View Full Version : Music Forum Comments!

10-18-2003, 08:30 AM
URL = http://forums.stairsandflowers.com/
Name = StairsandFlowers, Classic Rock Forums and Beyond. We are a music forum for classic rock and just about any other type of music is encouraged in our other forum topics.

Design made by = BlindChild at http://www.xamira.net (http://www.xamira.net/). Note the board styles are similar but still differant. The skin was designed for someone who requested a xamira similar look but bailed on BlindChild and didn't pay for the skin. I then purchased it.

Mods installed = We have the Quick Reply mod using Board graphics enclosing the box.
We have the shoutbox, soon I will mod it so a shout can be placed right on the main page.
Also have the users registered today hack.
Board also shows the users Avatar on the welcome panel as well as a default Avatar if user has none selected.

I know for sure that I want to find a background image instead of the black background currently on the page. Other than that, I am EXTREMELY happy with the board although I am hoping to hear CONSTRUCTIVE comments on the site design, setup etc.

Explanation on the website name (Domain name as well as header graphic):
The domain StairsandFlowers is taken from a Skinny Puppy (Goth Industrial band) song title. The header logo graphic fits that title, the song video showed weird distorted images of flowers and stairs. So with that in mind, the graphic does fit the domain name as long as people keep this explanation in mind.

Again, thanks for the constructive comments.

(also a skinny puppy song title LOL)

10-18-2003, 10:41 AM
Blindchild at his workings again, he offered me exclusive rights to that skin ;)

too bad i didnt have the monye :D

looks nice. :) even the postbit

10-18-2003, 05:12 PM
Thanks! Glad you came by and registered as well!

Tony G
10-18-2003, 11:56 PM
The images are very impressive. I like the header one alot.

The only thing I don't like is the new reply/topic bar in the postbit. It looks out of place with all that empty bar space. And the buttons blend into the bar too much, I don't think that's a really good thing?

Bad Bunny
10-19-2003, 06:04 AM
The images are very impressive. I like the header one alot.

The only thing I don't like is the new reply/topic bar in the postbit. It looks out of place with all that empty bar space. And the buttons blend into the bar too much, I don't think that's a really good thing?
I agree with the postbit buttons there. They are hard to spot.
It looks nice, but very trendy. Like I almost feel as though I have seen this design with a different header.
Looks nice though

Bad Bunny
10-19-2003, 06:09 AM
Oh, BTW. I haven't listened to SP in a loooong time. Probably since around Too Dark Park. I picked up a live CD a while back, but most of it was old stuff I recognised. Sorry to be off topic like that.

And just to make it worthwhile, I like what I can see of your emoticons. Nice things there.

10-19-2003, 06:28 AM
Thanks for the comments everyone. I will definately see what I can do about those buttons down there. I can maybe change the font or something to make sure those buttons stand out more.

And thanks BadBunny...SP was a good band!

10-19-2003, 07:35 AM
Ah, excellent theme. I also run a music forums (I've had to restart it... about 8 times now due to bad luck :/) :) Expect to see me hanging out at your forums starting tomorrow.

Do you happen to have BlindChild's AIM? I wish to contact him about designing me a style also.

10-19-2003, 07:40 AM
Ah, excellent theme. I also run a music forums (I've had to restart it... about 8 times now due to bad luck :/) :) Expect to see me hanging out at your forums starting tomorrow.

Do you happen to have BlindChild's AIM? I wish to contact him about designing me a style also.
Awesome, good to see that you registered! We just want it to be a fun place to be!

As far as blindchild, I am not sure I can give out his AIM but if you go to www.xamira.net (http://www.xamira.net) and contact him there, he can help you.

10-21-2003, 06:26 PM
yo rixius, wuts ur AIM??

and Hex, i would also like to talk to u...

10-22-2003, 09:07 PM
O_o you have my AIM man, we talked 2 days ago and yesterday, lol. :x

10-22-2003, 11:01 PM
hahah yea, i didnt realize.. stupid me :X

10-24-2003, 03:46 PM
Rather good, but the header is too cold.