View Full Version : Spam Decimator Version 1.0.5
08-06-2005, 10:00 PM
First of all, credit for the idea goes to zsdave, with his Spam Killer 3000 hack (
That being said, this is a slightly more powerful 3.5 version of that rewritten from scratch.
Features Include:
-Ban a spammer with two clicks.
-Delete all threads by a user (soft or permanent, ACP configurable)
-Delete all posts by a user (again, soft or permanent, choice is yours)
-Permit or deny mod/super mod access through ACP
-Email the spammer saying pretty much haha, caught you sucker (default email can be configured using ACP)
-Email the webmaster informing him/her of the attack
-Option to move all soft deleted threads to a specified forum (for safe keeping in case IP addresses or whatnot are later needed for legal proceedings or whatever)
Most everything here works with vB native functions (i.e. delete_thread, etc.), so forum, thread, and post counters are automatically updated.
Installing is quite simple. Simply upload the included files (three of them, decimator.php, includes/functions_decimator.php, and images/misc/spambutton.gif) preserving hierarchy, do precisely ONE template edit (a copy and paste job if there ever was one ;)), and import the product file, and voila! you're done and ready to take on any spammer who comes your way.
Other Stuff
Spam Decimator 2.0.0 is slated for a late June 2008 release, with a features list to follow.\
Spam Decimator 1.5.1 for 3.7.x is posted as a vB 3.7 add on.
Thanks to everyone here at for being a fine community to be a part of. Thanks to Marco for helping me out in one of the changed variables for 3.5 threads, really helped a lot :). Thanks to my staff over at Pigskin Heaven for putting up with me while I was working on this.
That's basically it. Enjoy, and as always, click install ;)
1.0.1 - Fixed problems with xml product file, validated for use with vB 3.5 Gold release.
1.0.2 - Fixed mod/super mod access bug as well as fixed templates for non-vB default styles.
1.0.3 - Fixed all known remaining bugs, rewrote email system to properly parse emails using native vB functions.
1.0.4 - Attempted to fix bug I can't find...updated main template.
1.0.5 - Fixed no mod access bug.
08-06-2005, 11:13 PM
maybe in future versions it could delete all their PM's Sent/Received.. since that seems to be the new way people spam your forums.
08-06-2005, 11:18 PM
maybe in future versions it could delete all their PM's Sent/Received.. since that seems to be the new way people spam your forums.
Could definitely throw that in.
Didn't think of that initially because our site doesn't allow members to use PM's til they have a certain number of posts to prevent things like that.
Michael Morris
08-07-2005, 03:21 AM
Maybe sections of this could be combined with vSpamScan.
While this is useful, it's reactive - VSpamScan is proactive and can tag and ban a spammer without moderator intervention (essentially banning them in 0 clicks).
Also, why not just send them to coventry (now that that is fixed)? They can post all they want - the joke's on them since their posts aren't seen.
08-07-2005, 08:16 AM
First off, used in conjunction with your hack (which I admire BTW, nice work), the two working together would stop pretty much any conceivable attack.
However, there's situations where yours has gaps i.e. posters who drop in, post posts that have conceivably enough text to fool the SpamScan, leave a link, and leave. In that case, the moderators/admins would have this tool at their disposal for easy cleanup and banning of such spammers.
Also, say a spammer is basically just posting images (we've had this done before, the main reason I wrote this), which really might not pop up on SpamScan's radar. Take it from my fellow PSH admin Crunked, having a tool like this makes cleaning up a 60+ thread attack much easier.
Another thing this does is check IP addresses (which actually works quite well BTW, although I'm working on developing a more encompassing algorithm to catch similiar IP's as well as exact matches). Basically gives your staff a heads up on who else might be lurking around stirring up trouble.
Finally, sending them to coventry's a pretty good idea. I'll probably include that as an option next time around. I hadn't really given much thought to it because basically I didn't want to mess around with spammers sticking around and taking up valuable disk space and bandwidth.
Michael Morris
08-07-2005, 12:13 PM
Agreed. Together they are pretty tight, and the nice thing about the new plug in system is the (I presume) can run at the same time without bothering each other.
vSpamScan checks the whole message for the domains - not just the URL's (It's actually more difficult from a coding perspective to stick to just the url's). For instance is on the blacklist. The program will score that whereever it shows up in the message - url tag, img tag, out in the open, it doesn matter.
Now admittedly it doesn't check signatures or PM's (I think - do those use the build_new_post function? If so it checks them cause that's where the hook is at)
Oh well. I probably will download this too for those cases when spam gets by the filter (though I've only had it happen once in 7 months and against 400 tries, which is a good record I think). Also you are right in that coventry posts take memory on the system even if they are unseen - but the main reason for vSpamScan's use of that system is for those occassions when the system scores a false positive. I've had 3 of those since I started with the prototype on 3.0.7 - and they can be a diplomatic pain.
08-07-2005, 12:39 PM
Oh well. I probably will download this too for those cases when spam gets by the filter (though I've only had it happen once in 7 months and against 400 tries, which is a good record I think). Also you are right in that coventry posts take memory on the system even if they are unseen - but the main reason for vSpamScan's use of that system is for those occassions when the system scores a false positive. I've had 3 of those since I started with the prototype on 3.0.7 - and they can be a diplomatic pain.
Yeah, false positives are a pain (or in my case, accidental staff usage). Originally, this version was supposed to have an undo (i.e. go through and undelete all posts/threads with reason "deleted by SD" or something like that and unban user), but I couldn't get it working yet (it'll be in a future release).
08-13-2005, 01:19 PM
Both together would be wicked. ;)
08-13-2005, 06:35 PM
Michael Morris
08-13-2005, 10:21 PM
Both together would be wicked. ;)
BTW, vSpamScan has been moved over to the plugin section since, as of its latest version, ftp access isn't required to install it.
08-15-2005, 09:56 AM
Hopefully have some by the end of the day. For some reason, my production site's working, but the private test site on the same server isn't...weird...
Bubble #5
10-04-2005, 11:59 PM
Has this been tested on Gold yet?
10-10-2005, 08:41 PM
Has this been tested on Gold yet?
Yes and no...I've tried it on my gold installation, but I had a couple of DB/config errors to deal with so...
Also, in the current file, the numbers for super mod and mod groups are switched. For some reason, my old RC1 installation had 5 as super mods and 7 as mods, but RC2 and subsequent versions reversed them.
Again, I'll try to get that running tonight if possible, release a gold certified version.
10-17-2005, 06:46 PM
thanks raiden. im getting db errors too. something to do with arrays. but it does the job, which is weird. it just doesn't completely finish gracefully.
thanks for the hack. saved my ass today from an annoying cross-posting spammer :)
10-17-2005, 07:57 PM
it seems that db error im getting only happens when i check either of the email notify options when doing a spamkill.
10-17-2005, 08:26 PM
Hmm...I'll take a look at that, see if I can't figure out what's going on with it.
I'll probably do a cleaned up release over the weekend. There were certain aspects of the original I wasn't totally happy with, I just haven't gotten a chance to get back to them with school so...hopefully I'll be able to fix everything over the weekend and get a new release out by Monday.
10-23-2005, 07:49 PM
Fixed xml product file, and validated for use with 3.5 Gold.
10-24-2005, 06:35 PM
<i>self edited, fixed myself</i>
10-25-2005, 06:03 PM
The SPAM button shows up on PMs also. Does this also delete all PMs the user has sent?
10-26-2005, 05:49 PM
The SPAM button shows up on PMs also. Does this also delete all PMs the user has sent?
Not yet, although I will be adding that in the next release, which given that I'm no longer going home for the weekend, could come as soon as this weekend at some point (depending on how much studying I actually decide to do for my assembly/computer architecture exam).
10-31-2005, 02:59 AM
I installed this with my vB 3.5 Gold version and I've found quite a number of bugs.
1. During the install it would not install as a plugin, only as a product
2. There were errors when I first tried to run the decimation. It went away when I changed the "Threads Moved to Forum" forum ID number. Even though the move threads to forum was turned off.
3. The CSS for the pop up is missing. I use my own style rather than the default Style, is this why?
4. Although I turned off Mods and Supermods from using the plugin, it will not allow even the admin to use it until both super mod and mod is turned on.
5. The email that I get does not seem to be formatted correctly. I got the following:
Your Recent Spam Attack on Forums has been thwarted
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
To: Spammer <>
From: Spam Killer <spamkill@>
Spam Attack Thwarted by Spam Decimator
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
To: Spammer <>
From: Spam Killer <spamkill@Array[bburl]>
6. When it did run, it found about 40 other users with the same IP. While I can see how there could potentially be overlap, there is no way others would have my IP as it's static and belongs to me.
7. Even though move threads to specific forum was off, it still moved them.
10-31-2005, 07:11 PM
1. During the install it would not install as a plugin, only as a product
This is the only one I can speak to at the moment, other than the email (which I'm working on, I used an outdated PHP function instead of vB functions for it). It can't be installed as a plugin.
The rest I'll check on tonight...
10-31-2005, 10:55 PM
2. There were errors when I first tried to run the decimation. It went away when I changed the "Threads Moved to Forum" forum ID number. Even though the move threads to forum was turned off.
3. The CSS for the pop up is missing. I use my own style rather than the default Style, is this why?
4. Although I turned off Mods and Supermods from using the plugin, it will not allow even the admin to use it until both super mod and mod is turned on.
6. When it did run, it found about 40 other users with the same IP. While I can see how there could potentially be overlap, there is no way others would have my IP as it's static and belongs to me.
7. Even though move threads to specific forum was off, it still moved them.
2. I haven't been able to duplicate that particular error. If you could get me the error message(s), I might be able to see if there's something there mine's not doing (I turned off the move to forum and used 0 as the forum id, also tried it with forum id 8, and nothing happened either time).
3. Yeah, that's a bug in my template. It should work for any style, however, when I updated to gold, I forgot to check the template for the proper classes in the table. I'll release an updated version of that tonight or tommorrow (or, basically it's just a matter of adding class="alt1" to the <tr> tags).
4. Yep, that's definitely something I overlooked. Again, I'll fix it and release an update.
6. That I can't explain...not denying there could be an error, just, I've never seen that before...the way it works is searching the post table for identical IP addresses to the one in the post in question so...yeah, can't explain that one...
7. Same thing as 2, I haven't been able to duplicate it in my test enviroment...
But yeah, 3 and 4 I will definitely fix ASAP. Thanks for pointing those out.
11-01-2005, 01:34 AM
I've uploaded all files to their appropriate directories and edited the postbit template as directed. I then installed the product. I'm not seeing the SPAM button anywhere. What could I be missing? Thanks for your help.
11-01-2005, 03:16 AM
I've uploaded all files to their appropriate directories and edited the postbit template as directed. I then installed the product. I'm not seeing the SPAM button anywhere. What could I be missing? Thanks for your help.
Well, I guess the first thing I'd have to ask is do you have multiple styles? And if so, did you edit the postbit template for each one?
Also, I should have an updated zip file with the fixes for the problems jmottle pointed out in a few moments...
11-01-2005, 04:26 AM
2. I haven't been able to duplicate that particular error. If you could get me the error message(s), I might be able to see if there's something there mine's not doing (I turned off the move to forum and used 0 as the forum id, also tried it with forum id 8, and nothing happened either time).
7. Same thing as 2, I haven't been able to duplicate it in my test enviroment...
This is the error I get:
Fatal error: Existing data passed is not an array
Called set_existing in X:\XXXXXXX\\vb\includes\functio ns_databuild.php on line 158
Called build_forum_counters in X:\XXXXXXXX\\vb\includes\functi ons_decimator.php on line 107
Called move_spam_threads in X:\XXXXXXXXX\\vb\decimator.php on line 175
in \includes\class_dm.php on line 235
Full path removed for security purposes.
11-01-2005, 04:30 AM
It does not matter what settings I change in the control panel I get the error above as soon as I try to decimate. It used to work and not it will not work at all. The CSS is right though. :)
11-01-2005, 04:37 AM
Throught I'd post two more things.
1. If you change mods or super-mods ability to use the feature, perhaps it would be more elegant to hide the quote button (like what happens if you are a mod or admin) rather than sending them to a page that says you do not have permission to access the page.
2. When I get the above error it gets as far as banning the user but fails everything after that.
11-01-2005, 02:58 PM
This is the error I get:
Fatal error: Existing data passed is not an array
Called set_existing in X:\XXXXXXX\\vb\includes\functio ns_databuild.php on line 158
Called build_forum_counters in X:\XXXXXXXX\\vb\includes\functi ons_decimator.php on line 107
Called move_spam_threads in X:\XXXXXXXXX\\vb\decimator.php on line 175
in \includes\class_dm.php on line 235
Full path removed for security purposes.
Yep, now I'm getting that as well...
I am going to try to get out a fix for this tonight, however, it probably won't be until around midnight eastern (classes, work, homework, and meetings in sucks when you're trying to fix bugs in extensions lemme tell ya...). Just in looking at the errors in the code, I think I've narrowed it down to where the problem is, so it shouldn't take me too terribly long to fix it (I hope).
11-01-2005, 02:59 PM
1. If you change mods or super-mods ability to use the feature, perhaps it would be more elegant to hide the quote button (like what happens if you are a mod or admin) rather than sending them to a page that says you do not have permission to access the page.
In the install.txt file, there's a way to hide the spam button ;) One simple template edit that's just removing two numbers from an array.
11-01-2005, 10:27 PM
Spam Decimator 1.0.3 (critical update), the "Please God Let This Be The Last Version I Release Today" version, has been released.
All known bugs are fixed, and the stupid thing should function normally now in most scenarios.
Any other bugs, please let me know, I'd be glad to go bang my head against the wall for any other stupid mistakes I made writing this a few months back (namely, bad conditionals, using PHP's emailer, anything of that nature ;)).
11-02-2005, 06:19 PM
installed and says i (admin) dont have permission to use spam stuff ;l
11-02-2005, 06:45 PM
installed and says i (admin) dont have permission to use spam stuff ;l
Two questions: one, have you changed any of the settings? And two: if not, try going into ACP and just saving the settings, I know sometimes that helps.
And if not...what settings are you using? Has your admin group id (6) been changed?
11-02-2005, 06:57 PM
no its still 6 havent changed admin at all. so im lost lol havent edited the temp edit needed either apart from what it tells u to do
11-02-2005, 07:10 PM
Ok...have you tried editing any of the settings?
11-03-2005, 04:05 AM
Version 1.0.3 still exhibits the same error as before. It does not work at all.
11-03-2005, 11:53 AM
Version 1.0.3 still exhibits the same error as before. It does not work at all.
Two questions: 1, have you uploaded the new decimator.php, and 2., have you tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling the hack (up to and including deleting the files and reuploading them)?
11-03-2005, 09:42 PM
Although I was overwritting files before. I uninstalled the product and deleted both files manually and then reinstalled. Still does not work at all.
11-04-2005, 10:02 AM
Although I was overwritting files before. I uninstalled the product and deleted both files manually and then reinstalled. Still does not work at all.
Define still doesn't work at all...are there error messages, is it not performing the tasks and saying it is...?
EDIT: Stupid question, have you hacked any files or done anything weird with your database?
11-04-2005, 12:23 PM
No it still has the same error I posted 3 or 4 posts ago.
11-04-2005, 12:54 PM
Updated files are uploaded. If the error keeps coming up jmottle, if you can, take some screenshots, email'em to me (or attach them here, whichevery), and I'll see what I can do. I've gone through and checked every function, every line, every conditional, and I'm not seeing any additional things that would even remotely cause the bug you're getting. I've traced that code through a few times, tested it with a bunch of different settings on my test server and I got that error once, didn't touch anything, fixed the error in the file, and it ran perfectly the next time through...
I'm really sorry it's not working for you man, but I've tried literally every trick in the book and can't even force that error on my test server. I can tell you that my test server runs Linux, PHP 4.4, MySQL build 4.0.25 standard, and Apache 1.3.34, and I cannot find a single bug beyond what's already been fixed so...
If it doesn't work, screenshot me your settings as well as what pops up in the window, I'll see what I can do, otherwise...sorry man, I'm just not seeing it if there is a bug there, it may just be your system (stranger things have happened, believe me, when I had I think RC2 running on my test site it played all sorts of little tricks on my files...wasn't a fun week, lemme tell ya).
I don't want to use the email option. I'd rather the spammers not have any clue what's going on. How hard is it to disable it or edit it out? Thanks.
11-05-2005, 04:50 PM
No Joy. Even with version 1.0.4 I am still getting this error as soon as I press the Decimate button. The user ends up getting banned, but that is all is does.
Fatal error: Existing data passed is not an array
Called set_existing in X:\XXXXXXX\\vb\includes\functio ns_databuild.php on line 158
Called build_forum_counters in X:\XXXXXXX\\vb\includes\functio ns_decimator.php on line 22
Called delete_spam_threads in X:\XXXXXXXX\\vb\decimator.php on line 170
in \includes\class_dm.php on line 235
11-05-2005, 05:02 PM
I don't want to use the email option. I'd rather the spammers not have any clue what's going on. How hard is it to disable it or edit it out? Thanks.
Very simple, you can either uncheck the box that emails them, or if you're OK with editing templates, find the DOESPAMMER box, change the type to hidden and the value to 0.
No Joy. Even with version 1.0.4 I am still getting this error as soon as I press the Decimate button. The user ends up getting banned, but that is all is does.
Fatal error: Existing data passed is not an array
Called set_existing in X:\XXXXXXX\\vb\inclu...s_databuild.php on line 158
Called build_forum_counters in X:\XXXXXXX\\vb\inclu...s_decimator.php on line 22
Called delete_spam_threads in X:\XXXXXXXX\\vb\decimator.php on line 170
in \includes\class_dm.php on line 235
Best I can tell ya is send me screenshots of all your options (ACP) and the two popup I said, I've tried literally everything to attempt to recreate that and haven't had any luck other than the one time where I found the bug and fixed it...
11-05-2005, 05:37 PM
Here ya go
11-06-2005, 06:13 PM
This works fine for myself (admin) but no button for my moderators
11-06-2005, 06:22 PM
This works fine for myself (admin) but no button for my moderators
Check your postbit template, make sure that all three group numbers are in the second array in the added code. For example, if your mods are group 5, admins 6, and super mods 7, it should read something to the effect of...
<if condition="in_array($bbuserinfo[usergroupid], array(5,6,7))">button image/link code here</if>
Also, that must be in each and every postbit if you have multiple styles.
11-06-2005, 06:42 PM
Yes that is set correctly, and my mods do see the edit button and moderator's thread tools.
11-07-2005, 05:27 AM
i installed your spam decimator hack and its great. the only thing is that a second Co admin usergroup (id:13) cant have access to it. i tried changing the arrays but it wont work. i tried adding it with a comma along with admins in vboptions and it wont take it. what can i do to make it work. all my other staff can see and use it but the 3 co admins. let me know thanks
11-07-2005, 04:19 PM
i installed your spam decimator hack and its great. the only thing is that a second Co admin usergroup (id:13) cant have access to it. i tried changing the arrays but it wont work. i tried adding it with a comma along with admins in vboptions and it wont take it. what can i do to make it work. all my other staff can see and use it but the 3 co admins. let me know thanks
I can write a quick work around for that, but it's gonna take me a couple days (this week alone I've got 2 programming labs, a 5-6 page paper, and oh yeah, stats homework due :ermm: yeah...that kinda week...). Shouldn't be too big of an issue, just adding a few lines here and there...
@ OttawaGolf: Haven't had time to look at the template yet, I have a feeling I goofed on placing something somewhere...I'll look into it this week...
@ jmottle...yeah, that one's still getting me...I really have no idea whatsoever what's causing that man, sorry :(
11-07-2005, 07:11 PM
:D Thanks
11-08-2005, 01:23 AM
thanks ill wait for it. good luck with your other work lol
11-12-2005, 05:01 AM
1.0.5 released...OttawaGolf, this should fix your mods can't access problem...
11-12-2005, 06:18 AM
any info on this.
i installed your spam decimator hack and its great. the only thing is that a second Co admin usergroup (id:13) cant have access to it. i tried changing the arrays but it wont work. i tried adding it with a comma along with admins in vboptions and it wont take it. what can i do to make it work. all my other staff can see and use it but the 3 co admins. let me know thanks
11-12-2005, 01:33 PM
And for my next trick :)
Actually, I only released on update last night that fixed a one letter error. I'll be working on that this week. I'm going to be converting the three user levels (mod, super, admin) to arrays that will allow you to enter more than on usergroup on each line.
11-12-2005, 01:56 PM
I'm wondering; any chance the warning part could be compatible (or working like -) Inferno Warning Hack (, that would be totally perfect.
11-13-2005, 01:50 AM
Are we talking just issuing warnings to users for spamming, or something completely different?
If it's just submitting warnings for users, I could probably build in features to work with both of the major warning systems (Inferno, of course, as well as Advanced Warning System, which I am partial to BTW ;)).
11-13-2005, 08:06 AM
You can more or less forget what I said; the links of "View x's warnings" and "Warn x" are of the AWS right? I thought they were part of this hack; if that was the thing I would have 3 ways to warn people on my forum now but that isn't the case at all ;) I should've installed it before replying ;)
11-13-2005, 09:18 PM
1.0.5 released...OttawaGolf, this should fix your mods can't access problem...
-RDThanks I'll install asap and report back
11-18-2005, 12:53 PM
1.0.5 released...OttawaGolf, this should fix your mods can't access problem...
It did. Thanks. Great hack.
11-18-2005, 07:59 PM
It did. Thanks. Great hack.
No problem :D
I'll be working on the updated version to allow multiple additional usergroups to use it as well...seems I finally need to learn how to process arrays properly in MySQL...
12-14-2005, 06:39 PM
Congratulations RaidenDAWG2 on porting this to 3.5. I originally requested this hack and I'm very happy to see it resurrected for the latest version.
Can I please make one query/suggestion? The original also left an optional entry in the user's profile notes with the title and note specified by admin.
We keep notes on banned users to explain why they were expelled. The original Spam Kill hack did that automatically as well. Is this facility included as it isn't in the feature list? If not, could you consider adding it, please?
Many thanks.
12-14-2005, 07:28 PM
I've created a standard Spam button which I thought I would share if RaidenDAWG2 doesn't mind
12-18-2005, 01:27 PM
I've created a standard Spam button which I thought I would share if RaidenDAWG2 doesn't mind
Much better than my original five second photoshopped version, nice work man :)
As for your suggestion, I definitely could throw that in the next release (when I originally worked on this, I had no clue how to approach user I do...benefit of four additional months of programming in vB I guess ;)).
At this point, announcing the eventual release (read: probably by the end of break) of Spam Decimator 1.1, with the following additional features:
-Ability to permit additional usergroups access
-Delete a spammer's PM's as well
-Add a user note to a user's record
Also, I'd be happy to take suggestions for things I haven't thought of/had suggested to me yet ;)
12-18-2005, 02:14 PM
Oooo feature wish list! Cool.
Ok, the original spam killer appended all the posts by the spammer to a particular thread (the thread ID was specified). And if he was the thread starter, all the replies to the thread were deleted.
This seems like a sensible option because it means fewer threads in the spam pit. Also the replies to spam threads are usually by members telling the spammer to 'f off' etc and so can be deleted.
12-20-2005, 09:20 PM
Oooo feature wish list! Cool.
Ok, the original spam killer appended all the posts by the spammer to a particular thread (the thread ID was specified). And if he was the thread starter, all the replies to the thread were deleted.
This seems like a sensible option because it means fewer threads in the spam pit. Also the replies to spam threads are usually by members telling the spammer to 'f off' etc and so can be deleted.
Kinda had to compromise that a little in my original design. On the one hand, all spammer started threads are deleted (and there's an option to move them to a specified forum, which kinda replaced the spam pit if you will), on the other, any posts a spammer makes can be deleted (it's an option), but they aren't moved due to moving a single post from a thread to another (at least in my view) was a. a pain in the rear end (and a royal one at that) and b. not really all that useful (at least when I was thinking of how this would be used on my own site anyways).
01-13-2006, 03:10 PM
Thx for this nice plugin.
I have a problem.
I have set a forum as spam trash that is in my admin forums which only can be accessed from admins. I entered the id and activated move to forum but the threads were not moved to the forum.
Congratulations, you've run Spam Decimator
Adios Spammer, spammer banned
Deleted 6 spammer threads
Moved all 0 spammer threads to private forum
Deleted 0 spammer posts
No users with matching IP addressesSpammer Emailed
Any suggestions?
01-22-2006, 06:01 PM
Definitely needs an undo feature, or a setting that makes sure that people with over X amount of posts can't be spam killed. God damnit, it just happened to one of my best posters and it's a PITA to fix.
01-22-2006, 06:13 PM
Definitely needs an undo feature, or a setting that makes sure that people with over X amount of posts can't be spam killed. God damnit, it just happened to one of my best posters and it's a PITA to fix.
Agreed. If the user has, say, more than 20 posts, an 'Are you sure?' message would be a good safety feature.
01-24-2006, 10:42 PM
Agreed. If the user has, say, more than 20 posts, an 'Are you sure?' message would be a good safety feature.
I'll add that to my to-add list...sorry guys, my own site's been taking up most of my programming time (and school the other three quarters)'ll get done eventually...
01-25-2006, 04:20 AM
What about my move thread problem?
01-25-2006, 08:14 PM
Hmmm...which version of vB are you using?
02-06-2006, 07:19 AM
vBulletin Version 3.5.3
02-07-2006, 01:07 PM
I had the same error a couple pages back about the array; had to uninstall. Thanks anyways.
02-12-2006, 04:32 PM
i really like your hack. Is it possible to have in the e-mail sent to the admin the mention wich user has been banned? No i only see who has done it, but not who is banned :)
02-14-2006, 07:05 PM
Second site installation (entirely different server, brand new 3.53 installation; virtually no other plugins) failed with:
Fatal error: Existing data passed is not an array
Called set_existing in /var/www/includes/functions_databuild.php on line 158
Called build_forum_counters in /var/www/includes/functions_decimator.php on line 107
Called move_spam_threads in /var/www/decimator.php on line 176
in /includes/class_dm.php on line 235
02-20-2006, 11:29 PM
i really like your hack. Is it possible to have in the e-mail sent to the admin the mention wich user has been banned? No i only see who has done it, but not who is banned :)
Yeah, I'm going to rework that section this weekend, make it customizable through ACP...
@MPDev, which settings are you using, and what actions were you trying to use when that happened? I'll try to recreate it on my dev server, see if I can't track that one down...
@StarBug, think I know what's causing that one, just haven't found the time to go in and take a crack at fixing the stupid thing should be up this weekend though...
Sorry guys, insanely busy quarter for me here at OSU...this weekend'll be the first I've gotten to work on this thing...
02-21-2006, 02:00 AM
02-22-2006, 11:40 PM
getting the same Fatal error: Existing data passed is not an array bla bla bla error...
tryed to fix, but couldnt figure out what was causing it :(
02-24-2006, 04:28 AM
getting the same Fatal error: Existing data passed is not an array bla bla bla error...
tryed to fix, but couldnt figure out what was causing it :(
Makes two of us :(
If you could let me know what setting you're using (or even screenshot your settings page ;) sensitive info blanked out of course...) and what version of vB you're using, it would be greatly appreciated :)
BTW guys, I'm going to be working on getting this validated for 3.5.4 over the weekend especially. I don't believe there'll be any more features this time around, but if I get the time, there's one I'd like to implement, but only if I've got the time to finish it entirely...busy weekend with my own site as well (3.5.4 upgrades on live and test sites, as well as all associated template updates :()....
02-24-2006, 11:55 AM
Makes two of us :(
If you could let me know what setting you're using (or even screenshot your settings page ;) sensitive info blanked out of course...) and what version of vB you're using, it would be greatly appreciated :)
BTW guys, I'm going to be working on getting this validated for 3.5.4 over the weekend especially. I don't believe there'll be any more features this time around, but if I get the time, there's one I'd like to implement, but only if I've got the time to finish it entirely...busy weekend with my own site as well (3.5.4 upgrades on live and test sites, as well as all associated template updates :()....
i really dont know what is causing that errors, i'll try to take a deeper look on the code, try to figure out. I'm using 3.5.2 what lots of hacks installed. The other hacks are working fine. When i installed them i found lots of conflits between them, but i fixed and all them works fine. I think the same is going on here. ;)
damn, this mod is so weird... sometimes it works, and then dont work...
i found the problem is with deleting thread and posts, so lets try to find out how to fix :)
it seems that the function "Move Threads to Specified Forum?" is not working pretty fine. If i set it on and put a forumid, it works pretty well. But if i put it OFF and then decimate, i get the error. If i uncheck the box to delete thread, error dont show up.
as my time is short and i'm really needing this, i will not work to fix the bug, i'm changing almost everything on the hack to fit to my needs.
What it gonna have:
- What will have in AdminCP
-- Configure what groups can decimate
-- Configure what groups can be decimated
-- Configure the forum to all posts be moved to
- What will be the functions
-- the system will create a thread in the specified forum (thread starter is the staff member who is decimating)
-- ALL posts of the spammer will be apended to this thread (including the first post of the threads he started)
-- ALL replies to threads started by the spammer will be deleted (i think you wont have good posts in a spamming thread :) )
-- Spammer will be moved to banned usergroup and set a custom title for him (previously set in admincp)
-- Post count of spammer will NOT be set to 0, it will remaing in anything it was before decimate.
-- i'll keep all the other functions, such like emailing admin and the poor spammer
So i'll start now, if anyone has any suggestion, please let me know.
I'm still thinking in doing this:
- One thread in specified forum with all the posts of the spammer
- Another thread in specified forum with the all the replies to the threads started by the spammer.
So, if you have a suggestion, please tell me.
I still dont have permission from Raiden to release it here. But if he give it to me, i'll release and give support of my modification to this modification :)
02-24-2006, 11:40 PM
Here we go, my modification is done!
- The configurable features
-- Configure what groups can decimate
-- Configure what groups can be decimated
-- Configure the forum to all posts be moved to
- What the modification do
-- the system will create a thread in the specified forum (thread starter is the staff member who is decimating)
-- ALL posts of the spammer will be apended to this thread (including the first post of the threads he started)
-- ALL replies to threads started by the spammer will be deleted (i think you wont have good posts in a spamming thread )
-- Spammer will be moved to banned usergroup and set a custom title for him
-- Post count of spammer will NOT be set to 0, it will remaing in anything it was before decimate.
-- you can send an email (set in admincp) to webmaster and/or spammer
-- you can check other users using the same ip
That's it, i think it's what it does.
How to install:
Upload all files in "upload" directory to your forum root directory, import the xml and go to admincp > manage templates
edit template POSTBIT (or POSTBIT_LEGACY, depends on what do you use) and find: <div align="$stylevar[right]">
<!-- controls -->
after, add:$decimate_button
Oh, by the way, you will have to upload the spam button found on original release or somewhere in this thread to /forum/images/misc
Be carefully, i cannot assure 100% of trust on all boards, because i coded it to my 3.5.2 and could not run lots of tests, but what i tested is running perfectly fine :)
Try it and tell me if you like or send me some errors you get.
Hope you all enjoy!
ATTENTION: in option "who can be decimated" you can enter the groups id which can be decimated (separated by commas)
02-25-2006, 12:13 PM
Anyone tried it - does it work OK - is it safe? :)
02-25-2006, 03:42 PM
Anyone tried it - does it work OK - is it safe? :)
my mod? i tried and worked safely for me ;)
Tested and running under 3.5.4, it works great
02-25-2006, 06:18 PM
I still dont have permission from Raiden to release it here. But if he give it to me, i'll release and give support of my modification to this modification :)
No, thank you for saving me some work ;)
If you want, I can add that zip file to the downloads section on this hack and add you as a co-author :)
02-26-2006, 12:50 AM
No, thank you for saving me some work ;)
If you want, I can add that zip file to the downloads section on this hack and add you as a co-author :)
ok, go on, please do it ;)
i figured out the error you are getting, i'm pretty sure it is when this function is called:
this is called on lines 22, 46, 106, 107 from /includes/functions_decimator.php
try to comment these lines and see if error persists, i think it wont ;)
03-06-2006, 05:27 AM
ok, go on, please do it ;)
i figured out the error you are getting, i'm pretty sure it is when this function is called:
this is called on lines 22, 46, 106, 107 from /includes/functions_decimator.php
try to comment these lines and see if error persists, i think it wont ;)
That function, shocker, rebuilds the forum counters. Any idea why that'd be acting up? It's a native vBulletin function...
BTW, I will be working on a version 2.0 with all of this stuff cleaned up and a few new features this week, basically a rewrite of the original code with a lot more options added as well as a couple of planned new features. The following NEW features are IN at the moment, and I am open to suggestions:
-Start new thread in forum X when Decimator is used
-Multiple usergroups per permissions level (i.e. more than one mod group can be used)
-Better email message to webmaster (currently only the user who used SD is in there)
-Option to not allow use on a user with more than X posts, or to protect certain usergroups from use within the script (previously only done within the template).
Again, open to more suggestions...
03-06-2006, 05:35 AM
cant wait for the rewrite. great job guys!
03-06-2006, 08:00 AM
one of the original options I suggested for the original incarnation of this hack would be to show some information about any users which share the IP address of the spammer. Specifically their user name, their user group, and if banned, their banned reason.
And if all the users sharing the ip address have been banned for spamming, have the option to ban the ip address.
So that if a spammer keeps re-registering and no genuine users are using the IP address, you can ban that IP to prevent them from reoffending.
03-06-2006, 01:38 PM
That function, shocker, rebuilds the forum counters. Any idea why that'd be acting up? It's a native vBulletin function...
BTW, I will be working on a version 2.0 with all of this stuff cleaned up and a few new features this week, basically a rewrite of the original code with a lot more options added as well as a couple of planned new features. The following NEW features are IN at the moment, and I am open to suggestions:
-Start new thread in forum X when Decimator is used
-Multiple usergroups per permissions level (i.e. more than one mod group can be used)
-Better email message to webmaster (currently only the user who used SD is in there)
-Option to not allow use on a user with more than X posts, or to protect certain usergroups from use within the script (previously only done within the template).
Again, open to more suggestions...
of course the problem is not with the function :P but is how the function is used... i think when you set the option to move to a forum to NO, it uses the function with no content, like build_forum_counters() so it gives you an error...
or maybe when the user set the forum number to an unexistent forum, it crashes the function ;)
03-07-2006, 10:33 PM
one of the original options I suggested for the original incarnation of this hack would be to show some information about any users which share the IP address of the spammer. Specifically their user name, their user group, and if banned, their banned reason.
The current version shows any IP matches that may occur, but it only shows their usernames. I can change that if you like, however, the banning of IP's would be a little tricky due to that way that variable is stored...
03-07-2006, 10:43 PM
The current version shows any IP matches that may occur, but it only shows their usernames. I can change that if you like, however, the banning of IP's would be a little tricky due to that way that variable is stored...
More information would be good. AT least then we can see at a glance if it's a re-offender and then go in and do the business on their IP.
03-07-2006, 10:58 PM
More information would be good. AT least then we can see at a glance if it's a re-offender and then go in and do the business on their IP.
Yep, thus why I'm including the option to post a new thread in a private forum with the info previously only displayed to the end user.
I use to get timeouts (under large forum) when apply decimator to some user with more than 10 or 20 messages. (Checks ON: ban user, delete threads, delete posts. OFF: ip check, email webmaster)
Tried to fix adding this to decimator.php, but isn't working:
04-06-2006, 03:12 AM
With a large forum, you're going to have that problem with just about any script that deletes a user's post though...
04-06-2006, 02:27 PM
Thank You RaidenDAWG2
This is nice :cool:
04-15-2006, 02:48 PM
A little bit of an update, I've hit the hell quarter in my computer science program, so release of 2.0 is tenatively slated for mid July '06, by which time I should have had enough time to fully test the new features.
BTW, this also means that I'll still be able to take feature requests until about mid June. For the current feature list for 2.0, scroll up a few posts to about 88 or so ;)
06-06-2006, 03:26 AM
I am getting the array error. Has anyone got this working? I am very tired of all the spam I'm getting lately.
06-12-2006, 10:01 PM
Which array error? I might have a fix for it...
06-12-2006, 10:10 PM
Which array error? I might have a fix for it...
It looks like it was just on the first couple messages I tried. I am guessing it happened because the messages were already in the "move to" forum. Thanks though.
Is there any way to disable the "send email" options or other options from being checked? I don't want to mail my spammers and I don't really want to get mail when the thing has been used, and my mods sometimes forget to uncheck things.
Thanks. Great script BTW. We are loving the ease of destruction over here. :)
06-13-2006, 02:00 AM
It looks like it was just on the first couple messages I tried. I am guessing it happened because the messages were already in the "move to" forum. Thanks though.
Is there any way to disable the "send email" options or other options from being checked? I don't want to mail my spammers and I don't really want to get mail when the thing has been used, and my mods sometimes forget to uncheck things.
Thanks. Great script BTW. We are loving the ease of destruction over here. :)
You're quite welcome :)
Alright, for the serious stuff, lemme look at the template code here (been a while...)...
Alright, disable all emails, take these lines...
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="DOESPAMMER" checked>Email Spammer<br>
<textarea cols="30" rows="8" name="emailtext">
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="DOWEMAS" checked>Email Webmaster<br>
And change them to...
<input type="hidden" value="0" name="DOESPAMMER" checked>Email Spammer<br>
<input type="hidden" value="0" name="DOWEMAS" checked>Email Webmaster<br>
Should do the trick :)
I'll be sure to throw that in the update as an option (Version 2.0 coming...sometime in the next month, I promise, got a bunch of stuff I backburnered during school catching up with me first ;)).
06-13-2006, 02:47 AM
Some of my members in the forum are posting like 20 posts in the same thread consecutively; sorry if I sound as if I am a n00b but THAT would be considered as Spam too correct?
06-13-2006, 03:18 AM
Some of my members in the forum are posting like 20 posts in the same thread consecutively; sorry if I sound as if I am a n00b but THAT would be considered as Spam too correct?
Technically, I guess that'd be considered spam. Depending on how much time you have on your hands, might be easier just to merge their posts using vB's built in inline moderation system.
06-13-2006, 03:24 AM
I had seen on a forum that too many posts made would be merged auto. is there anyway to do that? I checked my ACP's Posting Options but couldn't see anything like that...
If you know what to do to auto-merge them, please let me know :)
06-13-2006, 03:38 AM
"Use the Search Luke." ;)
06-13-2006, 08:07 PM
Another request is to be able to input more usergroup id's in the mod/super mod/and admin Group Id's cause i have 2 usergroups that are admins and i can only have one of them use this feature unfortunantly. Unless there is some sort of code you can give me?
06-13-2006, 10:59 PM
I have code, buuuut it's not stable, and it's very much a work in progress.
That feature is in the base set of features for 2.0 (see post 88 for more confirmed stuff I've worked on ;)), and realistically, it could be hacked into the 1.0.x series, it's just a matter of me figuring out a way to effectively do it without screwing up everything else...
Give me a day or so, I may be able to give you something reasonably soon. I've got another huge project I'm working on right now (vB based, but for a commercial user, needs to be finished by July 21st if it's going to be used this's a stretch, but doable...), so it may take me a couple days to get to it...
06-23-2006, 09:26 AM
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Is there not a query to undone an action? The query where al posts are deleted, can it be like instead of delete, undelete?
06-24-2006, 06:25 PM
Yeah, this is why I'm installing the posts limits on the next version...
At any rate, like Colin said in the thread you mentioned, that query should reverse the effects of anything. I could include a feature in the 2.x series to undo this particular hack's effects. It'll require a little more work than I have time for at the moment (like I said a couple posts ago, currently working on a major project at the moment that is taking up all my free time).
06-25-2006, 08:20 PM
I understand, the solution Colin provided worked. Thanks for your reply and good luck with your project you are working on :)
06-27-2006, 07:49 PM
Would there be a way to make this only apply to users who signed up in the last x time, or who have less than x posts? Maybe inline code in the template change, so the button only shows up for some users? I can't tell if it's a bug or one of my mods getting drunk but a couple of regular users have been decimated lately and I don't want it happening again.
The decimator definitely works, though! :D
06-28-2006, 01:18 AM
Would there be a way to make this only apply to users who signed up in the last x time, or who have less than x posts? Maybe inline code in the template change, so the button only shows up for some users? I can't tell if it's a bug or one of my mods getting drunk but a couple of regular users have been decimated lately and I don't want it happening again.
The decimator definitely works, though! :D
Alright, shouldn't be too difficult of a template change here...let's see...
Add something to the effect of...
<if condition="$post[posts]<=X">
<!-- decimator postbit code here -->
Where X is the number of posts you want to disallow decimating at and the comment is the general template edit for Decimator...
06-28-2006, 04:25 AM
Seems to work! This should prevent anyone but newbs and spammers from being accidentally decimated. I set it to 15 based on our average spammer's habits. Most of them never get near that far before we catch them.
07-14-2006, 11:09 AM
Love this mod will it work in 3.6?
07-17-2006, 05:07 PM
Love this mod will it work in 3.6?
Haven't tested it, but it should theoretically work with 3.6 assuming none of the functions it calls have changed...
I should know here within the next couple weeks for certain though. Still need to upgrade my development environment to 3.6.
07-18-2006, 10:44 AM
thanks alot but does it work with vb 3.5.4 because i have tried some hacks for old versions and they work with vb3.5.4
07-18-2006, 07:54 PM
Yep, I just never updated the vB version...should work flawlessly with 3.5.4 (at least it does on my install).
07-19-2006, 09:58 AM
I've been using it with vB 3.5.x and 3.6 since the first releases (of both vB and SpamDecimator) and it works flawlessly, it actually seems to work better on 3.6 than on 3.5, but that might also just be the removal of quite some extensions I was using.
The main thing that is still missing is an undo feature, I'm still hoping that will be added anytime soon ;)
07-19-2006, 10:08 AM
thanks alot i will try it in my vb
10-10-2006, 06:52 PM
Still hoping a lot for an updated version; an 'undo' feature would be nice, not to mention the wonderful idea of having a link to the userprofile/username in the admin notice email ;)
10-11-2006, 06:16 PM
Version 2's in the works (finally), although it'll be at least December before I'm able to put the necessary time in to get it up and running properly due to schoolwork piling up on me.
I'm hesistant to set a new release date, but by the first of the year, there should be a new version out with more efficient code.
11-19-2006, 06:36 AM
It'd be nice to have the option to not send an email to the spammers. I'm not sure if anyone's still maintaining this product so I may have to do it myself.
11-19-2006, 09:46 AM
Mod is work for 3.6.x ??
I will install if you can update mod work for 3.6.x :)
11-25-2006, 08:38 PM
Mod is work for 3.6.x ??
I will install if you can update mod work for 3.6.x :)
on the previous page, somebody says they are using it with 3.6 and workign well
11-25-2006, 08:40 PM
Please, can you add an option to allow us to ban people with the same address as the spammer, or at least allow on the results page to pick users with the same adress and ban them there on the spot
11-26-2006, 10:41 AM
Mod is work for 3.6.x ??
I will install if you can update mod work for 3.6.x :)
Running and working on 3.6.4
steven s
11-28-2006, 01:04 AM
Running and working on 3.6.4Didn't run on my 3.6.4. I used the version at the top of the forum. Clicked the spam button, the window came up. Click, some error message and never worked again. The I tried the other version found elsewhere. Never saw the spam gif in my postbit.
Second site installation (entirely different server, brand new 3.53 installation; virtually no other plugins) failed with:
Fatal error: Existing data passed is not an array
Called set_existing in /var/www/includes/functions_databuild.php on line 158
Called build_forum_counters in /var/www/includes/functions_decimator.php on line 107
Called move_spam_threads in /var/www/decimator.php on line 176
in /includes/class_dm.php on line 235Those are the errors I got too. :confused:
11-28-2006, 10:19 PM
I can confirm that it works for me and I'm using version 3.64
Oh and here is a little spam button that I made cos I did not like the big one lol :D
steven s
11-28-2006, 10:47 PM
I can confirm that it works for me and I'm using version 3.64
Oh and here is a little spam button that I made cos I did not like the big one lol :DDid you use the version at the top of the thread or the version back a few pages?
11-29-2006, 04:32 PM
Quick update...working on 2.0, slating it for a mid-December release.
Once I finish up my finals for the semester, I should have plenty o' time to fix the problems you guys have found (as well as add new features).
01-06-2007, 12:41 AM
I tested this function out, I went to another, created a user (test) and made a post, then I went to my main computer, logged in as Administrator, open the post, clicked on the spam button, on the next pace, when I clicked the decimate button Iget this error?
Fatal error: Existing data passed is not an array
Called set_existing in /home/lukemax/public_html/forum/includes/functions_databuild.php on line 164
Called build_forum_counters in /home/lukemax/public_html/forum/includes/functions_decimator.php on line 107
Called move_spam_threads in /home/lukemax/public_html/forum/decimator.php on line 176
in /includes/class_dm.php on line 235
Am I missing something?
01-07-2007, 04:12 AM
Hey, really nice mod, I have used it before on another forum and want to use it on my own. However when I follow all the install steps, I cannot see the spam button on any posts. I checked the templete edit many times, still nothing. :/
This is my postbit templete:
<div style="margin-top: 10px" align="$stylevar[right]">
<!-- controls -->
<if condition="!in_array($post[usergroupid], array(5,6,7))">
<if condition="in_array($bbuserinfo[usergroupid], array(5,6,7))">
<a href="#" onclick="'decimator.php?userid=$post[userid]
,'statusbar=yes,menubar=yes,toolbar=yes,scrollbars =yes,resizable=yes,width=800,
height=600'); return false;"><img src="images/misc/spambutton.gif" alt="Spam Kill"
<if condition="$post['editlink']">
<img style="display: none" id="progress_$postid" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/progress.gif" alt="$vbphrase[loading_editor_please_wait]" />
01-09-2007, 04:22 AM
I tested this function out, I went to another, created a user (test) and made a post, then I went to my main computer, logged in as Administrator, open the post, clicked on the spam button, on the next pace, when I clicked the decimate button Iget this error?
Fatal error: Existing data passed is not an array
Called set_existing in /home/lukemax/public_html/forum/includes/functions_databuild.php on line 164
Called build_forum_counters in /home/lukemax/public_html/forum/includes/functions_decimator.php on line 107
Called move_spam_threads in /home/lukemax/public_html/forum/decimator.php on line 176
in /includes/class_dm.php on line 235
Am I missing something?
If you're missing something, then I and everyone else who's had that problem is missing something ;)
All joking aside...yeah, no idea what's causing that, but the new version (should be finished by the weekend if my idea of crawling into a hole tomorrow due to the Buckeyes embarrassing performance tonight holds out) should fix it.
Hey, really nice mod, I have used it before on another forum and want to use it on my own. However when I follow all the install steps, I cannot see the spam button on any posts. I checked the templete edit many times, still nothing. :/
This is my postbit templete:
That should work, the only thing I can think of is maaaybe your usergroups aren't the default numbers. Check your mods, admins, and supers, if their usergroup numbers aren't 5,6, and 7, just edit the array(5,6,7) to array(your usergroups here comma separated) and make the appropriate changes in the settings in the vB settings.
To recap, new version hopefully this weekend. Hope to have it ready for testing tomorrow.
01-09-2007, 10:42 AM
I checked them and they are 5,6, and 7 :/
01-10-2007, 12:37 AM
I checked them and they are 5,6, and 7 :/
Stupid question then...did you upload the entire package to the server (i.e. the image and the files)?
01-10-2007, 01:52 AM
01-13-2007, 04:38 AM
Stupid question then...did you upload the entire package to the server (i.e. the image and the files)?
its all there :/
01-25-2007, 09:48 PM
Hey, I've been using this a while and it's great. Just now setting it up on 3.6.4 which I've just upgraded to, not sure if it will work yet, but I wanted to ask:
Is there some way to keep the spam button from showing up on users with at least X posts? Most spammers we kill off have only ~20 posts max, so I set up a conditional:
<!-- spam decimator -->
<if condition="$post[posts]<=80">
<if condition="!in_array($post[usergroupid], array(5,6,7))"><if condition="in_array($bbuserinfo[usergroupid], array(5,6,7))"><a href="#" onclick="'decimator.php?userid=$post[userid]&threadid=$post[threadid]&postid=$post[postid]','spam_decimator','statusbar=yes,menubar=yes,tool bar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=800,hei ght=600'); return false;"><img src="images/smilies/spam[1].gif" alt="Spam Kill" border="0"></a></if></if></if></if>
<!-- / spam decimator -->
But there is a problem - the spam button shows up on people with under 80 posts, and also on people with over 1000 or so. I'd rather not have the chance that one of our 1000+ posters would get accidentally decimated by a drunk mod, because it would be a serious pain to fix. Is there a good way to do this so the button only shows up below X posts?
Thanks for all your work writing this, it's saved us a ton of time.
Bubble #5
02-05-2007, 04:15 PM
Just now setting it up on 3.6.4 which I've just upgraded to, not sure if it will work yet
So did you ever find out if it works on 3.6.4? :confused:
We keep getting this error message:
Fatal error: Existing data passed is not an array
Called set_existing in /home/domain/public_html/forum/includes/functions_databuild.php on line 165
Called build_forum_counters in /home/domain/public_html/forum/includes/functions_decimator.php on line 107
Called move_spam_threads in /home/domain/public_html/forum/decimator.php on line 176
in /includes/class_dm.php on line 235
03-04-2007, 01:27 PM
I tested this function out, I went to another, created a user (test) and made a post, then I went to my main computer, logged in as Administrator, open the post, clicked on the spam button, on the next pace, when I clicked the decimate button Iget this error?
Fatal error: Existing data passed is not an array
Called set_existing in /home/lukemax/public_html/forum/includes/functions_databuild.php on line 164
Called build_forum_counters in /home/lukemax/public_html/forum/includes/functions_decimator.php on line 107
Called move_spam_threads in /home/lukemax/public_html/forum/decimator.php on line 176
in /includes/class_dm.php on line 235
Am I missing something?
I had the same problem and fixed it by changing the default setting of 1 in the "Threads moved to Forum" setting to a real forum. In my case I set up a spam forum as a child forum in the moderators forum. Changed the forum id from 1 to 73. Now SD works as advertised. Thanks a million for this mod. Life just got that much easier. :up: :)
Bubble #5
03-06-2007, 06:44 AM
I thought this hack was supposed to be supported? :(
03-06-2007, 02:00 PM
OMG I love this! Installed on 3.6.5 (two different sites too). Been using it and it's great! Thanks! :D
03-13-2007, 03:18 AM
So did you ever find out if it works on 3.6.4? :confused:
Sorry I don't know enough to help you much, but yeah, it works fine on 3.6.4 as of right now... could it be a conflict with another plugin?
Bubble #5
03-13-2007, 03:16 PM
I don't know, it shouldn't be.
Since there is no support to get it working I guess our only option is to UNinstall it and use this ( spam hack instead.
03-21-2007, 08:50 AM
suggestion: when doing the ip address scan also display postcount and usergroup (banned?). this would make it easier to identify ips that are used for spamming only
03-28-2007, 12:59 PM
Haven't tested it, but it should theoretically work with 3.6 assuming none of the functions it calls have changed...
I should know here within the next couple weeks for certain though. Still need to upgrade my development environment to 3.6.
I have just put it on 3.6.5 and done several tests. I did the 'limit' (see ).
It appears to work well. Good job, and thanks! It will be nice if a Version 2 comes out.
04-15-2007, 05:30 PM
Hey, I've been using this a while and it's great. Just now setting it up on 3.6.4 which I've just upgraded to, not sure if it will work yet, but I wanted to ask:
Is there some way to keep the spam button from showing up on users with at least X posts? Most spammers we kill off have only ~20 posts max, so I set up a conditional:
<!-- spam decimator -->
<if condition="$post[posts]<=80">
<if condition="!in_array($post[usergroupid], array(5,6,7))"><if condition="in_array($bbuserinfo[usergroupid], array(5,6,7))"><a href="#" onclick="'decimator.php?userid=$post[userid]&threadid=$post[threadid]&postid=$post[postid]','spam_decimator','statusbar=yes,menubar=yes,tool bar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=800,hei ght=600'); return false;"><img src="images/smilies/spam[1].gif" alt="Spam Kill" border="0"></a></if></if></if></if>
<!-- / spam decimator -->
But there is a problem - the spam button shows up on people with under 80 posts, and also on people with over 1000 or so. I'd rather not have the chance that one of our 1000+ posters would get accidentally decimated by a drunk mod, because it would be a serious pain to fix. Is there a good way to do this so the button only shows up below X posts?
Thanks for all your work writing this, it's saved us a ton of time.
Anyone come up with a workaround for this yet? Ive twice had a mod nuke the wrong member this week and had to go through and manually undelete all the posts. I'd hate for a member with +1000 post count to get nuked by mistake.
04-24-2007, 11:00 PM
I found this in another thread for another product here ( ):
We had a problem with this plugin inserting the nofollow tags when a user passed the 1,000 post mark. The problem was a comma inserted into the number of posts (e.g. 1,000). We fixed it by changing this line in the plug in:
if (is_member_of($post, 5, 6, 7) OR $post['posts'] > 50)
to this (which strips the unwanted comma from the post count):
if (!(is_member_of($post, 5, 6, 7)===FALSE) || str_replace(",","",$post['posts']) > 50)
I haven't tried it yet, but plan to tonight or tomorrow.
04-24-2007, 11:05 PM
VB gives a parsing error when you try to add that code.
04-24-2007, 11:27 PM
VB gives a parsing error when you try to add that code.
OK - Well, I was just about play around with this because there are some 1000+ posters that on my forum the button shows up on, but I'm not a php person so.... I looked at the statements and haven't a clue other than 'trial and error'.
Currently I have <!-- Start Spam Assassin -->
<if condition="$post[posts]<=10">
<if condition="!in_array($post[usergroupid], array(5,6,7))">
<if condition="in_array($bbuserinfo[usergroupid], array(5,6,7))"><a href="#" onclick="'decimator.php?userid=$post[userid]&threadid=$post[threadid]&postid=$post[postid]','spam_decimator','statusbar=yes,menubar=yes,tool bar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=800,hei ght=600'); return false;"><img src="images/misc/spambutton.gif" alt="Spam Kill" border="0"></a></if></if></if>
<!-- End Spam Assassin -->
NOTE: Now that I look, I may have an unnecessary line: <if condition="!in_array($post[usergroupid], array(5,6,7))">
<if condition="in_array($bbuserinfo[usergroupid], array(5,6,7))">
Anyway, and I *think* we know it's in this line: <if condition="$post[posts]<=10">
Anyway, I posted what I saw because it looked like a similar problem of determining correct post count for the 'if' statement and I figured maybe someone with php experience might be able to help. I really like this mod and would like to figure out how to make this aspect of it work correctly.
05-03-2007, 08:36 PM
to disable deletion for users with more than 50 posts add change the code around
$error = "Cannot decimate mods/admins!!!";
if(($spammerinfo['usergroupid'] == 6) || ($spammerinfo['usergroupid'] == 5) || ($spammerinfo['usergroupid'] == 7))
$error = "Cannot decimate mods/admins!!!";
if ($spammerinfo[posts]>50)
$error = "This user has too many posts. Are you sure he's a spammer?";
05-03-2007, 08:56 PM
to disable deletion for users with more than 50 posts add change the code around
$error = "Cannot decimate mods/admins!!!";
if(($spammerinfo['usergroupid'] == 6) || ($spammerinfo['usergroupid'] == 5) || ($spammerinfo['usergroupid'] == 7))
$error = "Cannot decimate mods/admins!!!";
if ($spammerinfo[posts]>50)
$error = "This user has too many posts. Are you sure he's a spammer?";
In decimate.php, correct?
05-03-2007, 09:04 PM
yes sir
05-03-2007, 09:43 PM
Thanks! I'll try it. At least that should present a 'Caution'.
06-05-2007, 04:49 PM
Please help im getting this error !
A conflict was detected in the bitfields. You cannot continue with the installation of this product until this has been fixed. The conflicts found were:
* Bitfield Collision: can_view_ratestats = can_see_whorated_others
07-19-2007, 07:08 PM
Please help im getting this error !
That looks like a problem between two different products, unfortunately, neither of which I'm familiar with.
What's your vB version, and what other products do you have installed?
08-11-2007, 10:07 PM
It doesn't seem to work on the latest version of vb Version 3.6.8
Any help would be appreciated
08-12-2007, 08:13 PM
It doesn't seem to work on the latest version of vb Version 3.6.8
Any help would be appreciated
Good to know...I'll more than likely do an update for 3.6.8 in the next month or so. I've got some downtime I'd like to utilize to do some programming, soooo...give me a few weeks...
08-12-2007, 08:35 PM
I haven't upgraded vB on my site yet, so I'll probably wait a bit to see if you update this. My moderators LOVE this hack, and so do I. I'd donate but I don't see a donate button.
08-18-2007, 07:18 PM
Can't wait for 3.6.x to be release.
08-18-2007, 08:13 PM
Is anyone successfully using this with vb Version 3.6.8?
08-21-2007, 08:15 PM
Is anyone successfully using this with vb Version 3.6.8?
Nah, I think there's something in 3.6.8 that breaks it.
I'm working on the fixes for it now...any last minute requests for new features?
08-21-2007, 08:36 PM
Not from me. My moderators and I like it as is. I obviously can't speak for others, though.
08-22-2007, 05:55 AM
Nah, I think there's something in 3.6.8 that breaks it.
I'm working on the fixes for it now...any last minute requests for new features?
Yes, please include in the e-mail wich user has been banned. That would be really nice :) For the rest, really nice product, thanks for releasing it!
09-06-2007, 01:05 PM
Nah, I think there's something in 3.6.8 that breaks it.
I'm working on the fixes for it now...
Any ETA on the update?
09-07-2007, 08:13 PM
Just thought I would let you know that I am using this on two sites that I have upgraded to 3.6.8. SD gets a lot of use on both sites. I initially had SD installed, but the upgrade to 3.6.8 wiped out some of the code modifications. So I just had to basicly reinstall spam decimator and it's been working fine as far as I can tell. Been using it for a few months now on 3.6.8. Hope that helps.
09-07-2007, 08:29 PM
Good to hear. I may go ahead and uninstall it, upgrade vB and then reinstall. I'm surprised no one else has replied here that is using it successfully with 3.6.8.
09-07-2007, 08:38 PM
I was in the same situation... to install or not to install with 3.6.8? I guess I figured that if it didn't work, all I had to do was uninstall it anyway and restore the vb files back to default. It would have been annoying, but no major catastrophe. Granted, I am not saying 100% that I know for sure it works. But it has worked for me so far with no problems. Good luck. Hopefully a new version will come out soon so everyone can be more comfortable with installing it on 3.6.8. :)
09-07-2007, 08:43 PM
Nah, I think there's something in 3.6.8 that breaks it.
I'm working on the fixes for it now...any last minute requests for new features?
The one thing I find annoying about this, is that I wish it automatically added the decimated user's ip address to the current banned ip list. Unless I am missing this option somewhere, you have to manually add the ip addresses to the ip ban list to prevent that user from just creating a new account. So I have the decimated threads/posts sent to a spam container thread, then I have to go in and get the ip from each user.
09-09-2007, 09:12 PM
Any ETA on the update?
In this next week I hope.
The one thing I find annoying about this, is that I wish it automatically added the decimated user's ip address to the current banned ip list. Unless I am missing this option somewhere, you have to manually add the ip addresses to the ip ban list to prevent that user from just creating a new account. So I have the decimated threads/posts sent to a spam container thread, then I have to go in and get the ip from each user.
I can do the current post's IP address with very little problem. Consider it added in the next update.
09-09-2007, 09:52 PM
The one thing I find annoying about this, is that I wish it automatically added the decimated user's ip address to the current banned ip list.
I hope that it will be an option. Many spammers use anonymizers and/or come in from IP pools so banning the spammer's IP is not always a 'good' thing. I definitely do not want an IP to be 'automagically' put in vB ban list when I 'decimate' them.
09-09-2007, 11:51 PM
As with most things in this, it will be optional.
09-10-2007, 07:35 PM
I personally will love the option to ban by ip. You are right about it being a bad idea in some cases, but how else would you deal with a spammer that just keeps creating new user accounts after you ban by user name or email?
09-10-2007, 09:11 PM
Well, I really don't have too much of a spam problem these days. I have moderators pretty much from around the world, and someone is usually on the site, even on weekends, so spam by cell phone sellers, etc. is usually caught quickly. Essentially we ban the email address. and don't have many repeat offenders (or so it appears).
I guess it depends on your site and how everything is set up, etc., what type of spam you're getting - That sort of thing.
I shy away from banning IPs unless we see a pattern. An individual IP isn't a big issue but when you start getting blocks where the last or second to last set of numbers is the only difference I look closely. A few years ago I was getting a lot of spam from an IP block and I did a partial IP ban and knocked out one of Israels largest telecom blocks. A moderator who lives in Israel emailed me - He could get on with his home ISP (if I remember correctly) but his office computer was blocked. I took out the IP block and the problem was gone. ***NOTE: Do a traceroute on the IP before even considering an IP ban (BUT it should be noted that a lot of spammers use anonymous proxies so even a traceroute is a guess). Since then I've been very wary of blocking IP addresses.
There are several moderators on my site that pay close attention to IPs and look for IP correlations for spammers, which this mod makes easy. The only IP I currently have banned is:
I will say this mod is one of the best I have - I say that because the moderators just really love it. I stave off spammers with some setup stuff like a couple of key word blocks, email registration activation, and another mod which allows me to not allow links or email addresses in posts by posters with less than x posts (x for me is 8).
Luckily I can say that we don't get many spammers these days so I can't say it's a problem on my board. None the less, the moderators and I love this mod for quick, easy 'disposal' of the spammer and the post(s).
EDIT ADD: If you're getting repeat spammers (spammers from the same IP) and you get rid of spam posts within 3 to 6 hours, they're probably not the same person. If they know you're deleting their spam promptly it doesn't make too much sense for them to keep wasting their time posting. My board has a lot of moderators and most spam on my board is gone within minutes rather than hours because at least one moderator is almost always online.
09-19-2007, 07:17 PM
I can't wait for the new version for 3.6.8.
Any idea of when will be released?
Thanks in advance. :D
09-19-2007, 08:22 PM
The one thing I find annoying about this, is that I wish it automatically added the decimated user's ip address to the current banned ip list. Unless I am missing this option somewhere, you have to manually add the ip addresses to the ip ban list to prevent that user from just creating a new account. So I have the decimated threads/posts sent to a spam container thread, then I have to go in and get the ip from each user.
You don't always/automatically want to ban a spammer's IP. They may be using an AOL IP address, for example, which is dynamically assigned and used by several people.
Generally if there are 2 or 3 spammers who have exclusively used an IP address, then we ban it.
Edit: Is there any chance you could delete a spammer's blog entries as well? The other day someone registered and spammed the blog. No other posts. Had to manually kill him off.
09-28-2007, 09:31 AM
hmmm - subscribing...
09-28-2007, 03:03 PM
I think RaidenDAWG2 died :(
11-21-2007, 12:53 AM
I think RaidenDAWG2 died :(
Almost...full time job, full time classload...damn near killed me.
But...I'm about halfway through rewriting bits and pieces of the 1.0.5 code to get a 1.5.x series out day or two, should happen...funny what happens when people start spamming my site again.
1.5 will have a couple of minor feature tweaks, but it's all backend stuff. None of the front end features will be tweaked, this is more to fix a couple of glitches with the way it deletes posts, as well as give you guys the ability to have more than three usergroups use it.
11-21-2007, 01:59 AM
Slight update...I've got 1.5 up and running on my server, going to test it out for a few days, then do an official release here sometime around Friday or Saturday of this week.
Looks to be running smoothly (or more smoothly than its predecessors at least), but I'd like to give it a few days to shake out any bugs.
11-21-2007, 03:09 AM
sounds GREAT = Thanx
great, current version is very useful
12-02-2007, 02:42 AM
Alright, due to Jelsoft stealing my thunder (thanks guys, seriously...I'm actually serious here), 1.5 (with the exception of bug fixes) will be the final release of this product. I'll try to finish it up this week for those who won't be going to the 3.7.x series eventually.
12-02-2007, 05:05 AM
haha! I was actually asking about that on - unfortunately subtlety is not my strong point - people were flaming me in the thread and I responded which apparently got the thread shut down like a beezy on feezy fo reezy...
ps - if anyone knows what the hell beezy on feezy fo reezy actually means - please let me know - cause I don't
01-03-2008, 02:04 AM
Hope you had good holidays! Just wondering if you were going to release the newer version?
01-03-2008, 06:18 AM
Hope you had good holidays! Just wondering if you were going to release the newer version?
I don't know if that's needed, because vb3.7 has got his own little spam killing thing :)
01-03-2008, 07:14 AM
I don't know if that's needed, because vb3.7 has got his own little spam killing thing :) I noticed that, as well, but I don't think it is as full featured as this mod. This is a nice mod. I hope it is updated or that it works with 3.7.
01-30-2008, 06:59 PM
ok i have got this installed now and it is nearly working, only thing is i dont se th spam button next to mu super mods and mod's posts, even though i have set the settings correctly in order for this to happen, i tested it also by inserting my (administrator) usergroup id into the setting for my usedrgroup to be allowed to be decimated but no spam button next to my posts either, can anyone help as i would like to have this on my mods/supermods posts as extra security.
Bubble #5
02-14-2008, 07:19 PM
I was actually asking about that on - which apparently got the thread shut down
There's no reason why that thread should have been closed. It was a legitimate question. When people write hacks vB profits from it. Sorry this hack won't be updated for 3.7. It was one of our favorite hacks and always worked flawlessly. Thank you to the author for taking the time to perfect it, it is appreciated :)
02-14-2008, 08:42 PM
Thanx - I thought it as valid question as well ;)
05-10-2008, 10:47 AM
Has anyone tried this on 3.7?
05-10-2008, 11:34 AM
not yet. my mods constantly complain about the lack of the "spam button" and how complicated vb's anti spam system is. i'll try this addon on 3.7 and let you know
05-11-2008, 10:38 PM
I just put it on 3.7, tested it and it works. Yes - The button is easier and Decimator has more options.
05-20-2008, 05:56 PM
There's no reason why that thread should have been closed. It was a legitimate question. When people write hacks vB profits from it. Sorry this hack won't be updated for 3.7. It was one of our favorite hacks and always worked flawlessly. Thank you to the author for taking the time to perfect it, it is appreciated :)
Yeah, that's what I thought too, but what do I know, I'm just the author :rolleyes:
Thanks to the guys above for the confirmation that this works with 3.7. I'm officially announcing right now I will work on a version specifically for 3.7 (call it the 2.0 I've been working on on and off for roughly two I'm slow, so what :p).
Given that vB's system only works with the akismet (a detail I wasn't aware of at all when I announced I was discontinuing the extension for 3.7...), I will work on finishing up 2.0 to get it out to you guys sooner than later, although as usual, not promising a date, just promising that I will get it done eventually. I'm about to hit a week or so where I'm going to do almost nothing but code and go to work, so...this'll be on the list.
05-20-2008, 08:22 PM
It would *really* be nice if a new version would work with the Blog add-on to kill/delete posts in blogs as well.
I'll definitely contribute again for a revised version. The one built into vB doesn't come close to this mod. It's my favourite and the favourite of my moderators.
05-25-2008, 04:42 AM
I can look into that, no guarantees on this version though since I don't actually have access to that add on or its source code (or even a database schema).
05-25-2008, 08:45 AM
I'll donate the US$50 for you to get the add-on if that's what you need and will do it. PM or email me if you're interested. BTW, I'm just north of Cincinnati.
05-25-2008, 08:54 PM
That's cool, I'm originally from NE Ohio, now very settled here at tOSU :D
May have to take you up on that in a couple of weeks. I actually just got done finishing the plugin for the new system (won't have to make manual template edits every time you add a new usergroup now, it'll all be based on the settings and the initial template edit, which gets a lot less complicated in the new version).
Working list of 2.0 features (I've probably missed quite a few, feel free to suggest more guys, I'm all for doing a ton of work this summer ;))
-Start new thread in forum X when Decimator is used
-Multiple usergroups per permissions level (i.e. more than one mod group can be used)
-Better email message to webmaster (currently only the user who used SD is in there)
-Option to not allow use on a user with more than X posts, or to protect certain usergroups from use within the script (previously only done within the template).
That's all for now. I've just gotten through the most frustrating part of the development (templates and plugins...ugh...), so this should be a breeze after finals next week :D.
05-25-2008, 10:35 PM
I don't know why, but on my board there are a few users with over 1000 posts whose posts show the button. I installed it a long time ago and can't remember what I tried to fix it, but never succeeded. I've just let it be because my mods are totally in love with it. It works. I can't say I have even used the one that's built into the 3.7 vBulletin. I don't know if it works in their blog add on or not (just haven't looked). We got hit by a blog spammer (and there are only a couple of blogs) and I didn't see anything at the time. Actually I don't expect to see much blog spam, but having that easy button there, and all the options, is just too nice. My forum has a great group of moderators so we keep spam under control (often spam posts are caught in minutes because there's almost always someone there). Anyway...
Just let me know about $. My board does quite well. 50 bucks isn't a biggie. I'd be more than happy to help out.
05-30-2008, 07:24 PM
I've (finally) released the 1.5.0 upgrade. Long story short, it makes use of some better backend code, as well as implementing some new options such as the long overdue multiple usergroups per permission level and a new postbit modification that utilizes a plugin that checks the user's postcount as well as permissions.
I'll take feature requests for Version 2.0 (due out late next month) through June 5th in this thread.
05-30-2008, 08:24 PM
I've (finally) released the 1.5.0 upgrade. Long story short, it makes use of some better backend code, as well as implementing some new options such as the long overdue multiple usergroups per permission level and a new postbit modification that utilizes a plugin that checks the user's postcount as well as permissions.
I'll take feature requests for Version 2.0 (due out late next month) through June 5th in this thread.
Thanks for the update. I will test it on 3.7, if i find any bugs i will report they.
05-31-2008, 01:11 PM
I've (finally) released the 1.5.0 upgrade. Long story short, it makes use of some better backend code, as well as implementing some new options such as the long overdue multiple usergroups per permission level and a new postbit modification that utilizes a plugin that checks the user's postcount as well as permissions.
I'll take feature requests for Version 2.0 (due out late next month) through June 5th in this thread.
I would really appreciate it if you could configure it to use the postbit hooks rather than having to edit templates; it would be one less edit to have to make each time the vB core team release a(nother) critical update that messes with the master templates :(
05-31-2008, 03:36 PM
I would really appreciate it if you could configure it to use the postbit hooks rather than having to edit templates; it would be one less edit to have to make each time the vB core team release a(nother) critical update that messes with the master templates :(
Consider it done, I was researching how to pull that off last night as a matter of fact.
06-02-2008, 11:46 AM
Consider it done, I was researching how to pull that off last night as a matter of fact.
Excellent. I'm sure you'll get more Installs and fewer support queries :)
06-06-2008, 08:31 AM
Tried to upload the product, but i got this error
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:
Invalid SQL:
### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
(`active`, `executionorder`, `title`, `hookname`, `phpcode`, `product`)
('1', '5', 'Decimator Postbit', 'postbit_display_start', 'global $candecimate;\r\nglobal $vbulletin;\r\nif($vbulletin->options[\'sd_enabled\'])\r\n{\r\n$candecimate = false;\r\n$modgroups = explode(\",\", $vbulletin->options[\'modgroupid\']);\r\n$supergroups = explode(\",\", $vbulletin->options[\'supermodid\']);\r\n$admingroups = explode(\",\", $vbulletin->options[\'adminid\']);\r\n$decimators = array_merge($admingroups,$modgroups,$supergroups); \r\nif(!in_array($post[\'usergroupid\'], $decimators))\r\n{\r\n if(in_array($vbulletin->userinfo[\'usergroupid\'], $decimators))\r\n {\r\n if($post[\'posts\'] < $vbulletin->options[\'sd_postmax\'])\r\n{\r\n $candecimate = true;\r\n}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n}\r\nelse\r\n{\r\n$candecimate = false;\r\n}', 'spamdecimator');
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'executionorder' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Friday, June 6th 2008 @ 11:30:26 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Classname : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
06-06-2008, 05:19 PM
I will get you a fix for that...unfortunately, I used a later version to export the XML file, which caused that particular error...
Really need to get this moved to the 3.6.x add-on's now.
Michael Biddle
06-19-2008, 05:36 AM
Not sure if this has been reported, but you have a real problem in this. The $candecimate variable will not show up if you have a zero (0) value set for the maximum posts. Also after that fixed I realized that if it was at zero, it would throw an error from decimator.php. Both of my fixes are tested on 3.6.8.
I had to change the plugin to this:
global $candecimate, $vbulletin;
$candecimate = false;
$modgroups = explode(",", $vbulletin->options['modgroupid']);
$supergroups = explode(",", $vbulletin->options['supermodid']);
$admingroups = explode(",", $vbulletin->options['adminid']);
$decimators = array_merge($admingroups,$modgroups,$supergroups);
if(!in_array($post['usergroupid'], $decimators))
if(in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], $decimators))
if($vbulletin->options['sd_postmax'] == '0')
$candecimate = true;
if($post['posts'] < $vbulletin->options['sd_postmax'])
$candecimate = true;
$candecimate = false;
and then in decimator.php find this:
if($spammerinfo['posts'] > $vbulletin->options['sd_postmax'])
$error = "Spammer has more than " . $vbulletin->options['sd_postmax'] .
" posts and cannot be decimated!";
and change to this:
if($vbulletin->options['sd_postmax'] > '0')
if($spammerinfo['posts'] > $vbulletin->options['sd_postmax'])
$error = "Spammer has more than " . $vbulletin->options['sd_postmax'] .
" posts and cannot be decimated!";
Hope this helps others.
06-19-2008, 03:01 PM
In this next week I hope.
I can do the current post's IP address with very little problem. Consider it added in the next update.
Was this feature added in?
06-19-2008, 08:34 PM
Not sure if this has been reported, but you have a real problem in this. The $candecimate variable will not show up if you have a zero (0) value set for the maximum posts. Also after that fixed I realized that if it was at zero, it would throw an error from decimator.php. Both of my fixes are tested on 3.6.8.
I had to change the plugin to this:
global $candecimate, $vbulletin;
$candecimate = false;
$modgroups = explode(",", $vbulletin->options['modgroupid']);
$supergroups = explode(",", $vbulletin->options['supermodid']);
$admingroups = explode(",", $vbulletin->options['adminid']);
$decimators = array_merge($admingroups,$modgroups,$supergroups);
if(!in_array($post['usergroupid'], $decimators))
if(in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], $decimators))
if($vbulletin->options['sd_postmax'] == '0')
$candecimate = true;
if($post['posts'] < $vbulletin->options['sd_postmax'])
$candecimate = true;
$candecimate = false;
and then in decimator.php find this:
if($spammerinfo['posts'] > $vbulletin->options['sd_postmax'])
$error = "Spammer has more than " . $vbulletin->options['sd_postmax'] .
" posts and cannot be decimated!";
and change to this:
if($vbulletin->options['sd_postmax'] > '0')
if($spammerinfo['posts'] > $vbulletin->options['sd_postmax'])
$error = "Spammer has more than " . $vbulletin->options['sd_postmax'] .
" posts and cannot be decimated!";
Hope this helps others.
Stupid'll be fixed in the update.
Was this feature added in?
It can be pretty easily.
Smitty, if you see this, I'll have your feature done this weekend and I'll post an update of 1.5 with it included. Sorry it's taken me this long man.
06-22-2008, 06:12 PM
1.5.1 has been posted as a vB 3.7 add on. I've reuploaded the old 1.0.5 code here for anyone using other versions.
07-31-2008, 11:37 AM
Any word on the 2.0 update? Will it still happen?
05-08-2009, 06:45 PM
Just installed this mod on my brand new Health Forum ( I love it. Will make the job of moderating the forum much more easier.
Venturer X
05-22-2009, 03:48 PM
This is the most amazing mod ever, I had a spammer spam me for 568 threads.
2 Clicks = Threads...GONE
2 Clicks = Spammer...GONE
2 Clicks = 1 Less Fail
05-22-2009, 05:22 PM
This is the most amazing mod ever, I had a spammer spam me for 568 threads.
2 Clicks = Threads...GONE
2 Clicks = Spammer...GONE
2 Clicks = 1 Less Fail
until you click that button on someone with 568 legitimate posts :)
05-22-2009, 06:24 PM
Well, a 'Requestor' box does come up when you click on the spam button in the post. That always prompts me to double check what I'm doing. I've been using this for a long time and have never had a problem. There are a couple bugs but my moderators and I like it a lot. I have never even used the one that's now built into vB.
I wish this mod had not been abandoned. I'm using the one in now on 3.8.2.
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