View Full Version : How to convert your 3.0.7 skin to 3.5

Bubble #5
08-11-2005, 12:06 AM
If anyone wants to make a killer tutorial then here's a great idea. Show the members here how to convert their 3.0.7/8 skins to 3.5! Now that 3.5 has been released everyone is going to need, and want, their favorite skins for the new version of vB. If someone (highly knowledgeable about skinning of course) were to make such a step by step tutorial I'm betting that it would be one of the most highly viewed vB tutes around, plus whenever someone asks if their favorite skin has been converted yet, people can simply tell them to read your tutorial. I wish I knew more about skinning or I?d do it, but if anyone really knowledgeable wants to pick up the torch, please feel free! It would be a great way to help out members :)

08-11-2005, 12:09 AM
Hmm ..
Tutorial := Take a look at all Template Changes from Beta 1- RC2 and apply them.
Conversion done.

Bubble #5
08-11-2005, 12:21 AM
Easier said then done... :ermm:

08-11-2005, 03:55 AM
There are some additional images (in the editor for example) in 3.5 also, in addition to the template changes, that would need to be included in the appropriate directories for the skin.

Bubble #5
08-13-2005, 10:02 PM
Is there an itemized (specific) list of template changes somewhere?

Kirk Y
08-13-2005, 10:08 PM
Go to vBulletin.com, read the announcements regarding each new release. Template modifications are included.

Bubble #5
08-13-2005, 10:46 PM
Yes but they don?t always tell you what was specifically changed. For example, sometimes they only say things like ?Added alt text.? Or ?Updated opera list padding conditional? which essentially tells us non-coders nothing :( This is why a tutorial with every specific template listings would be good to have.

08-14-2005, 12:45 AM

One of things you could also do would be to install your 3.0.7 skin on your 3.5.x installation and then choose ACP => Styles & Templates => Find Updated Templates => Find Updated Templates => {select, for example, one of the templates that comes back listed for your 3.0.7 style} View History => Compare Versions. If you're not used to making template changes it'll be tedious & time consuming but at least you'll be able to see line-by-line what exactly changed.

Personally I think it'd be faster to just start with a clean slate and create a new 3.5.x style with the graphics & CSS changes of your 3.0.7 because that'd be faster than trying to shoe-horn in the 3.5.x changes but it's personal preference.

