View Full Version : Calendar MOD - Reservation System

07-27-2005, 02:57 PM
We need to have someone MOD the Calendar for a very simple "Time slot Based" Reservation System.

Please contact me for details.


07-27-2005, 03:39 PM
I like that idea also!

I wish the calendar did a little more also, I would like to use it for scheduling time slots
for our forum admins, it would be really nice if we could setup a start and end time
slot for a day or "days" and there was a visual way to display that time period on the
calendar in some way.

this way admins could know when it's there turn to run things, and also people could
know who's admin at that time and so forth.

I really like the calendar it has potential to bad there are hardly no mods out for it :(