View Full Version : Modified Reputation System

07-31-2005, 04:20 AM
I would like the reputation system for my board to go from the normal green until you get 10 dots, then your next one would replace a green dot with a blue one. Each next level would replace a freen dot with a blue one. After you have 10 blue dots, then the next level you reach would have 9 blue and 1 orange, etc. etc.
The colors don't matter, I can create the .gifs myself, it is the coding that I can't figure out. I know you'll need to modify the fetch_reputation_image function in includes/function_reputation.php, but I cannot get it to work myself. I can make it so when you pass a certain reputation level all your dots change, but that's not what I'm looking for.

Please let me know if you would be able to code this. Thanks.