View Full Version : Last online for hack author

Paul M
07-15-2005, 04:34 AM
I think it would be handy if the first post of a hack showed (the date) when the author was last online - so people have an idea of whether they are likely to get a reply to support questions. I have seen numerous hacks where a question has been posted, but the author has not been seen for months (or longer in some cases).

07-15-2005, 04:37 AM
yeah thats a pretty cool suggestion, maybe "highlighted"

Marco van Herwaarden
07-15-2005, 05:00 AM
Sounds good, but it can also have a negative effect. What if an author is shortly online and for whatever reason don't have the time to reply to a question. People would be complaining that the coder was online, but didn't 'want' to answer their question.

Maybe a system that will only show 'Was online in the last month', '..the last 6 months' or 'It has been longer then 6 months'

Paul M
07-15-2005, 05:06 AM
Sounds good, but it can also have a negative effect. What if an author is shortly online and for whatever reason don't have the time to reply to a question. People would be complaining that the coder was online, but didn't 'want' to answer their question.
Try to be positive towards a suggestion for once. :p

I was suggesting something that just showed the date they were last online.

i.e. ;

Last online: 15 Jul 2005

Only a complete muppet would interpret that as currently online.

(You could drop the 15 I suppose, so it just said Jul 2005, if you are really that paranoid).

Tony G
07-15-2005, 07:45 AM
I like the idea, and if people complain about the author being online and having no time to answer questions, you might have to put them in their place. ;)

It's an indication, I don't think it's supposed to guarentee support at that exact time. :)

07-15-2005, 08:12 AM
If the author doesn't want his online time to be known he could always browse the board as a hidden user ;).

It might be worth adding, I did a plug-in for this a few weeks ago for the postbit so I'm already a big fan of it :D

07-15-2005, 08:13 AM
great idea :)

07-15-2005, 10:37 AM
Bump this when we are using 3.5 and we may add it. :)

07-15-2005, 04:33 PM
actually, i like this and it was a thing adding in 5 secunds to custom code, so i added it :)

Chris M
07-15-2005, 04:44 PM
actually, i like this and it was a thing adding in 5 secunds to custom code, so i added it :)

Nice :)

Now a more descriptive one would be better ;)

I.e. 15 July etc :p

or make it use the Yesterday/Today format:

Last online:
Last online:
Last online:
13th Jul 2005
etc :D


Paul M
07-15-2005, 06:23 PM
:up: @ Xenon

One question - is it split across two lines for a reason, or in error ?

07-15-2005, 10:54 PM
actually, i like this and it was a thing adding in 5 secunds to custom code, so i added it :)

Class act!

07-17-2005, 12:26 PM
@ Paul:
well, i made it one line first, and didn't look so well in my eyes, that's why.

@Chris: i think Month Year is enough here

Chris M
07-17-2005, 04:35 PM
@ Paul:
well, i made it one line first, and didn't look so well in my eyes, that's why.

@Chris: i think Month Year is enough here

Bah :p


Tony G
07-18-2005, 04:55 AM
These members, geez, it's never enough. :p ;)