View Full Version : Forcing ignore

09-04-2005, 11:06 PM

I have two users who don't like eachother, one is an admin (and ignoring admins/mods are disabled) and the other is a regular user.

Can I forcefully make these two ignore eachother?

I found this code for VB2 but I don't know if VB3.5 RC2 works with it...

edit global.php (in forum dir not in admin dir!), go at the end of file and find ?> right before that add:

if ($bbuserinfo[userid]==X) {$bbuserinfo[ignorelist].=' Y';}
elseif ($bbuserinfo[userid]==Y) {$bbuserinfo[ignorelist].=' X';}

Replace X and Y with the userids of the users and you're done.. :)


Any ideas?

09-05-2005, 12:04 AM
I'd like this as well, I came pretty close to needing something like this but luckily I was able to put out the fire. Would be nice to have it around in the future just in case.

Paul M
09-05-2005, 12:12 AM
It won't work 'as is' because $bbuserinfo does not exist in 3.5

09-05-2005, 12:44 AM
It won't work 'as is' because $bbuserinfo does not exist in 3.5

And you know how to make it work with 3.5?

Paul M
09-05-2005, 02:00 AM
And you know how to make it work with 3.5?Well $bbuserinfo became $vbulletin->userinfo, and it might work if you added it to the global_start hook. I haven't tested this though.

09-05-2005, 05:44 AM
Note to myself: You wanted to add "Admin enforced Ignore" to your Admin Permission Override Hack ...

10-03-2005, 11:05 PM
I need this to and have asked about it before. It would be nice if we could simply add someone when viewing their user profile in AdminCP like we can with other options.

10-03-2005, 11:31 PM
*cough* Admin Permission Override *cough* ;)

10-03-2005, 11:48 PM
I found the cold medicine and have remedied the situation. Thank you much! :D