View Full Version : Administrative and Maintenance Tools - Enhanced ACP Nav

09-04-2005, 10:00 PM
<font size="3">Enhanced ACP Navigation</font>

Many Hacks add their own Groups to ACP Navigation, so the Frame might get overloaded and
thus more difficult to be used if you have several Hacks installed.
This Hack enables you to switch between Standard and Custom Navigation - Standard Navigation
will only show Standard Groups, Custom Navigation only custom Groups.
However, custom Entries added to default Groups will show up in Standard Navigation.

1 Product XML with 1 Plugin and 2 Phrases

Initial Version

Added Code to prevent an Error being shown when clicking "Show Custom Navigation" and there are no custom Groups.
This is just a a cosmetic change.

Fixed Preferences not working properly

This modification is compatible with vBulletin 3.5.X, 3.6.X, 3.7.X, 3.8.X, 4.0.X and 4.1.X

09-05-2005, 05:48 AM
Thanks a lot, it's really welcome :)

09-05-2005, 07:35 AM
Thanks for sharing Kirby,

Getting this when clicking on Show Custom Navigation link:

Warning: First argument to array_keys() should be an array in /includes/adminfunctions_navpanel.php on line 147

Warning: Bad arguments to implode() in /includes/adminfunctions_navpanel.php on line 147

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/adminfunctions_navpanel.php on line 150

09-05-2005, 08:05 AM
Well ... could it be that you don't have custom Groups? ;)
Haven't thought of such a case, but i'll add Code so it does not show errors then.

09-05-2005, 09:21 AM
This is very useful to me!

* Guest190829 clicks install. :)

09-05-2005, 09:25 AM
I don't understand the description, and some screenshots would help.

Oblivion Knight
09-05-2005, 09:49 AM
Jeez, you're on a roll Kirby.! This is perfect.. :D

Thank you for sharing your work with us, it is very much appreciated.

Edit (For Revan): Screenshots attached

09-05-2005, 10:55 AM
It really makes the AdminCp much more organized. Thanks Again Kirby, and it works great. :)

09-05-2005, 11:43 AM
ZIP updated.
However, as said this is just a cosmetic change, so it's not really necessary to update.

09-05-2005, 12:03 PM
Edit (For Revan): Screenshots attachedThank you sir :)

09-05-2005, 12:36 PM
this is fantastic!! thankyou

09-05-2005, 01:56 PM
Perrrrrrfect, thank you :)

09-06-2005, 05:40 PM
This breaks the save prefs feature. It will only save it for the frame you are on and the other one becuase all collapsed.

09-06-2005, 06:00 PM
Right. Never used save Prefs so far :)
I'll take a look to see if there is anything that could be done to not break it.

09-07-2005, 08:39 PM
Thanks. I just hate coming in and starting with everythng collapsed. I like to come in and have my common things open ;)

09-08-2005, 06:40 AM
I just found this and this is great, Kirby! Thank you, sir. ;)

09-08-2005, 08:23 AM
Prefs should work now.

09-08-2005, 01:24 PM
/me clicks install

Oblivion Knight
09-10-2005, 09:46 AM
This doesn't appear to be working for RC3.

Nothing is listed on the Custom Navigation anymore.. :(

09-10-2005, 10:03 AM
Check if your cpnav_xxx.xml Files are attached to installed Products, otherwise RC3 will hide their contents - previous Versions always showed them.

09-10-2005, 10:55 AM
Mine is working fine. ;)

Oblivion Knight
09-10-2005, 12:32 PM
That sorted it, thanks.. As shown in my screenshot, I'm currently only using 1 product with an additional cpnav and it was attached to vBulletin instead of it's own product.

09-19-2005, 06:39 PM
*Installed* Thanks Kirby!

The Wise One
09-25-2005, 05:07 PM
nice one. thanks.


10-27-2005, 09:21 AM
Kirby is there by chance a way to bypass one or 2 particular custom nav groups? More spefically this one?

10-27-2005, 09:36 AM
No, not possible (without changing the plugin code).

10-27-2005, 10:06 AM
What might I have to change?

And if your still considering options for this what about some sort of setting to decide which tabs you see on the main page? :)

10-28-2005, 04:36 AM
Beautiful! Installed.

10-30-2005, 11:52 PM
What would it take to edit the plugin to say add a 3rd,4th, 5th page to only pull custom navgroups vs. any that are standard/not vbulletin.

EX: cpnav_foo.xml
<navgroups product="foobar">


Expand All | Collapse All
Save Prefs | Revert Prefs


10-31-2005, 12:21 AM
> What would it take to edit the plugin to say add a 3rd,4th, 5th page to only pull custom navgroups
A total rewrite.

10-31-2005, 01:37 AM
I assume it would involve a total rewrite in order to add just one custom navgroup to the main page.

Would it be possible to write a version that the user has a way to pick which navgroups appear on the main page?

10-31-2005, 11:22 PM
> What would it take to edit the plugin to say add a 3rd,4th, 5th page to only pull custom navgroups
A total rewrite.

Ok I'll play with the code to make it pull up only the group I want vs. all custom. Thank you sir for the work.

11-01-2005, 12:19 AM
This is one of my favorite hacks of all time. It makes the AdminCp so much more organized. Thanks Again Andreas. :)

11-01-2005, 01:38 PM
Ok I'll play with the code to make it pull up only the group I want vs. all custom. Thank you sir for the work.

If you could post that or release that when your done, I could really use a flag enabled version. :)

The Wise One
11-13-2005, 03:53 PM
is it possible to modify this to work with the modcp?

i am writing a plugin for the tech site i admin at that requires quite a few additional groups of menus. ive figured out how to add the menus to the navigation in modcp, but it would be really usefull to use your product so i can get those custom navs in their own nav page.

11-13-2005, 07:45 PM
Hmm it might be possible to do smth. for ModCP, but it is more difficult as ModCP navigation works differently.

The Wise One
11-13-2005, 07:58 PM
Hmm it might be possible to do smth. for ModCP, but it is more difficult as ModCP navigation works differently.

if you could manage it with a plugin...that would be killer. i managed to get it to work using parts of your plugin code...but it required edits to modcp/index.php to work completely. was hoping for a plugin.

11-25-2005, 09:06 AM
thank you for making this :D

how do I change the order from ?

Show Custom Navigation
Control Panel Home
Expand All | Collapse All
Save Prefs | Revert Prefs


Control Panel Home
Expand All | Collapse All
Save Prefs | Revert Prefs
Show Custom Navigation <--

11-25-2005, 12:28 PM
Not possible (without using output-buffering and some tricky replaces).

11-26-2005, 11:28 PM
awesome hack andreas thanks to zachariah for pointing it out :)

11-27-2005, 01:16 AM
Very, very nice, thank you!!! This is a very helpful hack!
clicks install !

12-03-2005, 06:34 PM
wish i could get this to work on 3.5.1... looks good though...

12-03-2005, 06:53 PM
Works fine on 3.5.1

12-03-2005, 10:54 PM
Works fine on 3.5.1

I haven't had any problems on 3.5.1 .. works great :D

12-04-2005, 12:32 AM
hmm... maybe I just don't understand what it does...

So what does this do ? And, how do I use it ?

12-22-2005, 11:39 AM
Works good on vB 3.5.2

01-23-2006, 05:24 PM
brilliant mod, i think this should be a top mod as it is the handyest mod EVER

03-21-2006, 06:53 PM
More Features planned, stay tuned.staying tuned :D

06-21-2006, 05:57 AM
Anyone tested this on 3.6 yet please?

06-21-2006, 12:32 PM
/me downloads

/me imports

/me checks

Yes working fine on 3.6.0

01-12-2007, 09:19 PM
Just what I needed to hear.

* Installs *

01-13-2007, 01:00 AM
Its even working fine on vB 3.6.4.

11-02-2007, 07:11 AM
Works like a charm on vBulletin 3.6.8 Patch Level 1.


*clicks install*

06-16-2008, 04:47 PM
* Compatibility Updated *
(For those who care, lol?)

06-16-2008, 05:00 PM
Still works fine for me with 3.7.1 PL1 :p

03-06-2009, 09:48 AM
works with 3.8.x. what a great mod. should be implemented with vbulletin.

Oblivion Knight
05-05-2009, 09:50 AM
One of my favourite modifications, glad to see it still working on 3.8.x.. :)

08-27-2009, 01:58 PM
Working Perfect!

*MadLike cLicks install.

09-07-2010, 03:52 PM
this made everything much easier... thank you so much :)

09-12-2011, 09:18 PM
Looks like it still works on vB 4.1.5, I wish I knew about this mod before.

09-19-2011, 07:29 PM
Looks like it still works on vB 4.1.5, I wish I knew about this mod before.

Me too and I frequent here (lol :p) often!

Awesome Andreas, working on a site now w/ more DB Tech mods than I can count and scrolling down to the style manager was becoming quite redundant :p.

09-19-2011, 09:20 PM
Yeah, its really amazing - 6 year old code and still working just fine :)

09-19-2011, 09:26 PM
Not that amazing considering who wrote it. ;)

09-23-2011, 10:09 AM
Thanks. Very handy modification :)

04-26-2016, 02:44 PM
THIS IS FANTASTIC!! Exactly what I needed.

Thank you.

Twixted Chaox
12-16-2016, 12:30 AM
With a bit of playing around.. I now have a custom navigation with sorting thanks to the idea from this mod

I can create navigation pages with custom titles and custom flagged menus

So I can name 1 "Client Functions" and I assign menus x,y,z to it
Then i name 1 "Forum Administration" with b,d,g,h assigned to it

It uses the menu name for assignments select field so that you can easily select the portions of the menu you wish to see..

I also have an option for "Full Menu Replace" so that you no longer see the old menu at all!!

Working on releasing my mod... possibly... just looking at implications of doing so freely vs paid...