View Full Version : GIFs in Borders

08-31-2004, 08:41 PM
I need to get the borders on my forums to match the borders on the updates to this Web page: http://www.badbadrubberpiggy.com (meaning that they need to be thick, colored accordingly, and include the round corners and the pipe-like GIF images on the sides). Can anyone help me with this?

09-05-2004, 01:43 AM
Here's an example for what I want the boarders to look like.

09-05-2004, 03:25 AM
well... for each forum the code would be different to get those kinds of borders, are you looking to pay someone to do this or to get free help? - either way, I might be able to help, is your example how you want it to be or an example of a forum that has it similar to how you want it?

09-05-2004, 03:38 AM
I'm hoping I can get assistance for free.

And yes, the example is how I want it to be. I also want this border to appear in most of the same areas that the blue border appears here.

09-05-2004, 03:51 AM
I have the code copied right now, you can either PM me the administration information and I'll do it for free right now or if you don't want to give that out then I'll explain how you can do it yourself tomorrow

09-05-2004, 04:02 AM
You can explain it for me tomorrow. I don't have the administrative information anyway sense I'm not a full administrator on the forums I work with.

09-05-2004, 01:01 PM
Ok here it goes, it would be much easier if I just did it for you but if you can understand these instructions you can give it a try yourself. You need to at least understand HTML to know how to do this correctly.
This is only for the postbit (for now)
open the template postbit (or postbit legacy, depends which your using)
search for where the table with the postbit starts, it should have 'class="tborder"'
right before that table starts add
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

<td width="20" height="20" valign="TOP"><img src="/images/misc/corner-tl.gif"></td>

<td height="20" width="44" valign="TOP"><img src="/images/misc/fit-tl.gif" width="44" height="20"></td>

<td background="/images/misc/bar-top.gif" height="20" valign="TOP" width="100%"><img src="/images/misc/1-b.gif"></td>

<td width="44" height="20" valign="TOP" background="/images/misc/bar-top.gif"><img src="/images/misc/1-b.gif"></td>

<td width="20" height="20" valign="TOP"><img src="/images/misc/corner-tr.gif"></td>

<td width="20" background="/images/misc/bar-left.gif" height="110"><img src="/images/misc/fit-lt.gif"></td>

<td rowspan="3" colspan="3" bgcolor="00000">

Now jump to the end of the postbit's table and add:

<td width="20" background="/images/misc/bar-right.gif" height="70"><img src="/images/misc/1-b.gif"></td>

<td background="/images/misc/bar-left.gif" width="20" height="100%"><img src="/images/misc/1-b.gif" width="1" height="1"></td>
<td width="20" background="/images/misc/bar-right.gif" height="100%"><img src="/images/misc/1-b.gif" width="1" height="1"></td>

<td background="/images/misc/bar-left.gif" height="110" width="20"><img src="/images/misc/1-b.gif"></td>

<td width="20" height="110" valign="BOTTOM" background="/images/misc/bar-right.gif"><img src="/images/misc/fit-lb.gif" width="20" height="110"></td>
<td width="20" height="20" background="/images/misc/corner-bl.gif" valign="BOTTOM"><img src="/images/misc/1-b.gif"></td>

<td height="20" background="/images/misc/bar-bottom.gif" width="92" valign="BOTTOM"><img src="/images/misc/1-b.gif"></td>

<td height="20" background="/images/misc/bar-bottom.gif" valign="BOTTOM" align="CENTER" width="100%"><img src="/images/misc/1-b.gif"><img src="/images/misc/fit-b.gif" width="38" height="20"></td>
<td height="20" background="/images/misc/bar-bottom.gif" width="300" valign="BOTTOM"><img src="/images/misc/1-b.gif"></td>

<td height="20" width="20" valign="BOTTOM"><img src="/images/misc/corner-br.gif"></td>
</table><br />
Hopefully you can get it done correctly from my instructions.

09-06-2004, 12:26 AM
That did work, but the new border now surrounds the old white border. How do I get the new border to take the place of the old white border, if possible?

09-06-2004, 01:39 AM
Oh forgot about that, simply remove 'class="tborder"' from the table with the postbit

09-06-2004, 01:41 AM

So, do I just use the same procedure for the forum home and forum display templates?

09-06-2004, 02:15 AM
Yep, good luck, if you need any help just reply here

09-06-2004, 07:40 PM
I apologize for the lack of HTML knowledge, but what do I add or remove to the border code so that it will work with small areas like the navigation bar?

09-06-2004, 11:27 PM
Same thing, just remove 'class="tborder" from the beginning of the table and add that same code around the table.

09-07-2004, 12:01 AM
I tried, but every time the border ends up being vertically stretched. I also tried removing the side images, but that didn't help.

09-07-2004, 01:13 AM
ok... either paste the whole navbar code and I'll give you back the code with the new border or PM me with the admin information and I'll update it for you, either way works.

09-07-2004, 01:51 AM
I left the "class="tborder"" code in so you could see the problem.

09-11-2004, 10:56 PM
Never mind. I found out how to do it myself after playing with the HTML for a while.

09-12-2004, 11:57 AM
Very sorry I didn't see the post before your last, I thought I was subscribed to the thread and I'd get an email when a new post was made, apparently not.