnings and such in english.
(found the templates, but not all the phrases)

12-11-2005, 02:58 PM
I've got a SQL error and somehow it tells me it is due to this extension, can anyone lend me a hand please and tell me how to fix it? ;)

Btw, I get it everytime I try to save a profile from the admincp.

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.2:

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'alerts' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Saturday, December 10th 2005 @ 10:24:47 PM
Script : http://xxxxx.xxxxxx.xxx/admincp/user.php
Referrer : http://xxxxx.xxxxxx.xxx/admincp/user.php?do=edit&u=223
IP Address : xxx.xxx.xxx.xx
Username : Johannes de Le?n
Classname : vb_database[/code]

Have similar Error on VB3.5.2

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.2:

Invalid SQL:
update warning_types set
warn_name='Tesekk?r Mesajlari',
warn_desc='Kisa Mesaj Cevap yazildigi icin',
warn_alertcomment='L?tfen kisa Mesajlar yazmayalim, Emege Saygi g?sterelim ....'
where tid='1';

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'warn_alert' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Sunday, December 11th 2005 @ 05:53:57 PM
Script : http://www.mydomain.com/admincp/admin_warn.php
Referrer : http://www.mydomain.com/admincp/admin_warn.php?act=edit&tid=1
IP Address : 84.xxx.xxx.xxx
Username : H@K@N
Classname : vb_database


12-13-2005, 04:30 AM
is it me or that hack makes the forum run slower?

12-13-2005, 05:11 AM
This hack is not phrased. Someone emailed me that he is trying to come up with a phrased version, but I do not think it is available yet. There are phrases all over the place, since the original hack this was based on, was like that, and I didn't know better, when I started writing this.

As for running slower, there is no reason why this hack would make a board running slower, at least not at a significant degree. Here is an answer I've given in the past, to someone who asked about the load this hack puts on your server.

It's not a server-intensive hack, most of the information required for the program, are already fetched by vB when the other information is fetched. For example the decision to show the "Warn XYZ" link etc, is fetched when the postbit information and the $bbuserinfo information is fetched, so no separate query is needed. So is the information about a user warnings, warning points and bans.

When you warn someone, there are of course a couple of queries run, but that does not happen every second, does it?

As for the scheduled tasks, these should be run once a day, so nothing spectacular there either.

Overall, this should not add significant burden to your server.

12-13-2005, 05:19 AM
This hack is not phrased. Someone emailed me that he is trying to come up with a phrased version, but I do not think it is available yet. There are phrases all over the place, since the original hack this was based on, was like that, and I didn't know better, when I started writing this.

As for running slower, there is no reason why this hack would make a board running slower, at least not at a significant degree. Here is an answer I've given in the past, to someone who asked about the load this hack puts on your server.

It's not a server-intensive hack, most of the information required for the program, are already fetched by vB when the other information is fetched. For example the decision to show the "Warn XYZ" link etc, is fetched when the postbit information and the $bbuserinfo information is fetched, so no separate query is needed. So is the information about a user warnings, warning points and bans.

When you warn someone, there are of course a couple of queries run, but that does not happen every second, does it?

As for the scheduled tasks, these should be run once a day, so nothing spectacular there either.

Overall, this should not add significant burden to your server.

thanks :) works fine anyways
* MissKalunji install

12-13-2005, 07:46 AM
Hmm, can't seem to find where in the code the https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ button is located??
Searched through all of the templates, but nothing.

(the reason why I can't see it anywhere on the page is because my images folder on my ftp has become unavailable for any changes, so I had to put the 3 warn images in a folder of their own, and now have to find the code so I can change the location..)

And now I've translated as much as I can find to translate, guess I'll have to be satisfied with myself for now.
But I can't seem to find where the text for the topic or post text is for the posts that show up in a selected forum (selected that all warnings show in a selected forum)

Topic on post:
Warning: User: "user" - Warner: Luggruff - Date: 11-12-2005 at 17:45

Leading text in post:
User "User" received the following Warning/Alert by Luggruff on 11-12-2005 at 17:45 :

wich template is this?? can't find o_0

12-13-2005, 06:57 PM
The warning points doesn't get reduced even though I deleted all the logs and completely remove all the warnings. Is there a fix for this?

Still have the same problem

sv1cec, would it be possible for u to create and php file (without vbulletin functions) to calculate the correct amount of warnings points for all members and writes them to it? this would be a workaround to run as a task every night until andreas has a solution

12-13-2005, 07:33 PM
so this still doesnt work alogn with inferno?

12-13-2005, 07:54 PM
Umm why would it need to work with the Inferno Warning System?

12-13-2005, 07:58 PM
Umm why would it need to work with the Inferno Warning System?

not inferno system....but the RPG

i read in like the first post that couple ppl couldnt get it to work when u go into your rpg it would give you a warning error because it uses the sendpm()


12-13-2005, 08:06 PM
Ahh best to be thorough the first time around.;) But sorry I tried ;).

12-13-2005, 08:07 PM
This issue has been beaten to death. There is a routine with the same name in inferno and in AWS. Rename one of the two to something else, and then fine every occurence of that name in the hack's files and change it to the new name.

Second, the cron job which is supposed to remove the warnings, as they mature, was not correct. It was using $vboptions instead of the new $vbulletin->options. I just uploaded a new file (kill_warns.php) which should work OK.

Folks, please understand that I no longer provide support for this hack, I've stated from the beginning of the 3.5 version, that I have lost interest in it, since the vB changes are too many and I do not plan to upgrade my board to vB 3.5, so I have no reason to work on this any more. However, I am doing all I can to solve the issues you bring up. This is not always possible, since I have no idea on how the new version of vB works or how the new version of AWS works (as far as the vB installation etc is concerned).

Hmm, can't seem to find where in the code the button is located??
Searched through all of the templates, but nothing.

That should be in your postbit and postbit_legacy templates.

As for the other issue you have, these phrases are at the functions_warning.php file in the /includes directory.

12-13-2005, 08:12 PM
This issue has been beaten to death. There is a routine with the same name in inferno and in AWS. Rename one of the two to something else, and then fine every occurence of that name in the hack's files and change it to the new name.

Second, the cron job which is supposed to remove the warnings, as they mature, was not correct. It was using $vboptions instead of the new $vbulletin->options. I just uploaded a new file (kill_warns.php) which should work OK.

Folks, please understand that I no longer provide support for this hack, I've stated from the beginning of the 3.5 version, that I have lost interest in it, since the vB changes are too many and I do not plan to upgrade my board to vB 3.5, so I have no reason to work on this any more. However, I am doing all I can to solve the issues you bring up. This is not always possible, since I have no idea on how the new version of vB works or how the new version of AWS works (as far as the vB installation etc is concerned).

That should be in your postbit and postbit_legacy templates.

As for the other issue you have, these phrases are at the functions_warning.php file in the /includes directory.

well thank you :)

12-16-2005, 06:06 AM
When issue a warn, I get this error

Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /home/yancom/public_html/music/includes/functions_warning.php on line 600

It don't appear if I set "Save copy of Warning Message in a predefined forum" to No. Anyone can help?


12-16-2005, 06:49 AM
Have you defined a forum, in which the warnings will be saved?

12-16-2005, 07:41 AM
Yes I did, although there is an error, the warning still go through, only the copy of Warning Message not be sent to predefined forum

12-16-2005, 09:01 AM
Is this what you have at line 600 of functions_warning.php:

$destforum = verify_id('forum', intval($vbulletin->options['warn_savecopyforum']));

Try replacing that line with this:

$destforum = verify_id('forum', $vbulletin->options['warn_savecopyforum']);

12-16-2005, 09:42 AM
Hmm, can't seem to find where in the code the http://www.hlforum.net/aws_xtra/images/misc/warn.gif button is located??
Searched through all of the templates, but nothing.

(the reason why I can't see it anywhere on the page is because my images folder on my ftp has become unavailable for any changes, so I had to put the 3 warn images in a folder of their own, and now have to find the code so I can change the location..)

And now I've translated as much as I can find to translate, guess I'll have to be satisfied with myself for now.
But I can't seem to find where the text for the topic or post text is for the posts that show up in a selected forum (selected that all warnings show in a selected forum)

Topic on post:
Warning: User: "user" - Warner: Luggruff - Date: 11-12-2005 at 17:45

Leading text in post:
User "User" received the following Warning/Alert by Luggruff on 11-12-2005 at 17:45 :

wich template is this?? can't find o_0

No one that knows? I'm sure the maker of the script would know.. wouldn't you sv1cec? :S

And by the way, the two images: closeON and closeOFF.. where are they seen on the forum? Just know where in the code, not where they can be seen, or what they do.

12-16-2005, 10:51 AM
Didn't I answer that? Yes I did, six posts above:

That (the code for the large red sign) should be in your postbit and postbit_legacy templates.

As for the other issue you have, these phrases are at the functions_warning.php file in the /includes directory.

12-16-2005, 02:44 PM
Thanks, it works

12-16-2005, 06:34 PM
Didn't I answer that? Yes I did, six posts above:

That (the code for the large red sign) should be in your postbit and postbit_legacy templates.

As for the other issue you have, these phrases are at the functions_warning.php file in the /includes directory.

Ahh sorry didn't see that. Hmm, but wich pages are these images shown? The "warn.gif" the "closeON" and "closeOFF".. have been using the system for a few days now, effectivitly.. but haven't seen any of these images anywhere on my forum.

Are they only used for sertain functions only? That I may not have active?

12-16-2005, 06:43 PM
If you issue a post-related warning (i.e. click on the "Warn XYZ" button/link in postbit, then that post is marked with that large Stop-like sign, so that management can immediately spot a warned post.

As for the closeON and closeOFF, I think I've used it to close a window which is opened. I do not remember right now where.

12-17-2005, 09:54 AM
If you issue a post-related warning (i.e. click on the "Warn XYZ" button/link in postbit, then that post is marked with that large Stop-like sign, so that management can immediately spot a warned post.

As for the closeON and closeOFF, I think I've used it to close a window which is opened. I do not remember right now where.

Ok thanks. Dunno either with the window, just know there's something in the system that opens like a users warnings or a warning or something in a seperate window with no toolbar. May be there?

12-17-2005, 11:39 AM
Yes something like that,

12-18-2005, 06:21 AM
how do i edit the drop down box for warning selection types?

12-18-2005, 11:06 AM
Why do you want to edit that? The box is created from the entries in the Warning Types in AdminCP.

12-18-2005, 11:09 AM
John, Thank You for this hack. Great job.

Just one last question. Could you refer me to what I would need to delete from the postbit_Lgeacy template to add the user note in postbit hack since you never fully implemented the notes system.

12-18-2005, 11:58 AM
I am not familiar with this hack, so I can't say. I do not think there is currently anything in postbit or postbit_legacy which relates to AWS and which would not allow you to impement another hack.

But if you can wait for a while, I am coming up with some instructions, on how to add Notes, in AWS 3.5.xx.

Check back later tonight.

12-18-2005, 12:08 PM
Is there anyway we could get it to change the reason from "User received a Permanent Ban Warning and was permanently banned." to whatever the last comment/warning type was for? I'm using this with the e-steki Banlist and it would nice if you could do that ;)

Thanks ;)

12-18-2005, 01:04 PM
I am not familiar with this hack, so I can't say. I do not think there is currently anything in postbit or postbit_legacy which relates to AWS and which would not allow you to impement another hack.

But if you can wait for a while, I am coming up with some instructions, on how to add Notes, in AWS 3.5.xx.

Check back later tonight.

Thanks anyways but i did figure it out, now if it were possible to get warning level to show up on my postbit legacy....;)

12-18-2005, 08:32 PM
Hmm, one more thing. The user title changes on bans, where can I change them? Like the "temporary banned" usertitle.. don't see english to be apropriate for my forum, as it contains alot of young members that's not so familiar with the english language.

Thanks !

Bubble #5
12-19-2005, 12:19 AM
Is the Warning Selection drop down menu supposed to be blank? :ermm: Ours says nothing :(

12-19-2005, 04:09 AM
Is the Warning Selection drop down menu supposed to be blank? :ermm: Ours says nothing :(

No it's not (or well, until you've done something about it). You have to add the options yourself of course.
AdminCP -> Advanced Warning System -> Manage Warning Types -> Add New Warning Type

..Since it's you that decide the rules on your own forum, you of course have to add all the rules to be broken, and how hard to punish for them on warnings.

12-19-2005, 04:25 AM
No it's not (or well, until you've done something about it). You have to add the options yourself of course.
AdminCP -> Advanced Warning System -> Manage Warning Types -> Add New Warning Type

..Since it's you that decide the rules on your own forum, you of course have to add all the rules to be broken, and how hard to punish for them on warnings.

Thanks for the excellent hack.
We've been running this hack since 3.0.7 and I must say we were extremely happy with how it worked.

We only found one problem with the mod so far.

Recently, we updated our forums to 3.5.1. We also updated the system along with it. Unfortunately, simply trying to 'update' the warning system did not work (at least updating from 3.0.7 type Warning System to 3.5.X system didn't :(). Quite a few problems came with it, but the major one was 'View My Warnings' was blank, as well as a usergroup assigned as a Moderator, but not set as a 'Standard' Moderator could not see the usage. Our temporary fix was to re-assign him as a Moderator in Primary, then make his actual rank his secondary (and display) rank.

My other admin un-installed the AWS, which was alot of work to remove (the uninstaller had problems, possibly caused by the cross between 3.0.7 data and 3.5.1?). He then re-installed the hack clean, reset up our settings, and it's been smooth sailing since. It's works fine, and so far, 0 problems. We also had a 'Verbal Warning' system which we managed via a thread and had to keep monitoring. The introduction of 'Alerts' has altered this, we no longer need our thread and it makes things ALOT easier on our staff.

Other then having to give everyone a fresh start (basically nobody had any current warnings anyway), it's been perfect. Fortunately, all of our banned members banned by the system, remain banned.

Anyway, keep up the good work on the hack, we appreciate it. How this isn't developed into a standard for all vB base installations, I have no idea.

Bubble #5
12-19-2005, 09:36 PM
AdminCP -> Advanced Warning System -> Manage Warning Types -> Add New Warning Type
That entire section on the left hand side of the ACP wasn't there after we first added the hack, so we never knew about any of those features. We removed the 'quick admins' hack for security reason, and maybe that had something to do with why it didn't showing up. In any regard we were very happy to see that new AWS section in the ACP today. Looks like an incredible hack. Praying there no big bugs so we can keep the hack :nervous:

Bubble #5
12-20-2005, 12:06 AM
We are testing our system and when we try to remove a warning we see this error messgae:

An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Invalid User ID Input

We issued the warning and we are trying to remove it, so why would we get an ID error? :ermm:

12-20-2005, 03:11 AM
That entire section on the left hand side of the ACP wasn't there after we first added the hack, so we never knew about any of those features. We removed the 'quick admins' hack for security reason, and maybe that had something to do with why it didn't showing up. In any regard we were very happy to see that new AWS section in the ACP today. Looks like an incredible hack. Praying there no big bugs so we can keep the hack :nervous:

Well there are some, like: It strikes out other hacks like the "allow usergroups to post HTML".. wich is bad, and since I'm no coder, I can't fix it :(

Taking the oppurtunity to bump myself:

Hmm, one more thing. The user title changes on bans, where can I change them? Like the "temporary banned" usertitle.. don't see english to be apropriate for my forum, as it contains alot of young members that's not so familiar with the english language.

Thanks !

12-20-2005, 04:01 AM
Try looking in includes/functions_warning.php for those phrases.

12-20-2005, 02:46 PM
We are testing our system and when we try to remove a warning we see this error messgae:

An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Invalid User ID Input

We issued the warning and we are trying to remove it, so why would we get an ID error? :ermm:

Where did you issued the warning from? Where are you trying to remove it from?

12-20-2005, 02:53 PM

I went along preparing some instructions on how to implement the Notes feature of AWS Versions 3.4.xx, in AWS 3.5.xx. Unfortunatelly, there are some changes that need to be done to the standard vB files, which are now handled by hooks or whatever else they are called. Since I no longer have access to a test site, I can't even look up the place where these changes should be made.

There are two files that are changed in AWS 3.4.xx : member.php and functions_showthread.php.

If someone is willing to give me access to his admincp, I could look up those links that AWS installs and let you know, which one needs to be patched. If not, sorry, but I have no other way to tell you how to update your site to use Notes.

12-20-2005, 03:08 PM
I ended up just using the usernote in postbit hack I found in the plug-in forum here. I used there template mod inplace of the warn user link in your edit. I removed the <if> condition of the usernot hack so it shows all the time(instead of when there is just a note). Works great for me.

12-20-2005, 03:19 PM
Can you have private notes (shown only to the moderator who entered them) and public ones (shown to all management team)? Can you have a post-related note (meaning it will show only on a specific post) and non-post related ones (meaning it will show in all posts made by that member)?

12-21-2005, 03:23 AM
Can you have private notes (shown only to the moderator who entered them)
Why would you need mod specific notes?
and public ones (shown to all management team)?
Of course. ;)

Can you have a post-related note (meaning it will show only on a specific post)
Nope, again what good does this do? You already warned the post, and stated the reason via the warning system. That is a pleanty good enough marking system. Why bother typing in an explanation post specific, which would mark the post twice? :ermm:

and non-post related ones (meaning it will show in all posts made by that member)?
Of course ;)

12-21-2005, 05:17 AM
Let's say you want to remember something about a member. Say, he promised you to send you something and he didn't, and you are a bad guy and you want to hold it against him. This is a member-specific, non-public (you can see it only) note, which you want to show on every user's post, so it is non-post related.

The Notes, in AWS allow you to put a remark on the user, either for all mgm to see or only for you to see. And the note can appear in evey post the user makes or just a specific one. It is not related to warnings or alerts. Another example:

In my board, I have a member who is very childish. He likes kidding with others, but if you say something funny to him, he gets offended. So I just put a note on him, which I only can see, saying something like "Be Careful, non-mature member!" or something like that. Or you spot someone, and you want to draw all the mgm team attention to watch this member. You just put a note there, saying "Let's watch this member, he is here to troll".

12-21-2005, 06:10 AM
I suppose it is a matter of personeal preference. I suppose I wouldn't mind these featuers if they could be implemented as plug-in or extension,rather then as a code mod. I am indiffrent.

If your interested in writing a plug-in for the general masses here, then feel free to PM me about a 3.5.2 test board. ;)

12-21-2005, 06:16 AM
Well, that's what I said, that I could alter the plug-ins that AWS is already installing to include the Notes feature, but I have no test board to even see those plugins. So yest, if you can provide me with a vB 3.5.2 test site, with AWS installed, I can alter those plug-ins to include the Notes feature.

12-21-2005, 06:21 AM
Sure, anything to help out. I will pm you the details in about 5/10 min.

12-21-2005, 10:18 AM
Sure, anything to help out. I will pm you the details in about 5/10 min.

This is great news, now sv1cec will be able to work on it once again.

btw if anything goes wrong pm me sv1cec and i'll be able to provide you a test board too.

However im here to report some bugs

1st bug: In admincp ----Advanced Warning System----View Warnings Log

If i click on 'Next Page' It just reloads the same page even tho i have 5 pages of warnings its always on 1of5 and i cant get to page 2.

2nd bug: View User Warnings----I type in name and then the warning comes up. There is one warning for that user and I want to remove it (As i cant access page 2 of the warning log.)

I then press complete removal and then it loads a 404 page

Seeing if anyone else has this problem, or if they know a solution

Im using VB 3.5.2


12-21-2005, 11:01 AM
Not so much a bug, but the template edits for memberinfo template could use a bit of tiddying up. It seems to tab it aweay from the right side border.

12-21-2005, 03:19 PM
1st bug: In admincp ----Advanced Warning System----View Warnings Log

If i click on 'Next Page' It just reloads the same page even tho i have 5 pages of warnings its always on 1of5 and i cant get to page 2.

Have you define the # of warnings you want to see per page, in the AWS Options?

I then press complete removal and then it loads a 404 page

What is the page that produces the 404 error? Show me the URL.

Finally, ladies and gentlemen, please do not expect me to work on this hack again. I just wanted to add the Notes functionality, so that at least I leave it off with the same features as 3.4.xx has.

However, even that is not easy, there are so many problems I am facing, even though the code works fine in 3.4.xx. There are error messages I do not understand, there are variables that I should use, and I keep forgetting, and I am using the old style ones, a mess. I am sure I'll manage to give you a working version, at the end, but I am definitely not going to further expand AWS.

I am also trying to answer as many of your bug questions as possible, since Andreas seems to be too busy to help you out, but even that is NOT easy for me. Gosh, I hate the new vB version.

12-22-2005, 05:28 AM
Duude.. I've given out subforums to certain users (they've got a forum about their own site) where they are moderators (only in their own forum, not in any mod usergroup, not even set to moderator usergroup as secondary usergroup !)
..And they can warn users that's posting there !

So what I need is for this to stop, maybe with a function like this:

1st pic: moderator options (moderator for a sertain forum)
2nd pic: Usergroup options


+a option that says "can only use alerts" "yes/no".

This would be a problem if not available, as I'm about to offer my members a VIP membership with their own subforum too, and just imagin how the members would get eachother banned all the time.. chaos !

12-22-2005, 10:57 AM
If you were using AWS 3.4,xx, on vB 3.0.xx, I might consider doing these. On 3.5, I am sorry but I won't even think about it.

Oh and my name is not "dude".

12-22-2005, 01:01 PM
If you were using AWS 3.4,xx, on vB 3.0.xx, I might consider doing these. On 3.5, I am sorry but I won't even think about it.

Oh and my name is not "dude".

why is that?
and what's up with the attitude?
people speak differently, deal with it -_-

12-22-2005, 02:46 PM
Read a few posts back, to learn why.

As for the attitude, I do not like people calling me names, plain and simple. If you have learned to speak like that, speak like that with your peers, not when on the net, when you do not know the other person. Deal with your manners!

Bubble #5
12-22-2005, 02:57 PM
Oh and my name is not "dude".
Well thank God for that :nervous:

The Notes, in AWS allow you to put a remark on the user, either for all mgm to see or only for you to see. And the note can appear in evey post the user makes or just a specific one.
This is a great feature and we wouldn't mind seeing it as a seperate hack that could be used for all members (even members not alerted or warned). It's a great way to stay on top of what each member is doing on the boards. Thank you for this feature :)

12-22-2005, 06:36 PM
Read a few posts back, to learn why.

As for the attitude, I do not like people calling me names, plain and simple. If you have learned to speak like that, speak like that with your peers, not when on the net, when you do not know the other person. Deal with your manners!

What ever, can't blaiming you for being born in the 30's and not knowing that the phrase "dude" isn't a name -_-

..or thinkinh you have to bow down to everyone that's a little bit older, or may have a "higher position". It's ridiculous.

Refering to someone as dude, mate, bro', hombre or whatever, does not mean you discriminate or anything (just because you might yourself), so get yourself a bucket of ice cubes and chill.

Bubble #5
12-22-2005, 07:13 PM
can't blaiming you for being born in the 30's and not knowing that the phrase "dude" isn't a name -_- ..or thinkinh you have to bow down to everyone that's a little bit older, or may have a "higher position". Refering to someone as dude, mate, bro', hombre or whatever, does not mean you discriminate or anything (just because you might yourself)
What does any of this have to do with this hack? :rolleyes:

12-23-2005, 04:48 AM
What does any of this have to do with this hack? :rolleyes:

Nothing, just pissed at people that take a go at you for the language you use.
So damn pathetic. -_-
Why even use the energy to pick at a thing like that =\

And about the "Read a few posts back, to learn why.".. I can't see how any of the past, recently written post, answer the question to "why not" on the selection of AWS access option for usergroups =\
I'm not a coder, at all, just know html and css, and read php at the most.
..But I'll guess I'll have to figure this out myself then. Nothting is impossible, just damn tricky (:

And I just figure: There's something in this that recons that the users that can use this are in fact admins or mods, and those types have a kind of "ID" that is connected to this, right?
So all I have to do, in theory, is to create a mod type of ID and exclude it from the AWS, and that's gonna be the type of mods that the users with own subforums are going to be.

Could take forever, or not. So I'm just gonna jump right at it, who needs your help? It's just code, it's logistics, I'll get it sooner or later ;D

Bubble #5
12-23-2005, 06:55 AM
Exactly :nervous:

Good to see you're going to try to learn some code. I'm doing the same thing and it's not as hard as I first thought it would be. Looking forward to seeing your first hack :nervous:

12-23-2005, 11:55 AM

I just uploaded a file, with instructions on how to install the Notes feature in your AWS-enhanced vBulletin board. PLEASE REMEMBER, AWS 3.5.xx should be install and running in your board, before you apply the instructions in the warn_notes_update_instructions.txt file.

Consider this as a Christmas gift to the users of AWS.

Let me know how that works for you guys.

Many thanks are due to our friend Xplorer4x4 here, for providing me access to a test server to port this feature to vB 3.5.


Bubble #5
12-23-2005, 03:31 PM
Thank you sv1cec, it is appreciated. Do we need to install 'kill_warns.php'? The instructions for AWS didn't say what this add=on was for, so we didn't install it. Thanks again for for the notes feature :nervous:

12-23-2005, 03:35 PM
Yes kill_warns.php has to be installed in includes/cron and you should make it run once a day, in the Scheduled Tasks. It is the script which erases the warnings, whwn they mature. Use the stand-alone file I've uploaded, the one in the zip has some problems.

Bubble #5
12-23-2005, 03:52 PM
John, we didn't see instructions for warn_kill. Do the ones below look OK?

Title : AWS Kill Warnings
Day of the Week : *
Day of the Month : *
Hour : 24
Minute : 0
Log Entries : Yes
Filename : ./includes/cron/kill_warns.php

12-23-2005, 04:05 PM
Yes, that looks fine. There are some other kill_ scripts, have you activated them? They are kill_alerts and kill_bans. Make them run also once a day.

Bubble #5
12-23-2005, 04:51 PM
The other files (kill_alerts and kill_bans) were uploaded, but no scheduling was done because the instructions didn't say to do so. We will add that part now.

EDIT: We stand corrected John, the other two were added before. We have 3 in total now.

12-25-2005, 10:07 PM
An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Invalid User ID Input

Where did you issued the warning from? Where are you trying to remove it from?
I get the same error, when issuing a warning on ANY post, for ANY user.

BTW, I've upgraded from AWS on 3.07 to this AWS on 3.52 also. Not sure if that's causing the problem. Maybe a totally clean install, removing all the previous databases, is the answer. Got any suggestions as to how to do that?

Thanks, and Merry Xmas. Great job porting this hack over


PS: Any reason why, after installing this, my search for NEW POSTS (or any posts of any days), leads to the search page, and not a listing of the new posts?????? I'm completely befuddled with that one.


12-25-2005, 10:35 PM
An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Invalid User ID Input

I get the same error, when issuing a warning on ANY post, for ANY user.

BTW, I've upgraded from AWS on 3.07 to this AWS on 3.52 also. Not sure if that's causing the problem. Maybe a totally clean install, removing all the previous databases, is the answer. Got any suggestions as to how to do that?

Thanks, and Merry Xmas. Great job porting this hack over


PS: Any reason why, after installing this, my search for NEW POSTS (or any posts of any days), leads to the search page, and not a listing of the new posts?????? I'm completely befuddled with that one.


Well, I've got some major issues after this upgrade.

I've installed it as per instructions, and now, I cannot log in to my board's admin area. Not sure what happened after this install, but I can't get into my forum to play with this. What did I do????? Completely puzzled.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

12-26-2005, 01:47 AM
Well, I've got some major issues after this upgrade.

I've installed it as per instructions, and now, I cannot log in to my board's admin area. Not sure what happened after this install, but I can't get into my forum to play with this. What did I do????? Completely puzzled.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Well, that was fun.

I finally got access to my admin area by turning off the "hooks" in config.php.

I disabled the AWS product, and I was finally able to log in without problem. Also, the search function reverted to normalcy.

John, something went seriously wrong here. I think it has to do with the fact that I used AWS (and loved it) on my 3.07 board. Upgrading to 3.52, and installing this, did not make my forums "happy". I think I "removed" myself from the system access wise, by clicking on "warn 'me'" on one of my posts, just to see what page would come next, as a test. I got the "wrong user ID" mentioned previously. Apparently, something wrong happens when you "warn user". It might have to do with the fact that there are previous associated databases. I shall reattempt this on my test board to see what happens.

Really wish there was a way to get this working. I understand how difficult this is.


slvr ralliart
12-26-2005, 07:17 AM
This hack is awesome, just what my forum needs...

Installed with no problems, all went nice and smooth with installing and works error free :D

one question... where do I upload the "kill_warns.php" file? In my forums root directory?!?

12-27-2005, 05:56 AM
Well, that was fun.

I finally got access to my admin area by turning off the "hooks" in config.php.

I disabled the AWS product, and I was finally able to log in without problem. Also, the search function reverted to normalcy.

John, something went seriously wrong here. I think it has to do with the fact that I used AWS (and loved it) on my 3.07 board. Upgrading to 3.52, and installing this, did not make my forums "happy". I think I "removed" myself from the system access wise, by clicking on "warn 'me'" on one of my posts, just to see what page would come next, as a test. I got the "wrong user ID" mentioned previously. Apparently, something wrong happens when you "warn user". It might have to do with the fact that there are previous associated databases. I shall reattempt this on my test board to see what happens.

Really wish there was a way to get this working. I understand how difficult this is.


I had this on 3.0.8 and loved it and then i went to install this again because i had 3.5 and things went wrong big time, so bad that i had to install my forums from scratch again as nothing worked to resolve it. But then, i tried it again and everything went okay, but took me alot of work, if you read back on my other posts you will see what i had to go through lol. But i couldnt have a forum without this hack, John did an awesome job on 3.0.8 and deserves another thanks.

12-27-2005, 06:39 AM
I had this on 3.0.8 and loved it and then i went to install this again because i had 3.5 and things went wrong big time, so bad that i had to install my forums from scratch again as nothing worked to resolve it. But then, i tried it again and everything went okay, but took me alot of work, if you read back on my other posts you will see what i had to go through lol. But i couldnt have a forum without this hack, John did an awesome job on 3.0.8 and deserves another thanks.

Well, horn, I'd love to get this hack back on my boards also. I wonder if, by reinstalling your forums, you wiped the old AWS databases. I really think that they interfere with the new install.

There has to be a way of "disabling" them, so that one can install the new hack on top of them. Or, just remove all the previous tables and start from scratch.

I just don't know what all they are. There are some in the Users table which are not obvious; some of the larger tables are easier to find.

12-28-2005, 06:14 AM
Maybe a totally clean install, removing all the previous databases, is the answer. Got any suggestions as to how to do that

Yes I also would like to know how to uninstall the hack completely + clear all related databse, so I can make a clean reinstall

12-30-2005, 05:34 PM
An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Invalid User ID Input

I get the same error, when issuing a warning on ANY post, for ANY user.

BTW, I've upgraded from AWS on 3.07 to this AWS on 3.52 also. Not sure if that's causing the problem. Maybe a totally clean install, removing all the previous databases, is the answer. Got any suggestions as to how to do that?

I got the same issue. I get a db error that a column is missing, here is some example code:

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.2:

Invalid SQL:
update user set warning_level='1', warnings='1' where userid='6783';

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'warnings' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Friday, December 30th 2005 @ 07:23:30 PM
Script : http://xxxxxx.net/forum/Warn.php
Referrer : http://xxxxx.net/forum/Warn.php?do=WarnUser&id=6783&post=1749928
IP Address : xx.xx.38.153
Username : Freezerator
Classname : vb_database

I have a table called warnings. I searched the thread, and this error has come after 23december. Thanks in advance.

12-30-2005, 06:03 PM

I ran this query on my users table:

ADD warnings INT(5) DEFAULT '0',
ADD warning_level INT(15) DEFAULT '0',
ADD warning_bans INT(2) DEFAULT '0',
ADD alerts INT(5) DEFAULT '0',

It did the trick. I hope this helps for others to :)

12-30-2005, 06:28 PM
After install I can't get into Admincp, get errors when "new post" = no new posts and after last 24h "Warning: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in /search.php on line 269" around 30 lines then search
If I try to save something in UserCP i get "Could not find phrase '::$values for profile fields is not an array::'."
If I try to view user "This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view."
If I try to wanr user "An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Invalid User ID Input"

How to disable this hack if I can get into AdminCP...what files on server do I need to edit to get my forum back! Please don't say I have to reinstall!

If you didn't guess from my post, I'm new to this!

12-30-2005, 07:56 PM
FIXED my problem!
global $vbulletin;
line in functions_warning.php file

I don't belive this line caused all that trouble!!! one global! I did have to read every post and try every single change that was posted!

I didn't check everything, but for now I'm happy that I can get into AdminCP and warning, new posts and all is not returning any errors.

KirbyDE or sv1cec update this please in next hack update.

BTW great hack....

edit: after reading entire thread, I can see that this gloabl was metioned before...sorry for euphoria :) :o

12-31-2005, 05:19 AM
FIXED my problem!
global $vbulletin;
line in functions_warning.php file

I don't belive this line caused all that trouble!!! one global! I did have to read every post and try every single change that was posted!

I didn't check everything, but for now I'm happy that I can get into AdminCP and warning, new posts and all is not returning any errors.

KirbyDE or sv1cec update this please in next hack update.

BTW great hack....

edit: after reading entire thread, I can see that this gloabl was metioned before...sorry for euphoria :) :o

Couple of things about the notes instructions:

your notes say to add:

'allownotes' => INT,

should be:

'allownotes' => TYPE_INT,

Also say to add:

'warn_allownotes' => $allownotes,

should be:

'warn_allownotes' => $vbulletin->GPC[allownotes],

otherwise some people (me :p) won't be able to set enable notes system to yes


12-31-2005, 08:48 AM
John any chance of fixing that conflict with inferno rpg, i'm pretty sure it wouldn't take long. We're getting a lot of people with errors because of it having to stop using your warning system, obviously a far from ideal situation.

Bubble #5
12-31-2005, 05:00 PM
where do I upload the "kill_warns.php" file?
Full instructions were posted a few pages back.

Bubble #5
12-31-2005, 11:42 PM
OK guys, the bug which didn't allow you to delete a Warning Type is now fixed.
John are you sure that you fixed this error? We have the latest version and we still get the error shown below if we try to delete a warning :(

Any idea of how to correct this?

01-01-2006, 06:11 AM
Do the notes add any extra queries(more then 1 if it even adds one)?

01-01-2006, 02:09 PM
John any chance of fixing that conflict with inferno rpg, i'm pretty sure it wouldn't take long. We're getting a lot of people with errors because of it having to stop using your warning system, obviously a far from ideal situation.

I agree that this is a far from ideal situation, but why don't you folks correct it? It should be an easy fix for you, while for me, it's not. As I have explained here, I no longer have the time to support this hack in vB 3.5. All I do here, is to try (as much as I can, because I have no great experience with vB 3.5) to help users out, because Andreas, who was supposed to support this hack, is obviously too busy to do it.

Sorry for that folks, I am sure it is easier for you to fix it, than for me.

01-01-2006, 02:11 PM
Do the notes add any extra queries(more then 1 if it even adds one)?

Yes, the notes add an extra query per post, which has a note. If the posts have no notes, no extra queries added. This is the best I can do at the moment. Again, I am sure there is a better way to do it (grab the notes together with all the other post data), but I just do not have the time to do it.

01-01-2006, 02:14 PM
MThornback thanks for catching those bugs. I'll update the file in a bit.

John are you sure that you fixed this error? We have the latest version and we still get the error shown below if we try to delete a warning

Any idea of how to correct this?

I do not think I've update the release zip file with the updates on that, since it is Andreas who maintains the code, not me. If I remember right (and there is no guarantee that I do, after yesterday night's party), I have posted the instructions here, but don't hold me liable for what I write today.

One more thing. For those who installed the Notes feature, before you release it to the public, please verify that your users cannot see the notes. The Notes should be viewable only by the management team, not the users, even if a note is attached to the particular user who sees his own Public Profile.

Please check it, before posting notes for your users.

01-03-2006, 02:39 AM
Couple of things about the notes instructions:

your notes say to add:

'allownotes' => INT,

should be:

'allownotes' => TYPE_INT,

Also say to add:

'warn_allownotes' => $allownotes,

should be:

'warn_allownotes' => $vbulletin->GPC[allownotes],

otherwise some people (me :p) won't be able to set enable notes system to yes

:)Ha! And me. :)

And I just installed.

Of course, being technologically challenged, it took a bit to find that part. -=\

01-03-2006, 02:50 AM

First, thanks for all your work.

I've set this up on the small forum and it seems to be a great hack.

I'm just wondering if you plan on expanding it any.

To work on the big forum, we need to be able to edit points and days per warning as issued.

Is this something you'd consider implementing?

Thanks again!

01-03-2006, 05:14 AM
I am not sure I understand your request. You have the ability to have multiple warning types, each one associated with different points and different maturity period. Also, you have the ability to artificially mature a warning sooner than the maturity period (remove it) or to completely remove it (as if it was never issued). What more do you want? Oh, also, the admin can also change the number of points a user has etc.

01-03-2006, 05:36 AM
This might be over reaching what you wanted to do with this mod...but i'd like to see an improved IP/email banning system integrated into this Mod...its almost universal as it is...but little bits to help keep shit disturbers out is always going to be a hit with Admins :p

01-03-2006, 06:08 AM
John, is this still truly Beta? Or is it considered a stable release?

01-03-2006, 06:23 AM
This might be over reaching what you wanted to do with this mod...but i'd like to see an improved IP/email banning system integrated into this Mod...its almost universal as it is...but little bits to help keep shit disturbers out is always going to be a hit with Admins

I am not sure what you want, but if it is for vB 3.5, don't hold your breath.

John, is this still truly Beta? Or is it considered a stable release?

Well, the hack was pretty stable in vB 3.1.xx and it is still working like a champ on that one. The reason why it was released as a beta, is because I didn't do the release work. I provided the code, changed as best as I could for vB 3.5 and the whole "packaging" and installation things were done by Andreas. In such cases, problems can occur. Also, since this is a complicated hack, there might be some things which have slipped my attention. For example, the updated kill_warns.php file, which was released because I had forgotten to do the required vB 3.5 changes in it.

So there is not way I can easily answer your question. As long as you have it installed, if you have an issue, I'll do my best to resolve it, as long as it is an AWS code issue. But if there is an issue with the installation, I can't help, since I was not involved in that.

What would that make it? A beta, or a stable release? You tell me!

01-03-2006, 11:33 AM
I am not sure what you want, but if it is for vB 3.5, don't hold your breath.
What would that make it? A beta, or a stable release? You tell me!

Yea, its for 3.5 :p I wanted something with a more advanced IP/e-mal banning options...

and i'd call this stable...

01-05-2006, 10:33 AM
Thanks for calling it stable. I think it is stable too, but if you have an issues which affect AWS per se, let me know, I'll do my best to solve these. What I can't help is with issues relating to the installation procedure etc.

Bubble #5
01-05-2006, 04:06 PM
I do not think I've update the release zip file with the updates on that, since it is Andreas who maintains the code, not me. If I remember right I have posted the instructions here
Well we can't remember the last time that Andreas has worked on this, and since this feature still does not work, should we just assume that once you install this hack that you cannot delete any warnings issued to members? We've been through this thread several times and there is no resolution to this problem. It said that the problem was caused by one of the files uploaded to the server, but we have the newest version of that file installed, and still warnings cannot be removed once issued :ermm:

01-05-2006, 04:50 PM
Please give me some more concrete instructions on how to recreate the problem. If the test site is still active, I'll try and see what's wrong.

01-05-2006, 06:58 PM
John I can not remove warning either. For example when i hover the link to remove a warning, it shows up as www.domsforums.net// which in other words it is adding an extra trailing slash

01-05-2006, 07:20 PM
Remove the warning, OK , but from where gentlemen? From Warn.php? From the User Manager in AdminCP, from the Profile? From where???

01-06-2006, 09:55 AM
John I can not remove warning either. For example when i hover the link to remove a warning, it shows up as www.domsforums.net// which in other words it is adding an extra trailing slash

One thing I have just found is that I couldn't removed a warning that had been made, it kept coming up with a invalid user Id message.

Well, the error is wrong and there's a bug in the code which stops you removing the first warning you place...

warn.php:1345,6 and 7 are like this...

if($_GET['id']=="" || !$_GET['id'] || $_GET['id']<=1){
RunError("Invalid User ID Input");

Ok, id in this case is not a user id, its the ID of the warning! (copy and paste error I bet).

Also, you need to change the 1 in the line to a 0, otherwise you can't remove the warning with the id of 1!

so, change line 1345 to

if($_GET['id']=="" || !$_GET['id'] || $_GET['id']<=0){

and you'll be able to remove the first warning.

01-06-2006, 11:55 AM
Jesus, this is correct! Thanks MGSteve, I appreciate it!!!!

Follow the instructions above folks, your problem should be solved.

Sorry for that!

01-06-2006, 12:46 PM
Jesus, this is correct! Thanks MGSteve, I appreciate it!!!!

Follow the instructions above folks, your problem should be solved.

Sorry for that!

No probs, its the kind of bug you never see as it only ever effects new installs!

Although it would only effect the first warning, I don't know if the others were all trying to delete their first warning or not..?

01-06-2006, 02:38 PM
I'm getting 3 of these errrors now when posts are being made...

any ideas?

Warning: preg_replace(): Compilation failed: nothing to repeat at offset 16 in /includes/functions_warning.php on line 706

Bubble #5
01-06-2006, 04:47 PM
so, change line 1345 to

if($_GET['id']=="" || !$_GET['id'] || $_GET['id']<=0){

and you'll be able to remove the first warning.
This is only a partial fix. The warning is still half there. The amount of warnings shown on thier account, and also their warning points are not reset....

So basically all this did was allow you to get past the error message and remove the warning gif image from their post...

01-06-2006, 05:42 PM
Hi, 1st up, this is a great hack and extremely useful, so thanks to the author

I am however having a small problem, i have searched this thread and couldnt find a definate solution, the hack is working fine, if i warn someone they get warned or banned, which is all good

But i cant remove the warnings, if i try to remove them either via the forum- member profile or the admin cp/member profile/complete removal i get page not found, a 404 error, this is the url it is trying to find


Anybody have any idea where i have gone wrong??? Or is this a known bug that i just havent found in this thread yet????


Bubble #5
01-06-2006, 06:37 PM
Or is this a known bug that i just havent found in this thread yet????
Removing warnings is a known bug, but yours might be a different problem. Double check and make sure that file is in the right place on your server.

01-06-2006, 07:10 PM
It does seem to be the "bug" spoken of in this thread, i am also getting

An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Invalid User ID Input

But i still havent found an actual solution to it in this thread, so i had better not test the warning system on anyone else :nervous: I already have one casualty....oops lol


I have found a couple more bugs, this time in the admin control panel, when i goto a users profile and click view warnings, it goes to this url


Which gives a page not found error, which i know the reason for but dont know how to solve it

I need that button to point to this url


Would appreciate a little nudge in the right direction on that :o

Also, while in mod cp looking at a user profile still, "warn user non post related" button, when i click that, it gives this error

An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Invalid User ID Input

regards and ssorry for being a pain, i am new to all this, but i am very willing to learn

01-07-2006, 02:36 AM
I am not sure I understand your request. You have the ability to have multiple warning types, each one associated with different points and different maturity period. Also, you have the ability to artificially mature a warning sooner than the maturity period (remove it) or to completely remove it (as if it was never issued). What more do you want? Oh, also, the admin can also change the number of points a user has etc.
Sorry. Been gone. Back now. :)

Something editable on the fly by the mod. A way to issue a warning and assign the points and days right then. Just a little more flexibility. :)

This gives moderators a better chance to moderate. They can look at any circumstance and decide if the warning issued should be harsher or less than the default.

01-07-2006, 01:39 PM
This is only a partial fix. The warning is still half there. The amount of warnings shown on thier account, and also their warning points are not reset....

So basically all this did was allow you to get past the error message and remove the warning gif image from their post...

No, what it fixed was not being able to remove the first post. I did say in my follow up post that it probably won't fix everyone's problems.

The bizarre thing is that I don't get half the problems removing warnings that you lot do... I just couldn't remove the first one, subsequent warnings have been removed fine.

Although it doesn't remove the warning icon from the post that led to the warning, that just looks like it doesn't do that (as opposed to suppost to but doesn't because of a bug.)

Bubble #5
01-08-2006, 01:59 AM
what it fixed was not being able to remove the first post.
Yes it allows you to remove PART of the first warning, but not all of it (see thumbnail).. Also, the e-mail that is sent out after that removal has a faulty link given as shown below:

The post for which you were warned, and whose warning has now been removed, can
be seen here:


01-08-2006, 03:52 PM
Hmm, I've got a problem with the script, and am clueless why it is.
I've set the number of warnings before ban to 4 (then he's banned 3days), and after 4 more warnings, the user is to be banned 6 days, then 9 and so on. It's only that when the user finally is unbanned, he's banned again after only one warning.

Any solution?

01-08-2006, 05:46 PM

Please understand what "Remove" means. It means "Artificially Mature", it just removes the warning points, as if the warning had matured. The warned member still has a warning in his record (unless you are not using historical records).

If you want to completely remove a warning (in case it was issued by mistake, for example) go to your AdminCP and use the "Completely Remove" function.

01-08-2006, 05:57 PM
It does seem to be the "bug" spoken of in this thread, i am also getting

But i still havent found an actual solution to it in this thread, so i had better not test the warning system on anyone else :nervous: I already have one casualty....oops lol


I have found a couple more bugs, this time in the admin control panel, when i goto a users profile and click view warnings, it goes to this url


Which gives a page not found error, which i know the reason for but dont know how to solve it

I need that button to point to this url


Would appreciate a little nudge in the right direction on that :o

Also, while in mod cp looking at a user profile still, "warn user non post related" button, when i click that, it gives this error

regards and ssorry for being a pain, i am new to all this, but i am very willing to learn

Check the HTML code you have posted. The admin_warn.php is supposed to be in admincp directory, while in your error it appears that the program is searching for it in modcp. Have you set up the admincp directory in your board?

Bubble #5
01-08-2006, 06:24 PM
If you want to completely remove a warning (in case it was issued by mistake, for example) go to your AdminCP and use the "Completely Remove" function.
OK thanks for the tip sv1cec, we will rename 'remove' to something else.

Do you have any idea on how to fix the e-mail problem? :surprised:

01-08-2006, 06:51 PM
Do you have any idea on how to fix the e-mail problem?

Have you define the bburl in your vb options? IT looks as if the URL to your board is missing.
Hmm, I've got a problem with the script, and am clueless why it is.
I've set the number of warnings before ban to 4 (then he's banned 3days), and after 4 more warnings, the user is to be banned 6 days, then 9 and so on. It's only that when the user finally is unbanned, he's banned again after only one warning.

Any solution?

When a member is banned and then unbanned, the warning points he has collected are still in his account, they are not removed, just because he got banned and unbanned. The warning points are removed, as each warning he has received matures. So, if none of his warnings has matured when he receives the next warning, he is banned again. That's the way AWS works.

Bubble #5
01-08-2006, 07:30 PM
Have you define the bburl in your vb options? IT looks as if the URL to your board is missing.
Yes. ACP>Options>Site Name / URL / Contact Details> Forum URL.

01-08-2006, 07:52 PM
Well, it could be something in the template (warn_em or warn_pm), but I can't check it anymore Xplorer4x4 has closed the test site that he had provided me with, so there is no way I can check it out.


I was looking at the templates, as they are in the warn.xml distribution file, and there seems there are some issues there.

For example, in warn_em template, there is this code:

The post for which you are warned can be seen here:
<if condition="$vboptions['warn_includepost']==1 AND $thread3!=''">
<else />
The admin/moderator who warned you, entered this comment:

Obviously, this should look like:

The post for which you are warned can be seen here:
<if condition="$vbulletin->options['warn_includepost']==1 AND $thread3!=''">
<else />
The admin/moderator who warned you, entered this comment:

The same should be done in warn_pm. Wherever you find $vboptions you should replace it with $vbulletin->options. This problem can be present in other templates too, so please check them out.

As for the email problem, I am not sure if the above will help you. The link to the warned post, should work fine from what I see in the code, if bburl is defined.

01-09-2006, 07:24 PM
Check the HTML code you have posted. The admin_warn.php is supposed to be in admincp directory, while in your error it appears that the program is searching for it in modcp. Have you set up the admincp directory in your board?

Hi there m8, i solved the problem, i changed the name of the mod_warn.php to admin_warn.php, it is in the correct directory, the mod_warn php file was uploaded to the modcp directory where it was supposed to be, the problem i was having is if i go into the MODCP and click the link it directs me to

http://www.software-help.co.uk/modcp/admin_warn.php?act=do_finduserwarnings&userid=7 (http://www.software-help.co.uk/modcp/admin_warn.php?act=do_finduserwarnings&userid=7)

The problem with that re-direct url is it directs to the modcp directory and the admin_warn.php file, which is not in that directory, so something isnt right, the files are in the correct directory, but as i said i changed the mod warn files name to admin_warn and now the modcp functions work

Still have other problems though :smoke:

01-09-2006, 08:48 PM
This is definitely not the right way to solve your problems. Something is wrong with your installation, and with your change, I sincerely doubt if you are going to fix it.

01-11-2006, 05:17 AM

I ran this query on my users table:


It did the trick. I hope this helps for others to :)
Yes! I was having the same trouble until I ran the query you provided. Thanks a lot man. ;)

01-14-2006, 12:32 AM

Perhaps something has changed with vB 3.5.3, but I can't find this:

In Template pm_newpm
<fieldset class="fieldset">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0">


I've found all of the other steps perfectly, but I can't find the last one :S Perhaps it's just me being silly though! Any help is appreciated! :D

01-14-2006, 12:08 PM
Why do the php files stop working when I change words in it from english to dutch?

It just gives a white page, so how can one change english words in another language?

01-14-2006, 12:25 PM
You would have to change the phrases I guess... Unless you change ALL the exact words into Dutch, it won't be able to connect the dots... Also, in the template edits, there were the wordlinks there, which are in English that you can change....

01-15-2006, 08:13 AM

I have installed you hack but i ran into this problem which i cant seem to fix...anyone got an idea? :D

01-15-2006, 04:56 PM
You would have to change the phrases I guess... Unless you change ALL the exact words into Dutch, it won't be able to connect the dots... Also, in the template edits, there were the wordlinks there, which are in English that you can change....
The templates are all translated. But some text is hardcoded in the php files,no phrases either.
If I try to translate the hardcoded text it just sends a white page?

Well its a nice script but these are points that need work.

01-15-2006, 05:00 PM
If you edit only the text, then there is no way you will get a white page. You most probably are editing more than you have to.

01-16-2006, 09:58 AM

I have installed you hack but i ran into this problem which i cant seem to fix...anyone got an idea? :D

Wrong changes in the postbit_legacy template.

01-16-2006, 09:12 PM
Just... bumping my old question =)


Perhaps something has changed with vB 3.5.3, but I can't find this:

In Template pm_newpm
<fieldset class="fieldset">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0">


I've found all of the other steps perfectly, but I can't find the last one :S Perhaps it's just me being silly though! Any help is appreciated! :D

01-19-2006, 06:56 AM
Just... bumping my old question =)


Perhaps something has changed with vB 3.5.3, but I can't find this:


I've found all of the other steps perfectly, but I can't find the last one :S Perhaps it's just me being silly though! Any help is appreciated! :D

Email me that template.

01-19-2006, 02:01 PM
Email me that template.

Uuugh, never mind. It was just me being silly. I usually just search for parts of the code to find, but when I tried searching the first time I didn't find it. And then I saw the little code part now when I was going to send it to you.. But, just a small FYI, you've specified you don't want e-mails, unless by the above you meant PM... :P

But the odd thing, it sent a PM even though I didn't have the last PM part added in the template :S

But, thanks for the help! :)

01-23-2006, 06:23 PM
hi people,

I've found a bug in this system.When you try to warn a user through the user manager in your admincp for a nonpost related warning it will show you "invalid userid input" and not allow you to issue the warning.

this can be solved by folowwing this steps

goto admincp => plugin system => plugin manager
click the plugin AWS:Show Warning Info In user Manager
click the button "large editbox" as we need to edit some code


print_description_row("<center><a href=\"../Warn.php?$session[sessionurl]do=WarnUserNoPost&return=user&id=$user[userid]\">
<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" name=\"warn\" value=\"Warn $post[username] (non-post related)\" accesskey=\"w\" onClick=\"window.location='../Warn.php?$session[sessionurl]do=WarnUserNoPost&return=user&id=$userid'\"></a>

change to

print_description_row("<center><a href=\"../Warn.php?$session[sessionurl]do=WarnUserNoPost&return=user&id=$user[userid]\">
<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" name=\"warn\" value=\"Warn $post[username] (non-post related)\" accesskey=\"w\" onClick=\"window.location='../Warn.php?$session[sessionurl]do=WarnUserNoPost&return=user&id=$user[userid]'\"></a>

wrong code

$userid should be $user[userid]

save plugin

all done

01-25-2006, 04:36 PM
Thanks Delphi!

01-26-2006, 03:06 PM
Hey. I wonder If you could add a little something that shows that a post has been alerted? So that no-one goes warning that post when it's allready been alerted?

And another question, how come I can't COMPLETELY DELETE soft-deleted/inactive warnings??

01-26-2006, 03:21 PM
No, there is nothing that shows that a post has been alerted, but there is a huge red sign which shows that a post has been warned. Maybe I can add another sign there, for alerts. Let me check that.

Inactive warnings cannot be deleted? Do you mean the "Prune Warnings" selection does not work?

Update on the Alert Sign. I can't do it without a test site folks, this requires several changes in the hack, and I did it on the 3.4.xx version, but I can't work on fictional code.

Let me know if the Prune Warnings is what is not working.

01-26-2006, 11:27 PM
Great hack, got it installed!

01-28-2006, 04:13 AM
When clicking view someones warning and attempt to remove the warnings I get the invalid userid input also. I cant find where I need to fix this. Anyone got an idea?

After doing some odd research. I have 2 forums, one can do it and one cant. The major different I know is the mySQL version. Im upgrading the the sql version on the one server and will let u know.

01-28-2006, 05:40 AM
Check your Warn.php file. Search for:


A little below that, there should be some code lines which SHOULD look like this:

if($_GET['id']=="" || !$_GET['id'] || $_GET['id']<=0){
RunError("Invalid User ID Input");

Make sure that it looks just like that, if it has something like $_GET['id']>1 or equal to 1, change it so that it looks exactly as above.

01-28-2006, 08:18 AM
remove waring works fine with me

01-28-2006, 04:41 PM
Ok, Im having trouble locating wording within the emails that are sent to members when they get banned. Nothing seems to be in phrases. Ive searched the files, the plugins and no luck.

Where do you find this?
"This is a permanent ban and will last for ever"

Also any other wording in the emails would be helpful also.

01-28-2006, 04:58 PM
Ok, Im having trouble locating wording within the emails that are sent to members when they get banned. Nothing seems to be in phrases. Ive searched the files, the plugins and no luck.

Where do you find this?
"This is a permanent ban and will last for ever"

Also any other wording in the emails would be helpful also.

template warn_banemail

Dear $name,

We are sorry to inform you, that you have received enough warning points, to be banned from $vboptions[bbtitle].

This is a $ban_kind ban and will last for $peruserbanlimit $peruserbanlimit2

Please reply back if you have a dispute.


$vboptions[bbtitle] Team

01-28-2006, 06:20 PM
I have an issue with the emails it sends out. It seems when post related it will email the user for Temp and Perm but you have two different Subject line titles for each so the title of the email will reflect from which one.

However, on nonpost related there seems to only be one subject line that is for both. Why would there be a difference? Why is there not seperate subject lines for each type in nonpost related warnings?

01-28-2006, 11:02 PM
Why when I try to warn a user i recive this error?
An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Invalid User ID Input

01-29-2006, 08:28 AM
Why when I try to warn a user i recive this error?
An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Invalid User ID Input


01-29-2006, 09:28 AM
No, there is nothing that shows that a post has been alerted, but there is a huge red sign which shows that a post has been warned. Maybe I can add another sign there, for alerts. Let me check that.

Inactive warnings cannot be deleted? Do you mean the "Prune Warnings" selection does not work?

Update on the Alert Sign. I can't do it without a test site folks, this requires several changes in the hack, and I did it on the 3.4.xx version, but I can't work on fictional code.

Let me know if the Prune Warnings is what is not working.

Thanks, didn't know about the prune warnings xD.
but still, would be great if you could fix a type of image or something for alerted warnings too.. and if you found somewhere to test it.

And another question, if I choose 1 day on a warning, for it to mature. That doesn't mean that a user won't be banned if he gets 3 warnings (my limit) within a month right?
Does it mean they go inactive or something after 1 day?

01-30-2006, 09:57 AM
Read the AdminCP section of the AWS. In the Manage Options, everything is explained. If the maturity period of each warning is 1 day, the points for that warning will be removed from the warned user's account after 1 day passes. If your limit is 3 points, he will not be banned unless he has been warned 3 times for 1 point, in the same day.

01-30-2006, 10:01 AM
I have an issue with the emails it sends out. It seems when post related it will email the user for Temp and Perm but you have two different Subject line titles for each so the title of the email will reflect from which one.

However, on nonpost related there seems to only be one subject line that is for both. Why would there be a difference? Why is there not seperate subject lines for each type in nonpost related warnings?

I didn't check this extensively, but it looks as if there is always one title for emails. Maybe there are two titles for PMs???

01-30-2006, 09:40 PM
When you give a user a non-post related alert, they get this:

Signature violation
(Warning Type = Signature Violation)

For this violation, you would normally have been given : 1 point(s).
The point(s) would remain in your account for 99999 days.
After that, they would be removed automatically.

If you ever reach the maximum of 10 points, you will be banned from the Forums, for 14 days.

However, the moderator decided not to warn you at this time, and only issue an alert, instead of a warning. So no points have been added in your account, this time. Next time however, you will be warned.


But, when giving a post-related alert;

Posting two different posts at the same time
(Warning Type = Double Posting)

For this violation, you have been given : 1 point(s).
The point(s) will remain in your account for 99999 days.
After that, they will be removed automatically.

The post for which you are warned can be seen here:

Where can I alter so that the post-related alerts also have the first quote text?

01-31-2006, 08:50 AM
These are two different things, one (the first) is the PM send for an alert, the second is the PM send for a warning. Not the same.

01-31-2006, 04:08 PM
These are two different things, one (the first) is the PM send for an alert, the second is the PM send for a warning. Not the same.

Yes, but I have not warned any of my users, simply given them an alert! And at the bottom of the last PM:

Your total Warning Level at the moment is: 0 point(s).

01-31-2006, 04:18 PM

I can't help you more on that, as I said before, without access to a test site, I can't provide support for this hack. Check again that you are issuing alerts and not warnings, that's all I can say at this moment.


01-31-2006, 04:38 PM
It's only in the warn logs it says so, but in the PM (at least, haven't checked e-mails) sent to the user it says the first quote. Then, no biggie :) I thought the warn logs looked exactly the same as the PM the user recieved, therefore I was a bit "huh"-ed... :)

01-31-2006, 04:56 PM

when you say "logs", what exactly do you mean?

01-31-2006, 09:51 PM
You know you can log the alerts/warned things, right? Options --> Save copy of Alert Message in a predefined forum? I have that to yes, and have a special forum just for the logs...

01-31-2006, 11:19 PM
I just warned a user, he now has 37 warning points, and he got banned.

however, the way i have it set up is for them to get banned every 10 warning points, this user has been banned about 3 times now, but it says he has only been banned 1 time.

he should not be banned until getting over 40 warning points and that would be a permanent ban as i have it set up like that also.

As he just got banned I wanted to view if it was the aws that banned him and not a mod.

here is what it says

Ban Period - 4 Days
Ban Time Remaining - 3 Days, 0 hours
Ban Reason - User exceeded the Warning Limit and was banned.

So he was banned by the AWS however it says ban period 4 days, well that should be saying 3 days.

any ideas on how to fix these bugs up?

I know this is no longer supported, but any idea if it ever will be again?

02-02-2006, 11:39 PM
1st Special Thanks to SV1CEC and Andreas !
2nd: when i tried
For the "Invalid User Input"-error:

admin_warn.php, replace all instances of




This is an utterely ugly Hack, but should work until the backend is fully revised.
(Currently working on the frontend, which is 85% phrased by now)

I am sorry that I can't fully work on this, but time is a major problem.
admin_warn.php got blanked !
im running vB 3.5.3

02-08-2006, 11:51 PM
Does anyone know how to display a user's warnings in their postbit?

I need some way of alerting users to their warnings as I have Private Messages disabled on my board.

02-09-2006, 03:35 AM
The number of alerts, number of warnings, warning points and number of bans should appear in the user postbit, as the hack is. Depending on the AWS Options you have set, these are viewable either to the management team and the warned user only, or to everybody.

02-09-2006, 09:02 PM
Warning: Unknown(/home/darkess/public_html/saviores/includes/functions_warning.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /global.php(349) : eval()'d code on line 2

Fatal error: (null)(): Failed opening required '/home/darkess/public_html/saviores/includes/functions_warning.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/darkess/public_html/saviores/global.php(349) : eval()'d code on line 2

I get that warning. I've followed the instructions and uploaded the separate php file to the right place. What's going on?

02-09-2006, 09:17 PM
I get that warning. I've followed the instructions and uploaded the separate php file to the right place. What's going on?

this hack does not modify global.php ....

is the file funtions_warning.php in yourforumroot/includes ? i think this is caused by some other plugin you have installed

02-10-2006, 04:15 PM
Hello - thanks for AWS.
I want to translate AWS for Polish language. How I'm able to do it? In which files I will find phrases for translating? Because in Phrase Manager I didn't find any phrases from AWS. So I guess that I have to translate directly in files. But I wouldn't like to break something down - and therefore I'm asking.

Sorry for my terrible English - I understand everything, but with writing poorly.

02-10-2006, 04:28 PM
Well, I guess the answer is "everywhere". You see when I started making this thing, I was not very well aware of the finer details of vBulletin. Also, the hack on which this one was based, didn't use phrases either, so I was not aware that it should be made that way. So, you have to check everything, php files, templates everything.

02-13-2006, 05:52 AM
sv1cec, i have a problem with the Complete Removal of Warning. Try to remove from AdminCP. It writes that selected warning was completely removed, but then writes then Invalid User ID. And warning was not removed at all =(...
And at the same time - when i check boxes Comp Rem and then click button Complete Removal, Warning removed successfully... =(

02-14-2006, 03:37 AM
ok I have Historical Option on. I have it set so that warnings expire after 60 days, and banned at 5 points. One of my users has 5 points, but from more than 60 days ago, so in theory he should not have any points. He recently got warned again and was banned (should have 1 point).

02-14-2006, 09:53 AM
Well, in theory he should not have any points, but does he have any? In other words, are his previous points removed from his account?

Also, the banning can occur irrespective of the points, for example if the member accumulates enough warnings. For example, if you have your Warnings Number limit is equal to 2 and your user received two warnings, he is banned.

02-14-2006, 09:54 AM
sv1cec, i have a problem with the Complete Removal of Warning. Try to remove from AdminCP. It writes that selected warning was completely removed, but then writes then Invalid User ID. And warning was not removed at all =(...
And at the same time - when i check boxes Comp Rem and then click button Complete Removal, Warning removed successfully... =(

I think this has been dealt with in the past. Do a search in this thread, for "complete removal".

02-14-2006, 10:08 PM
nice! installed.

02-15-2006, 01:01 AM
that is awesome :) it worked like a charm for me.

Got some issues with skin, because i use a very complicated one, but i worked out to solve the problems.
I also got another problem that the "WARNED POST" image had NO links when showing on postbit, i solved doing this:

edited this plugin: AWS: Show Warning Options/Points in Postbit/Threads<
replaced this:
// Shall we show the warn sign?
if ($viewoption=='Mgm' AND ($useradmin==1 OR $usersmod==1 OR $usermod==1) AND $post[warn_flag]>0)
if ($viewoption=='All' AND $post[warn_flag]>0)
with this:
// Shall we show the warn sign?
if (($useradmin==1 OR $usersmod==1 OR $usermod==1) AND $post[warn_flag]>0)
if ($viewoption=='All' AND $post[warn_flag]>0)
now everything is working just fine...

i also did a little modification, instead of showing Warning Points as numbers in postbit, i changed to a little bar, that fill up when user gets more points :)

thanks again

02-15-2006, 01:52 AM
andrefedalto maybe you can
tell us what modification you did
to get your little bar.
For the points sound good.


02-15-2006, 09:08 AM
I have found that I can not remove warning via the admin cp, but it works just fine in the mod cp. It seems to me a comparision of the php coding of removing a warning via admin cp should be compared to the php code of remove a warning via mod cp.

02-15-2006, 10:04 AM
I have found that I can not remove warning via the admin cp, but it works just fine in the mod cp. It seems to me a comparision of the php coding of removing a warning via admin cp should be compared to the php code of remove a warning via mod cp.

weird, because with me it works just fine removing a warn via AdminCP... and i fixed no bugs in admincp

sassy1: i'll work out to release this little modification ;)

02-15-2006, 12:52 PM
ok, lets go:
Open AdminCP, go to Plugin management and edit this plugin: "AWS: Show Warning Options/Points in Postbit/Threads"

replace this:global $hierarchical, $viewoption, $showpoints;
with this: global $hierarchical, $viewoption, $showpoints, $vbulletin, $stylevar;
scroll down to the end of the plugin and BEFORE this:DEVDEBUG("useradmin = $useradmin, postadmin = $postadmin, usermod = $usermod, postmod = $postmod, usersmod = $usersmod");
DEVDEBUG("showpoints = $showpoints, showwarnsignmgm = $showwarnsignmgm, showwarnsign = $showwarnsign");
DEVDEBUG("showwarnlink = $showwarnlink, showviewwarnlink = $showviewwarnlink, showviewyourslink = $showviewyourslink");
add this: if ($post[warning_level]>0) {
$width_max = 70;
$percent = $post[warning_level]/$vbulletin->options['warn_points_before_banned'];
$width_max = $width_max - 4;
$width1 = round($percent*$width_max);
$width2 = $width_max-$width1;
$graphic_warn_level = "<img src=\"".$stylevar[imgdir_misc]."/warn_left.png\" width=\"2\" height=\"10\"><img src=\"".$stylevar[imgdir_misc]."/warn_dark.png\" width=\"".$width1."\" height=\"10\"><img src=\"".$stylevar[imgdir_misc]."/warn_light.png\" width=\"".$width2."\" height=\"10\"><img src=\"".$stylevar[imgdir_misc]."/warn_right.png\" width=\"2\" height=\"10\">";
ATTENTION: in this variable $width_max change "70" for the MAXIMUM width of the bar you can use in postbit. I have 70 pixels to use, so i set it to 70. When doing the edit, set it to some value (IN PIXELS) that fits to your template.

Now you must go to template edition and edityour postbit/postbit_legacy template.
Find this:Warnings Level: $post[warning_level]
and replace with Warnings Level: $graphic_warn_level

Upload the attached images to your MISC image directory.
And now just enjoy your cool userbar instead of just numbers :)

See attached image to see how is the final result (my text is in portuguese, but after you follow this small tutorial you will get the text in ENGLISH).

Hope you enjoy this little mod. Thanks you all!

02-18-2006, 05:11 PM
when is this coming out of beta? why is it still in beta also?

02-18-2006, 07:54 PM
Most probably never. I have no test system to work on, and Andreas, who was supposed to provide support for this hack, is obviously too busy to do so. Sorry!

02-18-2006, 11:30 PM
what kind of test system do u need?

02-19-2006, 04:36 AM
A vB 3.5 system in which I can play. Preferably not a working, active board, as I may need to stop it etc.

02-19-2006, 06:31 AM
I have sent you a pm John, I have set up everything for you, just waiting to find out if you still need it.


02-19-2006, 06:43 AM
I responded to your PM. I will not be able to work on this, until tomorrow morning.

Rgds and tnx

02-19-2006, 07:01 AM
yo i sent u a PM also....

02-19-2006, 07:14 AM
Okay looks like there may once again be some progress on this to finally take it out of beta lol. Take your time on doing it John, there is no rush, I fully understand that you have your own commitments to attend to first before this.

Edit: I think someone needs to go through every post and find every bug that this has, to make it easier for john. I'd do it but i gotta go out now.

02-19-2006, 12:17 PM
This hack conflicts with the Inferno Quiz Hack.. I get the following msg when trying to get to quiz.php

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare sendpm() (previously declared in path/quiz.php:139) in path/includes/functions_warning.php on line 53

When I disable AWS, I can use the quiz fine.. I will not be disabling this hack for the quiz hack, but I would like both.. Any suggestions based off my error msg???


02-19-2006, 01:08 PM
You have to rename the sendpm function, in one of the two hacks to something different. Then, find the string "sendpm" in the files or every routine of that hack and change the call to whatever you have renamed the function to.

You will have the same problem with other Inferno hacks.

02-19-2006, 04:47 PM
OK guys and gals, thanks to hornstar1337, I have again access to a test environment.

I'll try to check your issues about this hack, but as it has been suggested, it would be really helpful if someone could come up with a list of open items that I need to address, or if you can start posting again the problems you have. Please be specific. "I can't remove a warning" says nothing. Where from? The postbit? The Profile? The AdminCP/View Log? Please be as specific as possible.

One thing that you should keep in mind, is that I have no ... idea how the installation works, so if you have an installation problem, I can't guarantee I can fix it, but I'll try to fix all your operational problems (like for example : "I can't completely remove a warning").

Finally, please keep in mind that I can only work on this hack a very few hours every day, so do not expect miracles from me. Given also that I am not as familiar with the new vB structures as I was with the previous version, do not expect to see quick turn-around times, OK?

So start shooting.

02-19-2006, 05:24 PM
You have to rename the sendpm function, in one of the two hacks to something different. Then, find the string "sendpm" in the files or every routine of that hack and change the call to whatever you have renamed the function to.

You will have the same problem with other Inferno hacks.
Well.. I am happy you know what the issue is.. But I am not sure what you just said to do exactly.. lol

Sorry to be an idiot, but can you get me started :(

Thanks for the reply

02-19-2006, 07:09 PM
In functions_warning.php, there is a function called sendpm, you will recognize it, it says

function sendpm(......)

and it has some parameters in the parenthesis. You should rename that to whatever you like, sendpmaws is a good candidate. The tough part is then to find where the sendpm function was called from (Warn.php? functions_warning.php? I do not remember) and replace that string (sendpm) with "sendpmaws" or whatever you decide to call that function.

Or you can write to Inferno, and ask them for better instructions.

02-19-2006, 07:28 PM
OK guys and gals, thanks to hornstar1337, I have again access to a test environment.

I'll try to check your issues about this hack, but as it has been suggested, it would be really helpful if someone could come up with a list of open items that I need to address, or if you can start posting again the problems you have. Please be specific. "I can't remove a warning" says nothing. Where from? The postbit? The Profile? The AdminCP/View Log? Please be as specific as possible.

One thing that you should keep in mind, is that I have no ... idea how the installation works, so if you have an installation problem, I can't guarantee I can fix it, but I'll try to fix all your operational problems (like for example : "I can't completely remove a warning").

Finally, please keep in mind that I can only work on this hack a very few hours every day, so do not expect miracles from me. Given also that I am not as familiar with the new vB structures as I was with the previous version, do not expect to see quick turn-around times, OK?

So start shooting.

you still got access to members.vbulletin.com ? the complete api and stuff that changed since 3.5.x came out is in there http://members.vbulletin.com/api

02-19-2006, 08:04 PM
Yes, I got access to vbulletin.com. My license is valid all right, that's not the issue. The issue is that this old guy here, has learned programming much before classes were invented. I hadn't written one word of code for the last 10 years or so, before I got involved with vBulletin. I moved up the scale so I didn't have to write code. The fact that I learned php at my 48 and I managed to post this hack was a major achievement for me, with countless hours spend trying things out and learning.

I got so fascinated with php and vB that I started changing things to make vB suit my preferences. So my board, is heavily hacked, and the changes brought by vB 3.5 were enough to discourage any further work on this (and any other hack). Why? For the simple reason that I can't rewrite every single hack I've installed in my board, nor go through it and change every little piece of code I've changed, just because vB does not respect its users. There were definitely things that needed to be changed in vB, but others didn't have to change, at least not in the way they were changed. So I made up my mind that my board will remain at the previous version, for as long as I can maintain it.

So I completely lost interest on vB and I focused on maintaining my own board. The published API is very interesting for someone who can understand it. I can't. I don't even know what a class is. And I do not plan to invest more time in learning more things, for the simple reason that there are other things in my life that take precedence. Like my hobbies, my kids, my family (obviously not in that order). So I left AWS over to KirbyDE's hands, when vB 3.5 came out. Unfortunatelly, KirbyDE, or Andreas as we know him now, got hired by vB, right after he took over this hack and the man does not have enough time to work on it any more.

I do not plan to develop AWS any further, so this must be clear in everyone's mind. No more new functionality will ever be added in AWS. What I want to do now, is to deliver to the people who trusted me and installed this hack in their boards, a bug-less version, which will work with vB 3.5. This is the last I plan to do with AWS because I am just not interested in developing it any further. I keep adding functionality in my own version, the one I use on my forums, because it helps me and my moderators do our job. But that's in vB 3.0.xx, and I feel confident coding in that environment, as opposed to vB 3.5.

Sorry folks, I had to say those things once again, just to let you know where you are standing. I do not want anyone to have false expectation from this hack.

Time to go to bed, I have to take the kids to school tomorrow morning.

02-19-2006, 09:18 PM
Yes, I got access to vbulletin.com. My license is valid all right, that's not the issue. The issue is that this old guy here, has learned programming much before classes were invented. I hadn't written one word of code for the last 10 years or so, before I got involved with vBulletin. I moved up the scale so I didn't have to write code. The fact that I learned php at my 48 and I managed to post this hack was a major achievement for me, with countless hours spend trying things out and learning.

I got so fascinated with php and vB that I started changing things to make vB suit my preferences. So my board, is heavily hacked, and the changes brought by vB 3.5 were enough to discourage any further work on this (and any other hack). Why? For the simple reason that I can't rewrite every single hack I've installed in my board, nor go through it and change every little piece of code I've changed, just because vB does not respect its users. There were definitely things that needed to be changed in vB, but others didn't have to change, at least not in the way they were changed. So I made up my mind that my board will remain at the previous version, for as long as I can maintain it.

So I completely lost interest on vB and I focused on maintaining my own board. The published API is very interesting for someone who can understand it. I can't. I don't even know what a class is. And I do not plan to invest more time in learning more things, for the simple reason that there are other things in my life that take precedence. Like my hobbies, my kids, my family (obviously not in that order). So I left AWS over to KirbyDE's hands, when vB 3.5 came out. Unfortunatelly, KirbyDE, or Andreas as we know him now, got hired by vB, right after he took over this hack and the man does not have enough time to work on it any more.

I do not plan to develop AWS any further, so this must be clear in everyone's mind. No more new functionality will ever be added in AWS. What I want to do now, is to deliver to the people who trusted me and installed this hack in their boards, a bug-less version, which will work with vB 3.5. This is the last I plan to do with AWS because I am just not interested in developing it any further. I keep adding functionality in my own version, the one I use on my forums, because it helps me and my moderators do our job. But that's in vB 3.0.xx, and I feel confident coding in that environment, as opposed to vB 3.5.

Sorry folks, I had to say those things once again, just to let you know where you are standing. I do not want anyone to have false expectation from this hack.

Time to go to bed, I have to take the kids to school tomorrow morning.

I will help you in any way i can this hack is to good for "recycle bin" (you know what i mean)

02-20-2006, 12:11 AM
You have to rename the sendpm function, in one of the two hacks to something different. Then, find the string "sendpm" in the files or every routine of that hack and change the call to whatever you have renamed the function to.

You will have the same problem with other Inferno hacks.
Seems like more trouble that its worth.. My users didnt use the quiz hack much at all before I upgraded to 3.5... Plus if I ever upgrade the customized hack, I would have to do it again!! lol

Thanks for the response though.. That makes sense and I kinda learned something while looking through with that in mind. I appreciate it

02-20-2006, 12:18 AM
Seems like more trouble that its worth.. My users didnt use the quiz hack much at all before I upgraded to 3.5... Plus if I ever upgrade the customized hack, I would have to do it again!! lol

Thanks for the response though.. That makes sense and I kinda learned something while looking through with that in mind. I appreciate it

Actually.. After saying what I did.. I figured I would never upgrade this quiz one anyway.. I just changed them all to sendpmquiz.. Then of course I got the exact error with RunError.. lol I changed them all to RunErrorquiz..

Worked great.. Appreciate it.. Now I gotta scan any other files that came with that hack for sendpm or runerror

Thanks again

02-22-2006, 11:02 PM
I installed Inferno (sorry to bring it up again) RPG hack..

I renamed all the instances of sendpm to sendpmaws, all the runerror to runerroraws and all the parseinput to parseinputaws

Everything works fine now with both AWS and the RPG hack.. At least from what I have seen so far.. There has been one issue however.. When I click view my warnings or view another users warnings, ALL I get is a blank screen...

Any ideas???

*EDIT* Actually I fixed it by removing the 3 function settings of sendpm, runerror, and parseinput from the aws' functions_warnings.php.. But I guess AWS is dependant on the RPG hack for now then :)

02-23-2006, 12:37 AM
Are you sure that the AWS functions and the RPG functions are identical? I mean they should be called with the same parameters list and should return the exact same thing. Are you sure they are?

02-23-2006, 03:15 AM
Are you sure that the AWS functions and the RPG functions are identical? I mean they should be called with the same parameters list and should return the exact same thing. Are you sure they are?

No I am not.. Everything is working as far as I can see... Should I do something that might return an error to test it?

02-23-2006, 11:46 AM
Is ever going to be a non-beta?

02-23-2006, 02:01 PM

02-23-2006, 04:10 PM
anyone having problems with this on the latest release 3.5.4 ?

02-26-2006, 03:19 AM

I know your not diong too much with this anymore. But since the upgrade to the newest version its broken my Inferno Quiz :( Apparently other people are having the same problems ...

We get the error:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare sendpm() (previously declared in /home/exitilus/public_html/forums/quiz.php:139) in /home/exitilus/public_html/forums/includes/functions_warning.php on line 23

Any plans on a fix? Just curious :)


02-26-2006, 04:19 AM
I installed Inferno (sorry to bring it up again) RPG hack..

I renamed all the instances of sendpm to sendpmaws, all the runerror to runerroraws and all the parseinput to parseinputaws

Everything works fine now with both AWS and the RPG hack.. At least from what I have seen so far.. There has been one issue however.. When I click view my warnings or view another users warnings, ALL I get is a blank screen...

Any ideas???

*EDIT* Actually I fixed it by removing the 3 function settings of sendpm, runerror, and parseinput from the aws' functions_warnings.php.. But I guess AWS is dependant on the RPG hack for now then :)

FYI.. DO NOT do this.. Doing this somehow started PMs just generating in the PM and PMTEXT tables.. In about a 24 hour period, about 60000 invalid PMs occured.. If only this conflict between inferno and this author in regards to using the same function names, would be fixed, then this would be my warning hack of choice.. Unfortunately, I have grown tired attempting to get this to work with the RPG and Quiz hacks... I have to go with the Inferno Warning System, which I def do not like as much.

I have to uninstall, but I am leaving it checked as installed so I may hear of an update to fix this conflict

02-26-2006, 05:34 AM

I know your not diong too much with this anymore. But since the upgrade to the newest version its broken my Inferno Quiz :( Apparently other people are having the same problems ...

We get the error:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare sendpm() (previously declared in /home/exitilus/public_html/forums/quiz.php:139) in /home/exitilus/public_html/forums/includes/functions_warning.php on line 23

Any plans on a fix? Just curious :)


Well I have given him full access to a test board, so when he gets time he will be able to test everything out.

@ John: also, if you need anything else, let me know and ill do it as soon as i can.


02-26-2006, 06:43 AM
@hornstar1337: Thanks for the test site, I am working on it as I find the time.

@MorrisMcD, @Exitilus: If you do the renaming properly, there is no reason why this would happen. I may rename those routines in the new version, but this is the last of my priorities. Did you ask Inferno for a solution too? What did they say? And this is not a new problem, it's been known since the previous version of AWS.

@all, I am currently trying to figure out, why on earth trying to delete a warning from AdminCP comes up with a blank screen. And please remember to let me know what other issues you have. If not, I'll never be able to deal with them.

02-26-2006, 11:09 AM
Just rename them in that one file? or all the AWS Files?

02-26-2006, 11:15 AM
Just rename them in that one file? or all the AWS Files?

if you rename a function you must find every call to the renamed function in all aws files (and plugings used by the system) or PHP will display something like "fatal error call to undefined function" Since this seems to be a problem for people using that inferno hacks and also like this hack i already renamed those AWS functions but it still needs some testing to see if it actually works running fine here on my board

02-26-2006, 12:33 PM
As Delphi said, if you rename a function, you have to change every call to that function too.

02-26-2006, 03:28 PM
@MorrisMcD, @Exitilus: If you do the renaming properly, there is no reason why this would happen. I may rename those routines in the new version, but this is the last of my priorities. Did you ask Inferno for a solution too? What did they say? And this is not a new problem, it's been known since the previous version of AWS.

When I do all the renaming, things work, except when I click view warnings on people's postbit, it shows nothing but a blank page.. I am pretty sure there were a couple other areas when I got nothing but a blank page.. The way I ended up having it working, was because I renamed everything on the QUIZ hack because it wouldnt work when I did it with AWS.. THEN I got RPG and it just got even messier..

This is a far superior warning hack imo.. You should really consider rereleasing it with prefixes on your functions. I think Inferno should be doing the same thing..

Great hack.. Dont take me as complaining.. I am really bummed I couldnt get it workin

02-26-2006, 04:37 PM
hi people,

try this.Open "/includes/functions_warning.php" and change this code

function SendPM($message,$title,$to,$from)
global $db;

// Permssions Crap XD your getting a damn PM!! XD
// Parse It Out
$title = addslashes(htmlspecialchars_uni(fetch_censored_tex t($title)));
$message = addslashes(fetch_censored_text($message));
$to=$db->query_first("select * from ".TABLE_PREFIX."user where userid='{$to}'"); // Grab Member Its Going TO
$from=$db->query_first("select * from ".TABLE_PREFIX."user where userid='{$from}'"); // Grab Member Its Coming FROM

// Insert The Message
$to_string["$to[userid]"] = $to['username'];
$db->query_write("insert into ".TABLE_PREFIX."pmtext (fromuserid,fromusername,title,message,touserarray ,iconid,dateline,showsignature ,allowsmilie) values ('{$from['userid']}','".addslashes($from['username'])."','{$title}','{$message}','".addslashes(serialize($to_string))."','4','{$now}','1','1')");
// id thingy
$db->query_write("insert into ".TABLE_PREFIX."pm (pmtextid, userid) values (".$db->insert_id().", '{$to['userid']}')");

if ($to['pmpopup'])
$db->shutdown_query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user SET pmtotal=pmtotal+1, pmunread=pmunread+1, pmpopup=2 WHERE userid='{$to['userid']}'");
$db->shutdown_query("update ".TABLE_PREFIX."user set pmtotal=pmtotal+'1',pmunread=pmunread+'1' WHERE userid='{$to['userid']}'");

// Update pm count


to (for example)

function SendPmAws($message,$title,$to,$from)

the rest off the code in that function doesn't need any changes

still in functions_warning.php

function RunError($message)
// Theres probably some globals below not in use, uhm, who cares?
global $vbulletin, $session, $stylevar, $_POST, $vbphrase,$navbits,$show,$header;
global $templatecache, $db, $vbulletin, $style,$headinclude,$footer;
global $tempusagecache, $templateassoc, $pmbox,$pmtext;
eval('$warn_page .= "' . fetch_template('warn_error') . '";');
$navbits = construct_navbits($navbits);
eval('$navbar = "' . fetch_template('navbar') . '";');
eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('WARN') . '");');

function RunErrorAws($message)

again no further changes are needed

files who needs an update

Warn.php(SendPm() and RunError())
/includes/cron/kill_wans.php (SendPM())
/admincp/admin_warn.php(name it SendPmAcp() there for example)

that should do it

Now don't shoot me if i forgot a place where those functions are called :speechless:

02-26-2006, 06:48 PM
Somehow, I do not believe that these are the only locations that need to be changed. Did you check the plugins too?

02-26-2006, 09:33 PM
Somehow, I do not believe that these are the only locations that need to be changed. Did you check the plugins too?

yeah didn't find any that uses those RunError() or SendPM() i did found plugins that use warn_notify and warn_calculations but now John ... something else.I've found that if you want to remove a warning uing the "complete removal" option it will fail to function because the items are incorrectly linked i mean this code

$cy="<a href='{$vbulletin->options[bburl]}/$admincpdir/admin_warn.php?act=completeremove&id={$warn[wid]}&userid={$warn[wuserid]}&uname={$warn[wusername]}&wname={$warn[warn_name]}&postid={$warn[warned_post]}&orderstring={$order}'>Complete Removal</a>";

$admincpdir variable doesn't excist anymore in 3.5.x this could be solved by

$cy="<a href='{$vbulletin->options[bburl]}/$admincpdir/admin_warn.php?act=completeremove&id={$warn[wid]}&userid={$warn[wuserid]}&uname={$warn[wusername]}&wname={$warn[warn_name]}&postid={$warn[warned_post]}&orderstring={$order}'>Complete Removal</a>";

now those links will work again as they should

02-27-2006, 04:44 AM
Darn man, that's why I hate 3.5. You have to learn mostly everything from scratch.

Thanks for the heads-up Delphi, maybe this is my problem with the removal in admincp. I'll work on it maybe today. I think I'll define $admincp as a global variable somewhere in the start, and leave the code alone. There is no reason to change every occurence of it. Is there any place, where all the obsolete variables and structures are collected, so that one can reference it and take it from there? The only thing I had found in the past, was a thread, where you had to scroll through all the posts to get that information. Hasn't Jellsoft released any official document with these changes?

Again, thanks.

02-27-2006, 12:44 PM
hi John ,

Found another problem.If you completely remove a warn and you send email about this

Dear tester,

A warning you have received for violating Array[bbtitle] Rules has been totally removed from your account, by the Forums team. The removed warning concerned:

you are crossposting
(Warning Type = 'CrossPosting')

The post for which you were warned, and whose warning has now been totally removed, can be seen here:


With this warning being removed, 4 point(s) have been removed from your total.

Your total Warning Level at the moment is: 0 point(s).

Please reply back if you have a dispute.


Array[bbtitle] Team

i think that is caused by a template in templates it is still $vboptions and not $vbulletin->options no sure however i'll try to find the problem


problem found it's the $thread2 variable causing the failing url's in admin_warn.php

02-27-2006, 03:00 PM
I think I've spotted that too, and corrected it. Thanks for the heads-up though.

02-27-2006, 06:44 PM
Just have a simple question: what did you say the maturity is for?

In my case i have the maturity on 180, and 4 warnings before ban, but when getting the 5th warning, my users get banned too.

And what happens if i choose a low maturity, let's say 1 day?
Do I have to warn my users 4 times each day to get them banned? -_-

02-27-2006, 07:13 PM
Read the AWS Manage Options page, everything is explained there in details.

The maturity is the period during which the warning points from a particular warning, will remain in a member's account. In your case, if the maturity of a warning is 180 days, then the points associated with that warning, will remain in the user's account for 6 months.

Then there is the Warning Points Limit. If a member ever accumulates enough points to reach it, he is banned for whatever your ban duration is.

Then there is the Warnings Number Limit. If a member collects as many warnings (warnings, not warning points) as the Warnings Number Limit is, then he gets banned again, for whatever your ban duration is.

If you choose a low maturity, it's like "not punishing" your users, for their infractions. They get x points today, and tomorrow they are gone. If they get warned 4 times in a day, yeah, they will be banned, but if you have such members, you better start issueing "permanent ban warnings", where the member is permanently banned.

02-27-2006, 07:40 PM
Read the AWS Manage Options page, everything is explained there in details.

The maturity is the period during which the warning points from a particular warning, will remain in a member's account. In your case, if the maturity of a warning is 180 days, then the points associated with that warning, will remain in the user's account for 6 months.

Then there is the Warning Points Limit. If a member ever accumulates enough points to reach it, he is banned for whatever your ban duration is.

Then there is the Warnings Number Limit. If a member collects as many warnings (warnings, not warning points) as the Warnings Number Limit is, then he gets banned again, for whatever your ban duration is.

If you choose a low maturity, it's like "not punishing" your users, for their infractions. They get x points today, and tomorrow they are gone. If they get warned 4 times in a day, yeah, they will be banned, but if you have such members, you better start issueing "permanent ban warnings", where the member is permanently banned.

Well explained (: ty

Well, it's a forum with the average age of about 13-14 yrs olds ;p

02-27-2006, 07:59 PM
I won't like to be in your shoes!!!

02-27-2006, 07:59 PM
im having this weird thing

I can't find this in the postbit_legacy; some of the codes are there but they're not under each other!

<if condition="$show['moderated']">
<td class="alt2" id="td_post_$post[postid]">
<else />
<td class="alt1" id="td_post_$post[postid]">

<if condition="$show['messageicon'] OR $post['title']">
<!-- icon and title -->
<div class="smallfont">
<if condition="$show['messageicon']"><img class="inlineimg" src="$post[iconpath]" alt="$post[icontitle]" border="0" /></if>
<if condition="$post['title']"><strong>$post[title]</strong></if>
<hr size="1" style="color:$stylevar[tborder_bgcolor]" />
<!-- / icon and title -->

any suggestions?

02-27-2006, 08:21 PM
and another question, is there a way to display under the "post count" in the postbit_legaby, the number of warnings?

02-28-2006, 08:03 PM
Whether it is possible to expect the next version of AWS for vB 3.5 up to the end of March?

02-28-2006, 08:09 PM
Whether it is possible to expect the next version of AWS for vB 3.5 up to the end of March?

when it's ready ....

02-28-2006, 08:35 PM
Right, I can't give any warranties. When it is ready, and when I am satisfied that everything works as it should, I'll release it.

02-28-2006, 08:44 PM
It would be desirable then to ask something:
1. Whether in new release phrases will be used only? (it is necessary for an opportunity of localization)
2. Whether will be replaced ' yes' and ' no ' to 1 and 0?

03-01-2006, 12:26 AM
Im sorry if this is very stupid of me, but where do I define warning types?

03-01-2006, 12:46 AM
Nevermind, I had to log out of my admin panel then log back in. Sorry

03-01-2006, 03:33 AM
I do not plan to rewrite the code to use phrases or any other changes. What I plan to do is to deliver a fully working, bug-free version.

03-01-2006, 07:05 AM
OK, so far, I haven't seen any other bug reported except the one which didn't allow you to completely delete a warning. I trapped a couple of other small issues, and I just uploaded a new admin_warn.php file. Copy that in your admincp directory on your web server, and your problem should be solved.

If I do not receive reports about any other issues, I can't do anything more.

Thanks to Delphi for catching up that stupid thing about admincpdir.

03-01-2006, 07:06 AM
Right, I can't give any warranties. When it is ready, and when I am satisfied that everything works as it should, I'll release it.
Will you planing to use <phrases> or it still will be need translating by "hands"?

oops.... to many answers and answer on my question :(
I do not plan to rewrite the code to use phrases or any other changes. What I plan to do is to deliver a fully working, bug-free version.

03-01-2006, 07:12 AM

Please understand that I have no idea on how to distribute this thing in a packaged manner. As a result, I am uploading separate files for you. Thus any effort to translate this hack to a phrased version is doomed. I won't even know how to package the phrased version for you.


03-01-2006, 07:13 AM
I won't even know how to package the phrased version for you.

And what if i help about it?

03-01-2006, 07:29 AM
Well, if someone can help on that, I have no objection. You see, I did some changes in the templates, there were some issues with wrong colspan etc. But I have no idea how to package everything again. I do not know how one should do the installation again, in order to get the new templates etc, but not loose anything else. In a nutshell, I do not feel comfortable with vB 3.5, so can't do much.

03-02-2006, 12:46 PM
I noticed a couple of templates were not cached, so have made a plugin and uploaded it for others to install.

Also to fix the columns when viewing a person's warning, you need to make a couple of changes.

In the warn_viewtype_end template, find:

<td class="tfoot" colspan="7" align="right">

change it to:

<td class="tfoot" colspan="8" align="right">

In the warn_view_end template, find:

<td class="tfoot" colspan="8" align="right">

change it to:

<td class="tfoot" colspan="9" align="right">

If I notice anything else I will let you know.

By the way, this is a great port, I was using AWS in v 3.0.x and I am having no problems what so ever at the moment :)

Thanks for a great modification :D

03-02-2006, 12:52 PM
hi people,

i've spotted and fixed the urls linking problem.In emails aws sends out.If you have "send email to warned member" turned on and you get this

Dear tester,

A warning you have received for violating Array[bbtitle] Rules has been totally removed from your account, by the Forums team. The removed warning concerned:

you are crossposting
(Warning Type = 'CrossPosting')

The post for which you were warned, and whose warning has now been totally removed, can be seen here:


With this warning being removed, 4 point(s) have been removed from your total.

Your total Warning Level at the moment is: 0 point(s).

Please reply back if you have a dispute.


Array[bbtitle] Team

there should be a proper link to the post for which the member got warned in the first place

Dear tester,

A warning you have received for violating Array[bbtitle] Rules has been totally removed from your account, by the Forums team. The removed warning concerned:

you posted urls before 15 posts
(Warning Type = 'links')

The post for which you were warned, and whose warning has now been totally removed, can be seen here:


With this warning being removed, 1 point(s) have been removed from your total.

Your total Warning Level at the moment is: 0 point(s).

Please reply back if you have a dispute.


Array[bbtitle] Team

in admincp/admin_warn.php find the $thread2 variable BUT ONLY if it is a post related warning ... and change it to


that should do it that's one more problem sorted out

03-02-2006, 01:06 PM
hi people,

i've spotted and fixed the urls linking problem.In emails aws sends out.If you have "send email to warned member" turned on and you get this

Dear tester,

A warning you have received for violating Array[bbtitle] Rules has been totally removed from your account, by the Forums team. The removed warning concerned:

you are crossposting
(Warning Type = 'CrossPosting')

The post for which you were warned, and whose warning has now been totally removed, can be seen here:


With this warning being removed, 4 point(s) have been removed from your total.

Your total Warning Level at the moment is: 0 point(s).

Please reply back if you have a dispute.


Array[bbtitle] Team

there should be a proper link to the post for which the member got warned in the first place

Dear tester,

A warning you have received for violating Array[bbtitle] Rules has been totally removed from your account, by the Forums team. The removed warning concerned:

you posted urls before 15 posts
(Warning Type = 'links')

The post for which you were warned, and whose warning has now been totally removed, can be seen here:


With this warning being removed, 1 point(s) have been removed from your total.

Your total Warning Level at the moment is: 0 point(s).

Please reply back if you have a dispute.


Array[bbtitle] Team

in admincp/admin_warn.php find the $thread2 variable BUT ONLY if it is a post related warning ... and change it to


that should do it that's one more problem sorted out

I think that will also sort out the problem with doing a complete warning removal in the admincp, when it sends a PM to the user that has had the warning removed from them, it is the same Array[bbtitle] problem.

So, your solution should actually kill that problem as well, will test it out and let you know :)

03-02-2006, 01:39 PM
I think that will also sort out the problem with doing a complete warning removal in the admincp, when it sends a PM to the user that has had the warning removed from them, it is the same Array[bbtitle] problem.

So, your solution should actually kill that problem as well, will test it out and let you know :)

actually that annoys me to and i'm looking into that one the problem is i bet $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'];

if i get that one sorted out i'll post it

problem found




$vbulletin->options['bbtitle']; // notice the ''

and make sure you set a value in vb options under bbtitle mke this changes in admin_warn.php

So people to keep the things we've fixed together.To solve the bad urls in email aws sends out you need to edit two files


in Warn.php find


replace by


still in Warn.php find


replace with


in admin_warn.php do the same (only for postrelated warnings) and replace all instances of





03-02-2006, 03:34 PM
hi people,

people with a verry busy forum can try this quick plugin to cache templates used by this sytem.Caching templated reduces the amount of MySQL queries needed ...

admincp => plugin system => plugin manager => add a new plugin

product => AWS (advanced warning system)
hook location => cache templates
title => AWS cache templates
plugin PHP code

if(THIS_SCRIPT =='warn')
$actiontemplates = array (
'ViewMyWarnings' => array (
'WarnUser' => array (
'WarnUserNoPost' => array (
'ViewWarnings' => array (
'ViewPostWarnings' => array (

active (choose yes if you want to use you can choose no if you are having problems with it)

submit the form



enough coding for today

03-02-2006, 08:26 PM
Hi, I've installed the Advanced warning hack on a vB 3.5.4 board. It seems to work great except for a couple little problems I've been having. The Auto-warning system doesnt seem to be working. I've created a supermod "bot" and used it as the auto-warning bot and the hidden warner. Also, I've created the "ObseneWords" warning type and designated it to be "auto." Using a test username and having an actual member use censored words in posts, it doesnt seem to be delivering the warning, even though the words used were blocked out by the vBulletin censor system. Also, Email notification works great, but it doesnt private message the warned user, only emails them. I dont know if maybe you have to have emailing disabled to use the private message feature, but right now they are both enabled. Is this compatible with my version of vB? Other than this, its a very useful hack and im very happy with it.

03-02-2006, 08:37 PM
Hi, I've installed the Advanced warning hack on a vB 3.5.4 board. It seems to work great except for a couple little problems I've been having. The Auto-warning system doesnt seem to be working. I've created a supermod "bot" and used it as the auto-warning bot and the hidden warner. Also, I've created the "ObseneWords" warning type and designated it to be "auto." Using a test username and having an actual member use censored words in posts, it doesnt seem to be delivering the warning, even though the words used were blocked out by the vBulletin censor system. Also, Email notification works great, but it doesnt private message the warned user, only emails them. I dont know if maybe you have to have emailing disabled to use the private message feature, but right now they are both enabled. Is this compatible with my version of vB? Other than this, its a very useful hack and im very happy with it.

i noticed that to the automatic warnings do not seem to work.You did everything requirerd to make it work but i've tested it to and i don't get a pm or email either

03-03-2006, 02:11 AM
sv1cec? I know I have said this before but this is the best hack for vbulletin. Thank you again for supporting it. I have one small issue that I need help with. I have the warning system set-up to create a thread in a hidden forum when a moderator issues an alert or warning. For reasons when an alert is issued, the thread information indicates it is an alert. How can I fix this so the thread displays an alert and not a warning? The information below is in two parts. The first one is a copy of the thread in the hidden forum. The 2nd one is a copy of the private message sent to the user.

Thank you in advance! :)


User mitest received the following Warning/Alert by Michael on 03-02-2006 at 07:22 PM :

Dear mitest,

You have been warned for one of your posts, which violated (website names) Rules. The reason you have been warned is because:

User makes ignores direct directions given from a moderator.
(Warning Type = Ignoring Moderator Directions)

For this violation, you have been given : 3 point(s).
The point(s) will remain in your account for 180 days.
After that, they will be removed automatically.

The post for which you are warned can be seen here:


Originally Posted by Nemo88
I agree,I wish nothing came up when you are "ignoring" another member...

It's a small notification though...

The admin/moderator who warned you, entered this comment:

User makes ignores direct directions given from a moderator.

Your total Warning Level at the moment is: 0 point(s).

If you reach the maximum of 7, you will be banned from the Forums, for 2 days.

To see details about all the warnings you have received, until now, please click here.

Please reply back if you have a dispute.

Dear mitest,

This is an alert for one of your posts, which violated MouseInfo.com Rules. The reason you have been alerted is because:

User makes ignores direct directions given from a moderator.
(Warning Type = Ignoring Moderator Directions)

For this violation, you would normally have been given : 3 point(s).
The point(s) would remain in your account for 180 days.
After that, they would be removed automatically.

If you ever reach the maximum of 7 points, you will be banned from the Forums, for 2 days.

However, the moderator decided not to warn you at this time, and only issue an alert, instead of a warning. So no points have been added in your account, this time. Next time however, you will be warned.


The post for which you are alerted can be seen here:

Originally Posted by Nemo88
I agree,I wish nothing came up when you are "ignoring" another member...

It's a small notification though...

The admin/moderator who issued this alert, entered this comment:

User makes ignores direct directions given from a moderator.

To see details about all the warnings and alerts you have received, until now, please click here.

Please reply back if you have a dispute.

03-03-2006, 10:18 AM

Automatic warnings seem to work fine in private messages try to send a pm which contains censored words you'll get a pm back telling you that you've been warned.But automatic warnings fail to work in posts / threads No error messages but no pm or emails either

if you ask me those plugins that should handle the automatic warnings have the wrong hook locations and therefor the code doesn't get fired in the right spot

03-07-2006, 06:04 AM
OK, I have just uploaded new admin_warn.php and Warn.php files, with the quotes! Darn those quotes. I'll try and check everything else for this issue.

03-07-2006, 06:14 AM
I can not duplicate the problem with the Automatic Warnings from Posts. It works fine in my test environment, even before uploading the edited files for the quoted $vbulletin parameters.

There is an issue with the warning being entered as non-post related. To correct that, open the following plugin.

AWS: Check Post-Title/Message for censored Words


warn_calculations($warn_type['tid'], $wcomment, $this->fetch_field['postid'], $userinfo, $this->registry->options['warn_automatic_warner'], $alert);

Replace that with:

warn_calculations($warn_type['tid'], $wcomment, $wpost, $userinfo, $this->registry->options['warn_automatic_warner'], $alert);

Try this out.

Also, in several of the templates shown in the XML file, there are still references to $vboptions parameters. However, I do not know if it is worth it to correct these references, since I do not know if a corrected XML file can be used to alter the existing templates or not. If someone knows, please advise.

03-07-2006, 08:56 AM
OK, I am completely stuck here. Delphi, or whoever else can check out the admin_warn.php code for me, I need some ... support.

When viewing the Warnings Log, there are two links, one saying "Remove" and the other saying "Complete Removal". My problem is this:

The first one, when clicked, shows the next screen correctly, i.e. all the information is there. The second one, does not passes all the parameters to the next screen, it does not pass all the TYPE_STR fields. As a result, the name of the warned user, and type of warning and the parameter which shows if this warning has caused a ban or no, are not passed.

The code in these two routines (remove and completeremove) is exactly the same. The code from which the two routines are called, is also exactly the same, it's shown below:

Routine remove call:

$y="<a href='{$vbulletin->options['bburl']}/$admincpdir/admin_warn.php?act=remove&id={$warn[wid]}&userid={$warn[warned_userid_v]}&uname={$warn[warned_username_v]}&wname={$warn[warn_name]}&postid={$warn[warned_post]}&ban=$warn[caused_ban]&orderstring={$order}'>Remove</a>";

Routine completeremove call:

$cy="<a href='{$vbulletin->options['bburl']}/$admincpdir/admin_warn.php?act=completeremove&id={$warn[wid]}&userid={$warn[warned_userid_v]}&uname={$warn[warned_username_v]}&wname={$warn[warn_name]}&postid={$warn[warned_post]}&ban=$warn[caused_ban]&orderstring={$order}'>Complete Removal</a>";

The strange thing is that if you hover your cursor above the two links, you can see that the parameters are shown, in other words, they are passed.

Anyone has any ideas?????

It's not affecting the operation of the program per se, the warnings are completely removed, but I do not like it when I can't figure out what's going on and why things do not work as expected.

03-07-2006, 10:09 AM
OK, I am completely stuck here. Delphi, or whoever else can check out the admin_warn.php code for me, I need some ... support.

When viewing the Warnings Log, there are two links, one saying "Remove" and the other saying "Complete Removal". My problem is this:

The first one, when clicked, shows the next screen correctly, i.e. all the information is there. The second one, does not passes all the parameters to the next screen, it does not pass all the TYPE_STR fields. As a result, the name of the warned user, and type of warning and the parameter which shows if this warning has caused a ban or no, are not passed.

The code in these two routines (remove and completeremove) is exactly the same. The code from which the two routines are called, is also exactly the same, it's shown below:

Routine remove call:

$y="<a href='{$vbulletin->options['bburl']}/$admincpdir/admin_warn.php?act=remove&id={$warn[wid]}&userid={$warn[warned_userid_v]}&uname={$warn[warned_username_v]}&wname={$warn[warn_name]}&postid={$warn[warned_post]}&ban=$warn[caused_ban]&orderstring={$order}'>Remove</a>";

Routine completeremove call:

$cy="<a href='{$vbulletin->options['bburl']}/$admincpdir/admin_warn.php?act=completeremove&id={$warn[wid]}&userid={$warn[warned_userid_v]}&uname={$warn[warned_username_v]}&wname={$warn[warn_name]}&postid={$warn[warned_post]}&ban=$warn[caused_ban]&orderstring={$order}'>Complete Removal</a>";

The strange thing is that if you hover your cursor above the two links, you can see that the parameters are shown, in other words, they are passed.

Anyone has any ideas?????

It's not affecting the operation of the program per se, the warnings are completely removed, but I do not like it when I can't figure out what's going on and why things do not work as expected.

did notice that to verry strange.Gonna check it out.

03-07-2006, 10:51 AM
Yes, and if you add a couple of display echos, you will see that all the numeric valiables are passed, and all the string ones are not. Why? I haven't the faintest idea.

03-07-2006, 11:40 AM

yes true.I haven't got an idea either but it's obvious variables of type TYPE_INT are passed and TYPE_STR aren't

'id' => TYPE_INT,
'userid' => TYPE_INT,
'uname' => TYE_STR,
'wname' => TYPE_STR,
'postid' => TYPE_INT,
'orderstring' => TYPE_STR,
'ban' => TYPE_STR,

looks correct to me.Verry "frusterating" that one screen works fine and the other just refuses to work.the g means the type of variables $_GET that can be

g => $_GET
p =>$_POST

maybe that got something todo with it just guessing here through

there is a problem with it if you call GettType() of those TYPE_STR variables it just returns the plain function call while TYPE_INT is properly returned

echo gettype($temp_wname);
echo gettype($temp_uid);

03-07-2006, 01:49 PM

Look at the attached screenshot...

:banana: :ermm:

if you output those variables with $_GET[name] (no quotes) it does work verry strange i'm thinking about a vbulletin bug here ?

03-07-2006, 02:38 PM
I spend the best part of this morning, trying to figure that out. I compared the code, where the completeremove and the remove are called from. Same thing. I compared the GPC cleaning thing, I even copied parts of the code from the remove to the completeremove. Nothing!

This afternoon, I tried something, below the section of code that should affect this. Guess what? It fixed something, wname and uname are now passed, but not the parameter which shows if that warning has caused a ban.

Darn vB 3.5!! :(

03-07-2006, 02:40 PM
I have to agree with you. Have a look at the attached admin_warn.php. The code for the remove and for the complete remove is the same. What I added to have the first variables shown (the ones which didn't show before), was the clean_array_gpc BELOW the form. How on earth can the code below the form, affect the code which is above the form, is totally beyond my understanding. Still, there is no way I can make the "N" (for No ban) pass!

Other members, please do not use this file. It contains debug code, which will mess up your system.

03-07-2006, 03:07 PM
The automatic warning seemed to work fine when I used the default userID(1), but when i used the one for my bot(47), it diddnt work anymore.

03-07-2006, 03:13 PM
The automatic warning seemed to work fine when I used the default userID(1), but when i used the one for my bot(47), it diddnt work anymore.

Excuse me, but what is a bot? The automatic warner should be just another user. I hope this is what you mean. I tested that this morning and everything works fine. My warner is userid 2 and it works fine. See my previous posts on this matter, to solve a minor issue.

03-07-2006, 03:45 PM

The ban parameter is indeed not passed.A quick n dirty solution would be changing "caused_ban" to a bool and use "TYPE_BOOL" this is either true or false (0 or 1 ) and that should work i know this is a "dirty" solution but the cause of this parameter not being passed can be anywhere.admin_warn.php are 3260 rules of code so .....

again the problem is the same it works fine in remove and doesn't in completeremove

03-07-2006, 04:37 PM
That's the worst possible solution, it will require people to alter their existing tables. Neah, I'll give it some more thought when I get some more time. In the mean time, nobody is telling me if the Automatic Warnings are working OK now.