View Full Version : SHOW who has edited - also when moderator/administrators does an edit

06-07-2000, 04:26 AM
When a user posts - and the edits - the systems sets an "edited by...", but when the edit is done by a moderator or the admin. the edited by.... does not show.

Is there a way to make the "edit by" show no mather who edits??


06-08-2000, 03:54 AM
Yes, use the 'change options' link in your admin panel. Beneath 'edit options' there are two yes/no switches - one for normal users, the other for staff. Make sure both are set to 'yes'

06-08-2000, 04:53 AM
The current version is supposed to (I believe) show the edited by for moderators and all members, and allow the control panel option for the admin to show theirs or not.

06-08-2000, 06:30 PM
thanks - I was using ver 1.1.1 - and are now upgrading to 1.1.2

take care!


08-02-2000, 12:47 PM
I had set the "showeditedby" of Yes and "showeditedbyadmin" to No, but when I post as Admin, I see "edit by". What must I change?