View Full Version : vBulletin 3 Gamma to be released soon

11-29-2003, 11:06 AM
This is a reminder to everyone that vBulletin 3 Gamma will be released before or on december 5th. The new Gamma will give us our frist look at the new style, this also means that all modifications released for beta 7 or lower will most likely have to be re-done to work with the new style.

Be prepaired to work on your style for awhile if you upgrade to the gamma, if you have a fully customized style on the beta's odds are you are going to have to re-write it.

Also RC releases should come soon after, be prepaired to upgrade again soon after gamma is released.

Tony G
11-29-2003, 08:52 PM
Personally, I wouldn't make any long term changes on Gamma, but wait for RC1 since there will be template bug fixes, I'd imagine.