View Full Version : AlienSector Dial-Up

10-22-2004, 10:00 PM
The AlienSector Dial-Up skin is set for use with vBulletin 3.0 and works with the latest build 3.0.3. The skin was developed mainly for forums that need a quick-loading skin for users on dial-up connection or simply want a less graphical choice.

The skin is available free of charge, all that is asked is that the link back and reference to AlienSector be left in tact (i.e. Style Design: AlienSector.com). Other from that, you may modify the skin as you wish, though it may not be redistributed or sold.

This is version 1.0 of the dial-up skin and future versions should follow, which will include further graphic reduction and so forth as time permits. All updates will be available at AlienSector.com.

Support is limited though I will do my best to address all issues as they arise and in a timely manor. I ask that instead of using this thread, please direct your support questions to the following forum to keep support queries in line and to prevent users from having to search through posts in a single thread:


Style Preview:


10-29-2004, 12:32 AM
How do you upload this?

10-29-2004, 09:52 AM
Import the XML via Styles and templates > Import/Export Styles

upload the images via ftp to whereever it says in the read me. If there isn't a read me then look at the properties of one of the missing images on tht style and upload them to the path shown there.

(hint: it's normally forums/images/style name or /forums/style name)

11-05-2004, 08:15 PM
Did you make this skin for http://surmunity.com/?styleid=8 as well? It's almost the same skin...lol

11-09-2004, 02:01 AM
Did you make this skin for http://surmunity.com/?styleid=8 as well? It's almost the same skin...lol

I've never heard of the website personally, though many websites follow the same idea (i.e. to limit image use or use text) :), so it is not common to see the same general design on other websites.

The style was designed because there were many previous requests I viewed and had via e-mail so I decided to make a downgraded, low-graphics style. I am further working on a few modifications, so a new release should not be too far off.

11-10-2004, 10:48 PM
I'm lovin your styles Alienskin!!
nobody seems to make clean, tasteful skins for vb anymore..

btw: your link doesn't seem to work

tried http://www.aliensector.com/index2.php?style=3 but it shows the same style as norm
you have an updated link?

11-11-2004, 07:25 PM
The preview there is not working as that is the main website now, the new development forums are now where the demo's are though I believe the dial-up skin's images are not showing correctly right now.