View Full Version : portal

03-23-2004, 10:53 AM
not bad at all, only other thing i would ask for is latest mods and hottest mods :)

unless you were bored, then i'd suggesting ripping my suggestions from over at vb.org and implementing them.

great work, thank you :)

03-23-2004, 04:22 PM
Well ima turn this into the portal problem / suggestion thread.

Ammount of new posts dont work.

Also i think the portal would look better at the root :)

03-23-2004, 08:06 PM
Also ATM there is no way to get to the forums from the portal.

03-23-2004, 08:18 PM
Great work Brad.

Just one thing: please rename the url of the portal and make index.php the Forumhome again.
I tend to click on the upper left banner to get back on forumhome and now i'm forwarded to the portal :)

the portal should appear when you go to http://www.vbulletintemplates.com without the trailing /mods/ ;)

03-23-2004, 09:20 PM
It was put into the forum directory because of the issues with images and other things, I did not want to spend alot of time de-bugging image paths when I needed to preform the upgrade. I will however look into sticking it into the root directory sometime soon.

Also ATM there is no way to get to the forums from the portal.

There are two links to the forums on the portal, one in the welcome table the other in the nav table, I do need to make a forum button for the header and will do so.

Ammount of new posts dont work.

Fixed, typed query when I needed to type query_first

not bad at all, only other thing i would ask for is latest mods and hottest mods

We serve more kinds of submissions then vB.org dose, so instead of crowding the portal page I have sorted them by topic. If you click the links in the 'new mods' table on the portal you will see the latest submissions for said topic

I'll look into a hottest mods box.

03-23-2004, 09:30 PM
Simpilest way is to use full path for the images :)

Tony G
03-24-2004, 02:41 AM
Only problem is no forums link in the navagation bar, everything else is fine. :)

03-24-2004, 08:39 AM
yeah i would prefer it if the logo went back to the forumhome.

03-24-2004, 04:14 PM
i hate the fact that the portal is in/mods/index.php and the forums are in mods/forum.php i second/third/forth that you should put the portal on the root dirctory (http://www.vbulletintemplates.com (http://www.vbulletintemplates.com/)). Like Xeon i also click the banner to get back to the forums and now it sends me to the portal. Very anoyying.

Also no post images are not working. Feels like you just threw this up without testing :(

03-24-2004, 04:36 PM
I think brads uploading some new images (hes on like a very slow 56k) so give him some time.

Tony G
03-25-2004, 05:42 AM
How long can images possibly take to load? There's only like 12 or so post images. :P

03-25-2004, 06:16 AM
If any images aren't loading do a ctrl + f5

Tony G
03-26-2004, 06:09 AM
Seems to be working fine now. :)