View Full Version : Help With A Mod

08-22-2005, 02:56 AM
I'm currently working on a hack that I do not wish to give hints out yet ;) but I do know that companies that use php/html website fronts and vb forums would benefit a great deal from this (unless the hack is already out there).

Anyway, I keep getting this error on the php page:

Unable to add cookies, header already sent.

File: /home/elite/public_html/index2.php
Line: 8

Now, what I want to know is what is causing this error. My forums have the same meta tags n such, could that be the problem? What are the common causes of this error :(


Colin F
08-22-2005, 05:42 AM
I'm currently working on a hack that I do not wish to give hints out yet ;) but I do know that companies that use php/html website fronts and vb forums would benefit a great deal from this (unless the hack is already out there).

Anyway, I keep getting this error on the php page:

Now, what I want to know is what is causing this error. My forums have the same meta tags n such, could that be the problem? What are the common causes of this error :(


The problem is that you are outputting data before the cookies are set.
This could be due to whitespace before or after the <?php / ?> tags or an error message being displayed (as it was also printed to the screen).

08-22-2005, 03:27 PM
Theres a page called news2.php that connects to the vb database, so would it be line 8 of that file?

Colin, PM me and I'll send you the files :) If you want to help that is ;)