View Full Version : Remove transperancy

08-10-2005, 09:10 AM
I'm having two gender icons and I would like you to remove the transperancy (or transparent, whatever you wanna name it) effect so it could work on light skins (such as the default vB skin) nicely. Right now, both icons are for darker skins and will not look nice on lighter skins. The images are attached below.

Have a look when you have both gender images on a light and dark skin. You see, there IS a lot of difference.


08-10-2005, 09:22 AM
I will just go over them in photoshop? Make the image darker?

For example: http://www.tutorialtomb.com/upload/pictures/gender_Female.gif http://www.tutorialtomb.com/upload/pictures/gender_Male.gif

08-10-2005, 09:38 AM
Yeah okay, make it darker so it should work nice on light skins, just the way how it works on dark skins, alright? Oh and I would like to have the same colors in my previous post, please.