View Full Version : Using the correct forum

08-02-2004, 08:52 PM
When I click into the Modifications forums, should I really be seeing requests for how to make different coloured borders?

Probably not.

There might be a good reason for why people are posting in the wrong forums, possibly some form of large, bolded type that flashes and blinks to let them know that the best place to post a request is the request forum is needed.


Tony G
08-03-2004, 05:00 AM
Have I missed any? Would you like to point these threads out? Because I've moved at least the general majority of them out of the modification forum. I may miss a few, so I apologize for any inconvienience.

Reeve of shinra
08-05-2004, 03:04 AM
I think it would be great to have a template conditionals forum for vb3.

09-07-2004, 02:58 AM
When I click into the Modifications forums, should I really be seeing requests for how to make different coloured borders?

Probably not.

There might be a good reason for why people are posting in the wrong forums, possibly some form of large, bolded type that flashes and blinks to let them know that the best place to post a request is the request forum is needed.

I think it would help if you don't leave the redirects as it clutters just as much as having the thread there in the first place.