View Full Version : HipHop-Battles.com - feedback wanted :D

01-13-2004, 07:17 AM

We just released(3 days ago) our Project to the Public (Beta Test):


HipHop-Battles.com Community (Http://www.HipHop-Battles.com/forum/index.php)

I didn?t modified my vBB 3.0 yet because I wait for the final release

But I realy would like some comments

We put over half a year of work into this project and it?s still a long way to go till it?s finished!



Tony G
01-13-2004, 08:12 AM
Wouldn't fit on an 800 X 600 screen.
Color scheme blends in well. :)

01-13-2004, 12:14 PM
Yeah we wrote it for 1024x768 cause we thought 800x600 is a stoneage resolution :D



Tony G
01-13-2004, 10:26 PM
It would be very easy to make it fit on all resolutions though.

01-14-2004, 06:13 AM
It would be very easy to make it fit on all resolutions though.
how? use percentages in the html instead of pxl numbers?

Tony G
01-14-2004, 09:04 AM
Don't use fixed widths. Yeah, use the percentage.

01-14-2004, 11:27 AM
Ok for the forum your propably right but I just got our new Forum Logo that makes it impossible to make the page dynamicly!
Same goes for our page. It cant be dynamical because of the design.
The Forum is mainly for supporting and I think it will take quite a while till we have a community build there too.
(98 Registrations on the page, 9 on the forum) ;)
I don?t realy like stuffing my forum with lot?s of "off topic" forums to get 1 or 2 users more on my forum!
I kinda like sticking to the needed things and only if there are many peeps who want a certain forum added then I will concider it.

I hat pages who have no real "main topic" and try to cover as many aspects with there forum as possible!

This will most likely never lead to success.
Stick to your topic and the users will come

I realy would be interested in some quality feedback about my project as well by the way.
Is this something for you?
Would you visit it now and then?
Do you like the design, navigation etc?
Or is it more like one time visit and forget? (if this is the case plz let me know why)



ps: if anyone got the forum spacing modification to work for RC2 so that all columns are aligned then PLZ can you PM me the install instructions and modifications you did?
I tried the spacing for gamma but no alignement and the fix is useless (at least for me) cause to many things have changed

02-04-2004, 07:41 AM
Ok here?s a little statistic:

We are open for the public for axactly 27 days:

We had 325 registrations so far
with 204 Members who activated there account.
The avarage registration count is 3-10 per day.

We have about 85 Battles running and
users downloaded about 4,68gig battlefiles.

There were over 1500 votes made so far

We have around 200 unique visits a day avarage with
476974 total hits (including reloads, page changes ect)

And we are just open for 27 days

You don?t have an account yet?

Then get one today -> http://www.hiphop-battles.com

