View Full Version : Group Installs

07-18-2005, 02:58 PM
Hey guys,

I recently purchased my second vBulletin license and I plan on purchasing two more. I think it may be a neat feature to offer "grouped installs". Basically so a user can tell which hacks they have installed on which boards?

I don't know, there probably isn't a high enough demand for this, but it would come in useful to me.

07-18-2005, 03:42 PM
Hey guys,

I recently purchased my second vBulletin license and I plan on purchasing two more. I think it may be a neat feature to offer "grouped installs". Basically so a user can tell which hacks they have installed on which boards?

I don't know, there probably isn't a high enough demand for this, but it would come in useful to me.

I second. Something like this will help me keep track of which client's forum has which hacks applied. :)

07-18-2005, 03:53 PM
not necessary ... :down:

-- EDITED --

Sorry, just got back ... had to feed my kids.

Anyway, I think in the long run this would just be something that most members will not use -- yea, you might get 1-5% of the members.

I think resources should be spent on features that are used by the majority -- not just a few.

Marco van Herwaarden
07-18-2005, 04:27 PM
not necessary ... :down:Would be nice to the one that is posting this thread, if you at least tried to give a motiviation for that answer.

07-18-2005, 06:13 PM
Why do you think this wouldn't be used by most members. A good number of members have multiple boards. I would definately use this feature.

07-18-2005, 06:24 PM
I agree with you.
There will be some members who use this ----- (temporary).

Long term ... most of the data would just sit in the database.

I just don't think it's worth all the hassle and the extra storage.

07-18-2005, 06:27 PM
hmm, i actually see the use of this, as i have multiple boards myself.

but two things which could speak against:
1: it's a lot of work to change the system to allow multiple installs per use
2: the install system is so you get updates of hacks and such, which is already doable this way.

so, it's not absolutelly needed, but on the other hand would be a fine thing, but i wouldn't expect to do it in the nearer future.

07-18-2005, 06:34 PM
Wouldn't it work to have two accounts here? One for each license. Use one for posting and tracking the hacks on one forum. Use the other just to track the mods and don't post with it.

07-18-2005, 07:38 PM
not necessary ... :down:

-- EDITED --

Sorry, just got back ... had to feed my kids.

Anyway, I think in the long run this would just be something that most members will not use -- yea, you might get 1-5% of the members.

I think resources should be spent on features that are used by the majority -- not just a few.
I see your points, but I do believe that more than 1 - 5% would use this feature.
Wouldn't it work to have two accounts here? One for each license. Use one for posting and tracking the hacks on one forum. Use the other just to track the mods and don't post with it.
Well, of course that would work.. and of course I didn't even think of this alternative before.

However, if this feature were included with vB.org it would obviously be less of a hassle than doing this alternative. Maybe that's my laziness speaking, I dunno..

Chris M
07-18-2005, 07:40 PM
Wouldn't it work to have two accounts here? One for each license. Use one for posting and tracking the hacks on one forum. Use the other just to track the mods and don't post with it.

If we are allowed to have multiple accounts for that purpose, that would be beneficial :)

That would mean that all my forums can have their own account with their own "installed hacks" on :)

One thing for such a system though - Some kind of "Primary" and "Secondary" email would be needed - If you have 4 or 5 forums, you can only add 3 email addresses to the Priority Support Form - Therefore if you have "Allow duplicate emails" set to Yes, we can enter the "Secondary email" and have that email as the "Updates etc" email :)

Either that, or you can assign a "Main" forum account, and you can add your other forum accounts to it, so they all inherit the permissions of the main account :)


Tony G
07-19-2005, 05:05 AM
It's a good idea, but I don't think it's worth all the coding etc. it will need, to edit the install system to perform such a thing.

07-19-2005, 08:09 PM
Maybe not. Maybe there would be a way where we would be able to enter our own prefix for installed hacks? I don't see how that would take too much time to code, but I'm not too advanced in php.

07-21-2005, 09:18 AM
This would require the admins to completely recode the design of the system. First you would have to allow mutiable clicks for the "install button".

To make matters harder, they would have to create some sort of filing system with folders and such. Each folder would contain all the hacks install for that folder name. Example would be naming a folder your first website. Then when you click the install button, you would have to choose which folder this install will go into. And to uninstall a hack you would have to go into your folder to do so.

To stop abuse mutiable clicks for the 'install button' would only record one to the amount of installs. That way members don't create folders and click install to get there install count higher.

As you can see, that would be a ideal way of doing things and would require a lot of time, debugging, and patients.

07-21-2005, 01:22 PM
This would require the admins to completely recode the design of the system. First you would have to allow mutiable clicks for the "install button".

To make matters harder, they would have to create some sort of filing system with folders and such. Each folder would contain all the hacks install for that folder name. Example would be naming a folder your first website. Then when you click the install button, you would have to choose which folder this install will go into. And to uninstall a hack you would have to go into your folder to do so.

To stop abuse mutiable clicks for the 'install button' would only record one to the amount of installs. That way members don't create folders and click install to get there install count higher.

As you can see, that would be a ideal way of doing things and would require a lot of time, debugging, and patients.

An extra textbox field so each user can post their own notes about the hack is enough. :)

07-21-2005, 01:34 PM
Wasn't there a 'notes' addon installed here a few years ago?
hmm, maybe it was another site ...

Anyway, I think a 'notes' addon would be the best alternative.
A 'notes' addon could have many uses ...

1) Notes on coders
2) Notes on installs
3) Notes on codes
4) Notes on text that you find yourself repeating.

Marco van Herwaarden
07-21-2005, 07:17 PM
What if more then 1 admin of a site have access here, and they are all installing hacks?

Marco van Herwaarden
07-21-2005, 07:17 PM
Edit: Best would be to keep a thread in the admin forum of your board with links to all hacks you installed.

Reeve of shinra
07-21-2005, 08:04 PM
This was something I wanted to see since I run multiple sites but as I didn't think it would happen, I just started to keep the info in excel with the url and description.

Marco van Herwaarden
07-21-2005, 08:08 PM
If you are the only admin installing hacks, you can keep it in an excel sheet yes.