View Full Version : VB licence out

07-17-2004, 08:18 PM
Well i have used VB for a few years, but the price is always going up. The fact that i have bought it in the past should beable to download stuff. I mean is that we shouldnt keep older licenc holders from downloading stuff like this. VB is just $$ hungry and will always will be. I think you guys have a good thing going here, but only supporting the ones that keeps paying every freaken year is kinda stupid. Should also sho support or allow support for the old licence holders that didnt want to repay up every year. make sence?

07-17-2004, 10:41 PM
TBH, 30 $/Year is (almost) NOTHING compared to the amount of money the server costs each month.

Tony G
07-17-2004, 11:23 PM
$30 is not much to renew your license. And if you're not willing to pay that much to keep your vB license active, then you don't really need to download modifications from here.

This is how the system works. Valid license holders only, sorry.

07-18-2004, 12:09 AM
Not true, the license price, since 2000-01 has NEVER GONE UP, if you have purchased an owned license you should have access to vBulletin.org and vBulletinTemplates.com for life.

You only need to pay 30 US to be able to download updates from the members area.

vBulletin isnt somthing lile phpbb, it costs money to develop and support, we have a full staff which takes money to pay.

Tony G
07-18-2004, 05:21 AM
Oh, so it only takes access away from vbulletin.com's forums... I thought it was all 3 of the sister sites. My mistake.

07-18-2004, 06:48 AM

You will always, and i mean always, have access to these sites vB.com/.org and vBT and the members area as long as you have a valid owned license. Only if you have a leased license will you lose access to these sites. The only thing you lose on an owned license after 12 months is access to download vBulletin, unless you renew, otherwise it doesnt matter. :)

07-21-2004, 09:49 AM
price increase where ? in fact due to exchange rates I actually paid less uk pounds this time around,and like evryone else the support alone from vb.org and vb community is well worth it.