View Full Version : Forum titles: 2 languages.

09-09-2005, 03:20 AM
If possible I would love and be very grateful for a hack that was able to have a two titles (or one for every language install) for one forum.

That is, if a user chooses one language (english, for example) ...the forum titles appear in that English, but if the user switches to another language (Z language, for example), then the forum titles appear in Z language.

Basically, this is how the language sets work for BUTTONS and MENU items etc. But there is nothing for dealing with forum titles.

right now, i have to do both languages in one title...which means many people see half BROKEN garbage text. :( :(

thanks for any replies. :)


I think this would be very useful for many people who I'm sure are running multilanguage sites.

09-11-2005, 02:11 AM
i have an idea on how this would work, i just need the vb txt 4 it

<if condition="$language == english">
Shows crap 4 the enslish users
<else />
Shows the rest 4 any other lanugages ^^

i just need to figure the "$language == english" part

09-20-2005, 06:05 AM
i have an idea on how this would work, i just need the vb txt 4 it

<if condition="$language == english">
Shows crap 4 the enslish users
<else />
Shows the rest 4 any other lanugages ^^

i just need to figure the "$language == english" part

wow. Sorry.. ddidn't see this. Thought I got ignored :(

I have no idea what that means...but sounds good! I'd be very appreciative if this could be figured out. (donations needed?) ;) I need this like ya wouldnn't believe. Anything I can do to help?

thank you for your effort already.

bumpy bump!! :p :D

wow. Sorry.. ddidn't see this. Thought I got ignored :(

I have no idea what that means...but sounds good! I'd be very appreciative if this could be figured out. (donations needed?) ;) I need this like ya wouldnn't believe. Anything I can do to help?

thank you for your effort already.

:p :D

bumpy bump!!

any ideas?

09-23-2005, 06:26 PM
can I get a BUMP BUMP!!? :D

09-24-2005, 05:52 PM
ok, here, ill make it more elaberiate,

out there where you want your image should apear.

<if condition="$language['english']">
crap 4 english muffins
<else />
crap for french fries

Note : i was not being rasist :P im english and i called my self an english muffin :P sorry, if any1 takes offence to it

10-03-2005, 08:15 PM
ok, here, ill make it more elaberiate,

out there where you want your image should apear.

<if condition="$language['english']">
crap 4 english muffins
<else />
crap for french fries

Note : i was not being rasist :P im english and i called my self an english muffin :P sorry, if any1 takes offence to it

sounds good. But I'm sorry...I'm a n00b and still don't know where to put that... :/

I am specifically trying to use this for each FORUM TITLE and THREAD TITLES (but especially the forum titles.) That is, basically all the forum I create and listed in the admincp >> forum manager.
(btw, entering that directly into the admincp>>forum manager TITLE field didn't work. heh).

can you tell me WHERE or WHAT variable in what template I have to edit in order to get it to work for the forum titles???

for example, is that in the forumdisplay template? If so, I couldn't figure out which variable to edit or what where to stick that code. :(

sorry again for bugging you, n00biness sux. :(

10-10-2005, 02:44 AM
bumpy bumpbump :p