View Full Version : dab-online.net

10-28-2003, 01:26 PM
The forum is designed to work with the site http://www.dab-online.net and with our image gallery http://www.dab-online.net/coppermine
The coppermine is in fact integrated in the vbulletin with the user tables. Making registred users on the forum be able to upload images and stuff =)
Here is the forum url.

Input pretty please =)
Ohh im gonna remove those nasty looking sub forums on the forum home page to.

10-28-2003, 01:41 PM
overall the site looks rather nice ^^

im not a huge fan of the side menu but it does look nice

the postbit is intresting but well done

Main Page (http://www.dab-online.net/) | Forum (http://www.dab-online.net/forum) | Gallery (http://www.dab-online.net/coppermine) | Stardolt 2003 (http://www.dab-online.net/stardolt2003)| ClanWars (http://www.dab-online.net/ladder)<< that needs to be fixed its hard to read as its almost the same color as the bg

Tony G
10-29-2003, 03:01 AM
The site looks nice, as well as the style.

The forum could use a bit to template modifying. I dunno, but the sub forum display looks ugly. The <hr> I suspect doesn't really belong there for me.

10-29-2003, 09:31 AM
yeah i have to many subforums so it doesnt look good at all.
Those are gonna be removed as i said in the first post =)
Thanks for the replys tho Apritiated

10-30-2003, 11:20 PM
looks good man, if i were you i'd be tempted to lose the orange font colour, and incorporate the orange more into the forums ie, header backgrounds etc. Either that or change the main page bgcolor

good job though!