View Full Version : NEKIO.COM - Modified Board - Gallery

08-31-2003, 01:52 PM
Check us/me out and tell us/me what you think.

I'm Chief Technology Office / Nekio Founder.

NEKIO was launched to provide a central location for graphical artists to display their creations for feedback and exposure. With an emphasis on digital works as pieces of art rather than desktop eye candy, the community is growing rapidly. NEKIO continues to commit itself to responding to the creative outlet needs of its members, releasing and revamping categories as interest grows.

http://nekio.com/forums (http://nekio.com/forums) - Our Forums
http://nekio.com/gallery (http://nekio.com/gallery) - Our Gallery Software
http://nekio.com (http://nekio.com/) - Our Main Home

We are part of http://3mnetwork.com (http://3mnetwork.com/) - Internet.Media.Group.

Keywords: nekio, nekio.com, forum, bbs, discussion, gfx, art, anime, 2d, 3d, artist, artistic, wallpaper, desktop, gallery, images, graphic, free, resources, software, hardware, screenshot, photoshop, manga, hentai, vbulletin, code, hack, rendered, art, application skins, user, interface, enhancements, visual style, computer, design, php, cgi, pl, photography, photo, texture, website, tutorial, animation, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.

10-01-2003, 03:16 PM
Few new submitions to the gallery were made by members, check them out if you like.

Also I made a new signature, how do you like it?

Darkness v1
http://d3dfx.hypermart.net/darkness v1.gif (http://nekio.com)

10-05-2003, 09:51 PM
fi there wasnt page transitions, id probally go there :) more than once ;)

Tony G
10-06-2003, 04:42 AM
I love the color scheme and graphics. They all blend in so well. Think I've said that more then once. ;)

Gallery software seems nice too.