View Full Version : hidden quick reply that says who you're quoting

evil kev
08-31-2005, 10:00 PM
just a quick modification that i made for my forum to change how quick reply works so the big box is by default always hidden and only shown if users want to use it. if you click on the quick reply link it says who you're quoting (and defaulty goes to quote if clicked from a message)

************************************************** *************************
Quick reply modification

hidden quick reply that shows who is being quoted

************************************************** *************************

How this is different to normal quick reply:

- hidden by default (shown as collapsed box)
- on clicking a quick reply icon automatically ticks quote box
- when someone is being quoted it says who and which post number

What is modified:

- SHOWTHREAD template
- vbulletin_quick_reply.js

How to install:

for SHOWTHREAD template:

<a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" onclick="return <if condition="$show['wysiwyg'] == 2

AND !is_browser('ie')">editor_loaded ? false : </if> toggle_collapse('quickreply');"><img id="collapseimg_quickreply"

src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_tcat$vbcollapse[collapseimg_quickreply].gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>


<!--QR MOD1 -->
<a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" id="qr_hide" onclick="return false;"><img

src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_tcat_collapsed.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>
<span id="qr_name"><a

<script type="text/javascript">
//vbphrases can be added to vBeditTemplate[clientscript] put here for ease of modification access
//can be vbphrases if added
vbphrase["qr_quoting_post"] = 'Quoting Post #';
vbphrase["qr_by"] = ' by ';
<!-- /QR MOD1 -->



<tbody id="collapseobj_quickreply" style="$vbcollapse[collapseobj_quickreply]">


<!-- QR MOD2 -->
<tbody id="qr_obj" style="display:none;">
<!-- /QR MOD2 -->


NOTE: if you wish to use vbphrases add the phrases you need and modify the 'Quoting Post #' and ' by ' bits to the vbphrase


in vbulletin_quick_reply.js

add at the top after the vb notice and before any script:

//qr modifications
//js addition 1
//variables used in mod
var oldlink,oldimg,newimg,scrollTop;
//set onclicks
fetch_tags(fetch_object('qr_name'), 'a')[0].onclick = qr_hide;
fetch_object('qr_hide').onclick = qr_hide;

* hides or shows quick reply depending on its use
function qr_hide(){
if(fetch_object('qr_obj').style.display == 'none'){
if(!require_click)qr_active = true;
fetch_object('qr_obj').style.display = 'none';
fetch_object('qr_name').innerHTML = oldlink;
fetch_tags(fetch_object('qr_name'), 'a')[0].onclick = qr_hide;
fetch_tags(fetch_object('qr_hide'), 'img')[0].src = oldimg;
return false
* shows quick reply box
function qr_show(){
fetch_object('qr_obj').style.display = '';
oldlink = fetch_object('qr_name').innerHTML;
fetch_object('qr_name').innerHTML = fetch_tags(fetch_object('qr_name'), 'a')[0].innerHTML;
oldimg = fetch_tags(fetch_object('qr_hide'), 'img')[0].src;
newimg = '';
newimg = newimg + oldimg.charAt(i);
fetch_tags(fetch_object('qr_hide'), 'img')[0].src = newimg + '.gif';
scrollTop = vB_Popup_Menu.prototype.fetch_offset(fetch_object( 'qrform'))['top'];

* hides the "quoting post" text if checkbox is unchecked and vice versa
function qr_quoteManage(){
if(this.checked == true){
fetch_object('qr_quotetext').style.display = '';
fetch_object('qr_quotetext').style.display = 'none';
return true;
//end js addition 1


function qr_disable_controls()


function qr_disable_controls()
//qr modification
//js addition 2
if(fetch_object('qr_obj').style.display != 'none')qr_hide();
if(fetch_object('qr_quickreply').checked == true)fetch_object('qr_quickreply').checked = false;
fetch_object('qr_quotetext').style.display = 'none';
//end js addition 2


function qr_activate(postid)
var qr_collapse = fetch_object('collapseobj_quickreply');
if (qr_collapse && qr_collapse.style.display == "none")

fetch_object('qr_postid').value = postid;
fetch_object('qr_quickreply').disabled = false;


function qr_activate(postid)
//code no longer used
/*var qr_collapse = fetch_object('collapseobj_quickreply');
if (qr_collapse && qr_collapse.style.display == "none")
//qr modification
//js addition 3
//if qr is hidden show it
fetch_object('qr_obj').style.display == 'none' ? qr_show(): self.scrollTo(0,scrollTop);
//end js addition 3

fetch_object('qr_postid').value = postid;
fetch_object('qr_quickreply').disabled = false;

//js addition 4
//make quote as default
fetch_object('qr_quickreply').checked = true;
//set onclick to hide quote text when checkbox isn't checked
fetch_object('qr_quickreply').onclick = qr_quoteManage;
//get username
var quo_user = fetch_tags(fetch_object('postmenu_' + postid),'a')[0].innerHTML;
//get post number
//needs modifying if postnumber isnt in <strong> tags
var quo_no = fetch_tags(fetch_object('postcount' + postid),'strong')[0].innerHTML;
fetch_object('qr_quotetext').innerHTML = vbphrase["qr_quoting_post"] + quo_no + vbphrase["qr_by"] + quo_user;
//unhide quote if hidden
if(fetch_object('qr_quotetext').style.display == 'none')fetch_object('qr_quotetext').style.display = '';
//end js addition 4

save and upload (when testing using ctrl + f5 to force the browser to reload js files)

installation complete :)

Potential Problems:
i've tested this with ie6 and firefox and i havent had problems altho in some cases it could degrade poorly i havent looked at the fetch_tags() method yet to understand how it degrades but this should certainly work fine on most modern browsers.

there are still likely to be bugs in this as it has not been tested fully in an in-use forum.

maybe someone will have a use for this like we do, maybe not :D

p.s. this is my first hack that i've wrote up for here so be gentle if i've done something wrong :)

08-31-2005, 11:53 PM
I love it!!! *Clicks Install*

your gonna want to put your instructions in a txt file... so that people have it for easy reference if anyone has to re-install this for whatever reason instead of having to find the thread

evil kev
09-01-2005, 12:47 AM
oooh thanks :) i didnt know if anyone would be interested let alone so fast, i've added the text file and neated it up a bit now. let me know how you get on with it.

09-01-2005, 01:12 AM
no problems yet but you can be sure you will find out if i come across any.... just waiting to see if any members notice anything and report it to me

09-21-2005, 07:59 AM
nice hack, where do I get the pink skin?

evil kev
09-25-2005, 08:46 PM
oh its just a skin i made for my forum i might release it sometime if i find some spare time :)

09-30-2005, 08:30 AM
Does it have an option so that a user can choose weather to have it open or no...like Invision Free?

evil kev
10-01-2005, 03:14 PM
i'm not familiar with that option, but working on what you said there is no option it is defaultly hidden all the time.