View Full Version : People 'porting' Other People's 3.0.x Mods to 3.5.x

08-01-2005, 08:11 PM
Does this behaviour bother anyone else?

Just because a modification works on 3.5 as well as 3.0, there's no reason to 'release' it in the 3.5 Forums if you didn't actually make it.

08-01-2005, 08:18 PM
Well as always you're not supposed to re-release someone's code without their permission. If you think this is begin done feel free to report the post so a staff member can look into it.

08-01-2005, 08:24 PM
eg: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?threadid=93366

Not only is it doing exactly what my post is pointing out, but it is in the 'Latest Hacks' box...when it is really an incredibly old mod that happens to work on 3.5.x.

08-01-2005, 08:55 PM
Well people should always tell the author of the original hack whether it be 3.0.X or 2.0.X or 3.5..doesnt matter..just always ask before porting..and if you ask and author says it is ok I think that it should be released in latest hacks, ect..for alot of hacks it isnt exactly EASY to port a hack from 3.0.X ask anyone..so why not give the person who took the time to port it over due credit??


08-01-2005, 08:58 PM
That's not the point at all.

In this case, no effort was expended on the part of the 'porter', just a simple copy/paste. Sure, they gave credit, but that shouldn't matter.

Anyone with half a brain knows that the template structure of 3.5.x isn't very different to that of 3.0.x, and therefore most template mods will work on it out of the box.

Hell, 80% of the custiomisation in my Steel styles comes directly from the 3.0.x Quick Tips and Customisations forum at vb.com.

08-01-2005, 09:05 PM
People come here and ask how to lock a thread kall..do you really think that ALL 95,435 and growing members will understand the difference between 3.0.X and 3.5 template scructures?


08-01-2005, 09:05 PM
Well people should always tell the author of the original hack whether it be 3.0.X or 2.0.X or 3.5..doesnt matter..just always ask before porting..and if you ask and author says it is ok I think that it should be released in latest hacks, ect..for alot of hacks it isnt exactly EASY to port a hack from 3.0.X ask anyone..so why not give the person who took the time to port it over due credit??

~CurtI think the point is that people are porting hacks w/out doing the above.

I think that unless someone clearly specifies that they are willing to let other folks port their hacks then it should be left to the coder. If the coder has not logged in for a long time, then that doesn't give anyone license to use their code.

However, I think that if you like the idea of the hack, it is okay to try to find a new and better way to do it, but make it clear that your hack was inspired by a different author/hack, etc.. That way it allows the author to update their hack as well. For instance - if someone came up with another shoutbox hack I think it would be OK to release it, as long as it doesn't use any of ZT's code, since it is not a new concept, but as long as the execution of it was new.

08-01-2005, 09:06 PM
There is a THIN line between pircacy and imagination 0_o.


08-01-2005, 09:40 PM
eg: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/show...?threadid=93366

Not only is it doing exactly what my post is pointing out, but it is in the 'Latest Hacks' box...when it is really an incredibly old mod that happens to work on 3.5.x.

I took care of that before you posted it but I had to go off and look for it myself (hence the reason we love the report post feature so much ;)).

We don't want people posting these things because the doubles will just have to be merged when we move to the new hack database format. Plus most are probbly begin posted without the author's permission anyway.

Reeve of shinra
08-01-2005, 10:40 PM
That raises a good question, in the new hack database, how will it allow contributions? For example, lets say that there is a vb2 hack that only need 5 or 10 line changes to get it work on vb3 - could something like be 'contributed' to the hack in a way that others using vb3 could easilly find it?

edit to also add: Oh and will members be able to update versions a hack is compatable with after testing it themselves?

08-01-2005, 11:41 PM
I have ported several older hacks up to 3.5. In any case when I did a port and not a fresh write of something I needed, I simply emailed my ported code to the original author so they could use it or posted it in the original thread for others to use with the understanding that the original author could freely release the port that I offered.

The reason I do this is because I don't want to wait for some mods to be ported, but I don't want to steal anybody's thunder. If I am going to do the work anyway, I might as well share it. I don't need credit. I just need certain things working. ;)


08-01-2005, 11:56 PM
I have ported several older hacks up to 3.5. In any case when I did a port and not a fresh write of something I needed, I simply emailed my ported code to the original author so they could use it or posted it in the original thread for others to use with the understanding that the original author could freely release the port that I offered.

The reason I do this is because I don't want to wait for some mods to be ported, but I don't want to steal anybody's thunder. If I am going to do the work anyway, I might as well share it. I don't need credit. I just need certain things working. ;)


That's the way it should be done. There are a alot of 3.0 that when redone for 3.5 may use all new code, but it still should be ettiquette to ask the opriginal author of the previous version's hack/mod for permission, especially when they are well known hacks/mods. ;)

Chris M
08-02-2005, 12:01 AM
That's the way it should be done. There are a alot of 3.0 that when redone for 3.5 may use all new code, but it still should be ettiquette to ask the opriginal author of the previous version's hack/mod for permission, especially when they are well known hacks/mods. ;)

I have ported one hack of NTLDR's that he gave me permission for, but generally I don't like porting other's hacks - Like amy, if I need it, and cannot wait, I'll do it myself - If there is a cry out for it, and the author does not answer or says he/she is too busy, I will post my updated version in the thread and explain that I've already done the legwork, and that they can release it if they want :)


08-02-2005, 12:03 AM
I have ported one hack of NTLDR's that he gave me permission for, but generally I don't like porting other's hacks - Like amy, if I need it, and cannot wait, I'll do it myself - If there is a cry out for it, and the author does not answer or says he/she is too busy, I will post my updated version in the thread and explain that I've already done the legwork, and that they can release it if they want :)


Satan with morals? What is this world coming to? :surprised:


Chris M
08-02-2005, 12:08 AM
Satan with morals? What is this world coming to? :surprised:


It's scary I know Bob - Have some whiskey ;)


08-02-2005, 12:34 AM
I'm sure whiskey won't do any good with an Apocolypse (sp?) coming. :(

Chris M
08-02-2005, 12:36 AM
I'm sure whiskey won't do any good with an Apocolypse (sp?) coming. :(

I lost one of my horsemen in a fishing accident :ermm:

Quite tragic really...

Looks like it'll be off for another couple of hundred years :(


08-02-2005, 08:46 AM
Looks like you still got your eques secunde, I'm really hungry right now :p