View Full Version : Google Talk

08-25-2005, 03:15 AM
I think it would be cool to have Google Talk integrated with icons and "send a message via Google Talk to XXX" ect. like AIM, MSN and ICQ into 3.5.X.

08-25-2005, 04:34 AM
Dude, I just did it!


EDIT: Well, not with 3.5, but you can sure as hell try it. They can't be too different...

08-27-2005, 02:16 AM
i just wish we had a way to add the hot links that pass the add user and im user variables like with aim/msn to google talk as well, but i've had no success getting them from anywhere, including google themselves.

And yeah, doing this for vb3.5 isn't that hard, but theres alot of places that need to have tags added / changed. I had a go at putting a googletalk button on our 3.5 forums a few days ago, but i just left off the popup because i saw no purpose to it without the functions, and left a note on the hover over image tag that said "look for users google talk handle in profile"