View Full Version : Help. Showing threads in both subforum and main forum

02-19-2001, 01:37 AM

I'm trying to make a hack that will show threads of the subforums in the main forum or the parent forum. This will encourage ppl to post in the right subforum cause they know it will be shown in the crowded forum also

I think the change should be done in forumdisplay.php
in specific this part.

SELECT ".iif($sortfield=="voteavg",$votequery,"")." thread.threadid
FROM thread
WHERE thread.forumid='$foruminfo[forumid]' AND thread.visible=1
$datecut $limitothers $ignoreusers
ORDER BY sticky DESC, $sortfield $sqlsortorder
LIMIT ".($limitlower-1).",$perpage

What I'm looking for now is the variable to add after

WHERE thread.forumid='$foruminfo[forumid]'

which will list all the subforums of this forum so it should look like

WHERE thread.forumid='$foruminfo[forumid]'
OR thread.forumid=((SUBFORUMS))

Any suggestions guys?

Thanks in advance.

02-19-2001, 08:57 PM

02-20-2001, 02:47 PM
I would like an option to display subs in the main as well... Haven't had time to research it tho

02-20-2001, 07:59 PM
I think what should be done is something like this

forumid FROM forum
WHERE parent='$foruminfo[forumid]' AND thread.visible=1

Then a while loop to fetch all the subforums,, then include what we get in the main query (getthreadsid).

I really can't put this together,, if anyone can give us a hand ? :)

02-23-2001, 07:10 PM
Not even a hint? :)

02-23-2001, 07:42 PM
Ya, no one else cares I quess...

02-23-2001, 07:53 PM
Strange,, I showed most of what need to be changed,, we only need someone to tell us a small bit of information so I can proceed.

03-03-2001, 12:03 PM
There is still no one able to help in that?

03-07-2001, 09:13 AM

03-07-2001, 01:51 PM
Personally I don't see the point in this.

Explain to me the benefits of having posts in multiple forums? All I can see is confusion.

03-07-2001, 07:23 PM
hi wluke,

Believe me, its not confusing at all. And there are many benifits in that.

Esaier navigation for users.
More efficient and precise search.
Having very specific forums even if its not very active.

The concept is very simple. Imagine you have these forums:


.............Video Games


Assume the forums are active enough and you are thinking of adding specific subforums, say , to the moives like Drama. However you thought that if you do add this subforum ppl won't post in it, simply because they want EVERYBODY to see their post instead of ONLY the ppl who goes to the subforum Drama. So the only way to add a subforum and still have ppl post in it IS to make posts in the subforum appear also in the main forum. This way you can have as many as you want of the subforums and maybe subsubforums without being concerned about ppl not posting in it.

So you will have this structure:


..............Video Games
...........................................Strateg y

...........................................Graphic s

So posts in Drama and Action will be shown in Movies. And posts in RBG and Strategy will be shown in Video Games. This will make the forum very organized.

Another advantage is that ppl will be able to subscribe in EXACTLY what they want and recieve the stuff they really want.

This will also help for the searching, cause you can choose very precise forum that will most likely give you the correct results.

You can also check these threads for more discussion about this feature.


03-07-2001, 07:44 PM
Explain to me the benefits of having posts in multiple forums? All I can see is confusion.

Well wayne think about this:

Categoriy: movies
Then for each big movies you create a subforum.
Currently if you do this, people will not want to post in subforums and you'll end up with these ghost subforums nobody cares because there is no post in it.

With this system, not only the webmaster can move threads in child forums, but users can post in child forum because they KNOW their post will also get read in the mother forum. So user will be able to jump to specific forum or read the mother forum to have an overview. Its only a benefit for the users.

I think you should not see this as something confusing. I think its quite a revolution in BBS system like flat view replaced threaded view.
Once user will get used to it, it will simply push ahed the whole BBS concept.