View Full Version : Intro PAGES.

02-07-2004, 07:01 AM

My website consists just of my VB forums. In the future the forums will be suported by a comprehensive website. But that will take some time to build. So in the meantime I would love to have some kind of INTRO PAGE for my VB forums. So that when people go to my url, they will not see the forums immediately, but instead this intro page. I am not looking for a portal or something like that.... just some simple intro-page(s) that make use of my VB3 style.

http://www.everythingvb.com (http://www.everythingvb.com/) has something that comes close to what I mean. How does one accomplish something like that?


02-07-2004, 07:24 PM
Check out my profile, there is a script called simple vB powered web page I released that will do this.

02-07-2004, 10:23 PM
Check out my profile, there is a script called simple vB powered web page I released that will do this.
Does this work with VB3RC4? And... i need something that does not change my VB database.....

02-07-2004, 10:49 PM
Yes it works with that version as far as I know, and it requires no db modification.

02-08-2004, 08:02 AM
Yes it works with that version as far as I know, and it requires no db modification.
Aha.... but your new version will use the database? :

I am currently working on version 2.1 beta of this script.

The script is begin totally re-done in 2.1, pages will be stored in the db in a new table instead of begin controled via one template. Also each page will have its own options for perrmissions, page title (for the nav bar), and html. There will also be a default page that will list all current pages in your db. The default page is only called when a page is called that dosent exist in the db, or it can be called directly via pages.php?page=list.

All pages will be controled from a new admin cp script, to allow easy management of all pages.

2.1 will also pack alot of new fetures, these include:

Choose which style they page uses
Which template to use as the header/footer/headerinclude
Page by page perrmissions (based on usergroups)
Page hit counters

2.1 beta is expected to be out shortly.