View Full Version : Looking for VB3 Version Of Splitting Catagories

09-01-2004, 04:15 PM
I haven't messed with vb since version 2. Back then, I split my catagories so there was a space between them. No problems. However, I do not see a current tutorial or hack for VB3 that allows me to do this.

Is there one? I am probably missing it. Could somone please point me to the right direction or even a link?

Much appreciated!


09-03-2004, 02:09 AM
I too, have been searching for this for two days now. There are several methods posted for earlier versions, but none seem to work for v.3.0.3

I have to admit, I'm getting frustrated.

If there is actually one out there, could someone puuuuuuulleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez post a link to it? I have tried every search word / phrase I can think of without success.


09-03-2004, 02:16 AM
I too, have been searching for this for two days now. There are several methods posted for earlier versions, but none seem to work for v.3.0.3

I have to admit, I'm getting frustrated.

If there is actually one out there, could someone puuuuuuulleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez post a link to it? I have tried every search word / phrase I can think of without success.

Found it yesterday. Enjoy.


09-03-2004, 02:41 AM

I installed it in 5 minutes, and it works! Columns are aligned, separation is there, - PERFECT!

Thanks Floris for the Mod, and AbSoluTc for your prompt reply!

I am much happier now. My wife thanks you!

09-03-2004, 02:58 AM
this thread should have been in requests :\

Tony G
09-03-2004, 05:52 AM
Moving to modification requests.