View Full Version : custom post new thread script

Lord Doys
08-20-2005, 11:34 AM
Hi All,
i am making an automatic post script for my forum that is ran by the cron.
the script passes on every variable and arrays as it is supposed to, but the threads and post arent inserted at all.
I am not getting any errors either.

// ########################### FUNCTION POST #############################

function post($body,$TID,$new_subject,$uid,$name){
$newpost = array();
$userinfo = fetch_userinfo($uid);

echo $new_subject ."<br>".$name."<br>";

$newpost['message'] = $body;
$newpost['message'] = convert_wysiwyg_html_to_bbcode($_POST['WYSIWYG_HTML'], $foruminfo['allowhtml']);

$newpost['title'] = $new_subject;
$newpost['iconid'] = 0;
$newpost['parseurl'] = TRUE;
$newpost['email'] = 9999;
$newpost['signature'] = iif($userinfo['signature'], 1, 0);
$newpost['preview'] = 0;
$newpost['disablesmilies'] = 0;
$newpost['rating'] = 0;
$newpost['username'] = $name;
$newpost['folderid'] = $threadinfo['folderid'];
$newpost['emailupdate'] = $threadinfo['emailupdate'];
$newpost['poststarttime'] = TIMENOW;
$newpost['posthash'] = md5($newpost['poststarttime'] . $userinfo['userid'] . $userinfo['salt']);
$newpost['isemail'] = 1;
$newpost['userinfo'] = $userinfo;

$bbuserinfo = &$userinfo;

echo "<br>posthash in 1st script ".$newpost['posthash']."<br>";

build_new_post('thread', 9, array(), 0, $newpost, $errors);


// ########################## FUNCTION REPLY #############################

function reply($TID,$new_subject,$uid,$name,$body,$FID)
$newpost = array();
$userinfo = fetch_userinfo($uid);
$threadinfo = fetch_threadinfo($TID);
$FID = 9;
$newpost['message'] = $body;
$newpost['message'] = convert_wysiwyg_html_to_bbcode($_POST['WYSIWYG_HTML'], $foruminfo['allowhtml']);

$newpost['title'] = $new_subject;
$newpost['iconid'] = 0;
$newpost['parseurl'] = TRUE;
$newpost['email'] = 9999;
$newpost['signature'] = iif($userinfo['signature'], 1, 0);
$newpost['preview'] = 0;
$newpost['disablesmilies'] = 0;
$newpost['rating'] = 0;
$newpost['username'] = $name;
$newpost['folderid'] = $threadinfo['folderid'];
$newpost['emailupdate'] = threadinfo['emailupdate'];
$newpost['poststarttime'] = TIMENOW;
$newpost['posthash'] = md5($newpost['poststarttime'] . $userinfo['userid'] . $userinfo['salt']);
$newpost['isemail'] = 1;
$newpost['userinfo'] = $userinfo;

$bbuserinfo = &$userinfo;
echo "<br>posthash in 2st script ".$newpost['posthash']."<br>";
echo "<br>TID ".$TID."<br>";
echo "<br>FID ".$FID."<br>";
echo "threadid 2nd = ".$threadinfo['threadid']."<br>";
build_new_post('reply', $FID, $threadinfo, $TID, $newpost, $errors);


the echo's i get back are:
(parsed by custom script)
Retrieving new message.

posthash in 2st script cc8f011de27342b3e7e574e29003c45f
TID 3103
threadid 2nd = 3103

(parsed by functions_newpost)
title: Magician Spells list by Arjan
$post['posthash']: cc8f011de27342b3e7e574e29003c45f
userid = 1
salt = }m)
threadid = 3103
checkhash = cc8f011de27342b3e7e574e29003c45f

is there somehow a way to find out why this isnt working?


nvm found it