View Full Version : Need hints on User info position

02-28-2004, 07:20 PM
Here, on this forum the User info (afatar, posts, etc) is located on the left, changing to right with every new post. Is there a hack to do this? My members really get annoyed by the info on top of posts. Also, the info put in the round rectangular, with text "User info" in the middle... That look so cool, how can I do that?

PS: Can I download the default blue skin of forum?

02-28-2004, 08:01 PM
Search for the alternating postbits mod in the vB3 forum. This is a paid skin made by SaintDog and then ported to vB3. I can't remember where to buy it though but someone can point you in the right direction most likely.

Tony G
02-28-2004, 09:11 PM
This style isn't available for downloading yet.

02-29-2004, 09:58 AM
Thanks, but the topic called Alternating Postbits is just one big discussion about releasing such hack. The only attackment there holds a chunk of code, and I have no idea what is it for and where am I supposed to put it. I need the default postbit look to be vertical vB2 style, and have that lining around it.

Right, i've set the postbit to horisontal view, now, how do i add the lining around it? :)