View Full Version : Customize One Forum...

08-31-2003, 07:00 PM
I am looking to mod one of my forums, so that the columns titles look like this and I am able to enter the information like this:

See Attached Image...

How can I do this?

In addition is there a way I can get these custom columns to have inputs so I can edit that information like a media field where I can enter the type of media, Genre field to enter type of genre, so on and so forth, can I do this? I heard it can be done or rather implemented by setting up a different style and forcing that forum to use that style, but I would still need to know how to create these columns...

Please, any help would be greatly appreciated.

09-10-2003, 09:07 PM

Bad Bunny
09-11-2003, 02:38 AM
What you're asking for sounds complicated. Again...I'm not catching your drift. I thank you for attaching an image...but it looks like you want columns? You just want someone to make a table with columns for you??

I don't understand this either...
custom columns to have inputs so I can edit that information like a media field where I can enter the type of media

This does not sound like a general hack that many people would be using.