08-07-2003, 02:50 PM
I recently tried with some limited sucess to make a template that displayed no images what so ever.
I was currious if anyone had ever attempted this before, or done it before? Or if there is someone who has spent a lot of time and know their way around the templates very well who could help me. I would be more than willing to send someone a .scv or a .sql dump of my template to fiddle with and seen what I have done to it thus far. :)
I recently tried with some limited sucess to make a template that displayed no images what so ever.
I was currious if anyone had ever attempted this before, or done it before? Or if there is someone who has spent a lot of time and know their way around the templates very well who could help me. I would be more than willing to send someone a .scv or a .sql dump of my template to fiddle with and seen what I have done to it thus far. :)