08-09-2005, 10:00 PM
I searched the forums and couldn't find anything quite like this, so I figured I'd share this simple little modification.
This is a VERY simple hack I implemented on my forum so that we could prevent other administrators from modifying other admins user accounts.
It works by simply bypassing the Undeleteable Check in /admincp/user.php if the currently logged in user is in the superadministrator list in /includes/config.php.
By doing this, you can put all your admins or other users in the Undeleteable catagory for account protection while still allowing them to be altered by a master administrator.
They can still update and change their profile via the UserCP, they just wont be able to modify their account via AdminCP.
Please note, I'm not a coder.. more of modifier, so I cannot guarantee that this will not have any unforseen and less than desirable side effects. If any of you know of a reason that this is a bad idea, please post. Otherwise, hopefully someone else can find this useful.
in /admincp/user.php
Find this:
$noalter = explode(',', $undeletableusers);
if (!empty($noalter[0]) AND in_array($userid, $noalter))
print_stop_message('user_is_protected_from_alterat ion_by_undeletableusers_var');
Replace with this:
if (in_array($bbuserinfo['userid'], preg_split('#\s*,\s*#s', $superadministrators, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)))
//do nothing
$noalter = explode(',', $undeletableusers);
if (!empty($noalter[0]) AND in_array($userid, $noalter))
print_stop_message('user_is_protected_from_alterat ion_by_undeletableusers_var');
Now just open your /includes/config.php file and add the UID's of your undeletables and Superadministrators.
Thats it.
This is a VERY simple hack I implemented on my forum so that we could prevent other administrators from modifying other admins user accounts.
It works by simply bypassing the Undeleteable Check in /admincp/user.php if the currently logged in user is in the superadministrator list in /includes/config.php.
By doing this, you can put all your admins or other users in the Undeleteable catagory for account protection while still allowing them to be altered by a master administrator.
They can still update and change their profile via the UserCP, they just wont be able to modify their account via AdminCP.
Please note, I'm not a coder.. more of modifier, so I cannot guarantee that this will not have any unforseen and less than desirable side effects. If any of you know of a reason that this is a bad idea, please post. Otherwise, hopefully someone else can find this useful.
in /admincp/user.php
Find this:
$noalter = explode(',', $undeletableusers);
if (!empty($noalter[0]) AND in_array($userid, $noalter))
print_stop_message('user_is_protected_from_alterat ion_by_undeletableusers_var');
Replace with this:
if (in_array($bbuserinfo['userid'], preg_split('#\s*,\s*#s', $superadministrators, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)))
//do nothing
$noalter = explode(',', $undeletableusers);
if (!empty($noalter[0]) AND in_array($userid, $noalter))
print_stop_message('user_is_protected_from_alterat ion_by_undeletableusers_var');
Now just open your /includes/config.php file and add the UID's of your undeletables and Superadministrators.
Thats it.