View Full Version : Attachment file Upload Indicator

12-23-2004, 08:04 AM
I have a site that allows larger uploads through the file attachment system with my forum. Of all things, we ran into a problem, as users were too impatient to wait for their upload to finish, and would cancel their upload half way through it because they though the file attachment had locked up.

I looked here, but couldn't find a post on this, so sorry if there already is a solution, and if so, can you point me to it? I also hope I am in the right forum for this as well, been a while since my last visit. :)

What I am asking for is some sort of code that puts a file indication system in the seperate file attachment pop up box, that shows a file is actually being uploaded, and a percentage of the file that already has been sent. (like 23% uploaded of 2 mb) Sort of like how downloads work, but reversed.

Can be a bar type indicator, can be a percentage amount, can even be a flashing text, just as long as my members know that the file they attached is still uploading. At the moment, all it says is the file is being uploaded, but it's static, and my members keep thinking the system is hung. I would like to see the percentage, because of people with dial up would appreicate it more.

Thanks for any help.

08-27-2006, 09:23 AM
also i look for the same plugin...

and just weatting

12-10-2006, 10:13 AM
it is very difficult to have a proper upload status indicator with php. maybe possible by having the progress indicator in a separate window or iframe and refreshing it all the time.

it would be much better to integrate a third party java applet into the upload module.