View Full Version : Revolution Gaming

07-10-2005, 06:59 PM
Our board was created at 2003 but on a IPB :tired: . Now that I took over and new founder of it, it's on a vbulletin :rolleyes: . Our board has made 61 member and over 1,100 post within 5 days of it's release again. Our board doesn't block member that force member to register just to view inside. Our board is about emu, counter strike, halo and much more online games. We also create clans for those games. We are willing to be part of any forum buddies. Our board isn't a mean place. We also talk about GFX and teaching new comer. We have tons of prizes that coming soon. Please visit us at http://mysticgaming.net/forum/forum and please register, we would love you to be part of our community. Which to be affilicate (misspell) please PM me and we can discuss about it

URL: http://mysticgaming.net/forum/forum
Member: 61
Post: Over 1000
Type:Games, GFX, Chilling place, Entertainment

Our Logo created by Clash (retire from MG)

07-11-2005, 04:47 AM
It's alright, but it's an eXtremepixels style. Have you changed or added anything, or are we commenting on their style? One thing I notice is that your signature restriction is set at 679x151. That's extremely huge, so you may want to think about making it smaller.

07-11-2005, 12:45 PM
<font color="SandyBrown">Well even at that size of the signature, no body has ever made it that big. You don't need to give comment about the extremepixels as i'm not a skin designer nor my staff. I just love there skins they have. It's how the layout is, active, how we doing and all that kind of stuff. I'm trying to add helpdesk which i'm having difficult time for some reason. I have added the shoutbox but i need to have it on the forumhome page instead of directing them to it.</font>

07-11-2005, 01:16 PM
I would suggest to make the background a little bit lighter then the forums, to make the forums come off the page a little.

Also you need the title of your site to stand out. The font needs to be a lot larger and maybe with somehting more fancy to match the background.

07-11-2005, 01:24 PM
We have 4 skins, and I have problem skinning. All i can do is do some hacks or edit hacks. (depends what hack i'm doing). Right now were on version 1 and hopefully v3 will be success that i'm working. Right now i'm doing some stuff before I release v1.5

07-11-2005, 02:35 PM
We have 4 skins, and I have problem skinning. All i can do is do some hacks or edit hacks. (depends what hack i'm doing). Right now were on version 1 and hopefully v3 will be success that i'm working. Right now i'm doing some stuff before I release v1.5

Just remember to save you photoshop files so you can edit layer if you feel you want to make a change. The background is an easy change in hte css or all style vars.

07-11-2005, 03:16 PM
I'm never good on CSS, although i can change the color with my ps 7.0 to the background. But member loves it.

07-11-2005, 03:44 PM
just an inane question here:) but why is it /forum/forum/ ?

07-11-2005, 06:38 PM
the 1st forum has the mysql and phpdata base and the 2nd forum has the vbulletin information. I'm going to pass it to http://mysticgaming.net/forum but i have to do tons of files transfer

Tony G
07-12-2005, 04:40 AM
I can't comment much about the style as it is a bought one.

You have too many forums for 61 members, try condensing it to 10 or just over 10 and expand when you get more activity.

07-12-2005, 08:40 AM
um, no coment

Tony G
07-13-2005, 04:46 AM
If you have no comment, then don't post?

07-13-2005, 12:27 PM
Our board was created at 2003 but on a IPB :tired: . Now that I took over and new founder of it, it's on a vbulletin :rolleyes: . Our board has made 61 member and over 1,100 post within 5 days of it's release again. Our board doesn't block member that force member to register just to view inside. Our board is about emu, counter strike, halo and much more online games. We also create clans for those games. We are willing to be part of any forum buddies. Our board isn't a mean place. We also talk about GFX and teaching new comer. We have tons of prizes that coming soon. Please visit us at http://mysticgaming.net/forum/forum and please register, we would love you to be part of our community. Which to be affilicate (misspell) please PM me and we can discuss about it

URL: http://mysticgaming.net/forum/forum
Member: 61
Post: Over 1000
Type:Games, GFX, Chilling place, Entertainment

Our Logo created by Clash (retire from MG)

I think someone may have stolen your style.


07-13-2005, 08:09 PM
He bought the style from there... ;)

07-13-2005, 08:39 PM
I know that. I was being a smart arse.

Btw this:

* Dean sets mode: -o Brad
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Brad
* Dean sets mode: +b *!bot@services.devcore.co.uk
* Dean sets mode: -o Brad
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Brad

Is too funny.

07-15-2005, 06:35 PM
I can't comment much about the style as it is a bought one.

You have too many forums for 61 members, try condensing it to 10 or just over 10 and expand when you get more activity.

I know but that we divide them. We are trying to get godweapon to team up with us