View Full Version : New post forum icons opacity

08-16-2005, 05:02 PM
Hmm so I was checking out this mod


Which lets you add images for a forum.

And I was checking out the "Forum contains new posts" "Forum contains no new posts" etc..

Then I remembered the old opactiy hack for avatars that turned the avatars opaque when the user was offline...

What about a hack to combine those two?

You set forum icon through an option simliar to the vb category icons

And vb would turn it opaque when there are no new posts or show it normal when they are. Or display like a universal lock image when the forum is locked?

Zero Tolerance
08-16-2005, 05:04 PM
Wouldn't it be much easier to just turn the image into greyscale in an image editor and upload it as the image for no new posts?

It would save the hassel of adding code to the forum...

- Zero Tolerance

08-16-2005, 06:14 PM
Hmm if the forums used different forum category icons though per forum..


Gonna let my brain pan boil on this. I think I can do it with the vb category icons mod and some template edits, in a way similar to what you mention above.

Lea Verou
10-02-2005, 01:59 PM
Hmm if the forums used different forum category icons though per forum..


Gonna let my brain pan boil on this. I think I can do it with the vb category icons mod and some template edits, in a way similar to what you mention above.

I agree, it would be great! :D