08-07-2003, 05:21 AM
vBT has been successfully upgraded to vBulletin 3.0 Beta 5 at this time as well as updated with the newest skin available from With the update comes a very important announcement regarding the vBT Community.
We have received posts and numerous e-mails and PM's regarding users not being able to complete their registration or be able to participate in all the forums they should be able to; I for one have had well over 100 PM's.
Please keep in mind that vBT does use Jelsofts license system, though we do not have direct acccess to their license system database. When you come to us requesting your membership be upgraded, we have no way of detailing wether you are a paying customer or not. With that said, we ask that, if you are a registered customer, you please see the following thread and make sure all is correct. If all is well and you STILL cannot post in the correct forums and ARE registered, please contact the support department at
License Integration Thread:
I will state once again, WE DO NOT have access to the license system and cannot see who is licensed above who is marked in our forums. If you are not a marked member, then we cannot detail your status and you will need to contact vBulletin. Contacting myself or the other moderators here at vBT does not help the situation.
I have personally been fused at and some profanity used. I have stated to please not PM me regarding such. The license system here is ALWAYS kept up to date with what we are provided with, that is the best myself and the staff can do. I finally ask again that you please contact support at vBulletin if and only if you have a true problem completing the registration requirements for licensed status.
Enjoy the new skin and the upgrades!
We have received posts and numerous e-mails and PM's regarding users not being able to complete their registration or be able to participate in all the forums they should be able to; I for one have had well over 100 PM's.
Please keep in mind that vBT does use Jelsofts license system, though we do not have direct acccess to their license system database. When you come to us requesting your membership be upgraded, we have no way of detailing wether you are a paying customer or not. With that said, we ask that, if you are a registered customer, you please see the following thread and make sure all is correct. If all is well and you STILL cannot post in the correct forums and ARE registered, please contact the support department at
License Integration Thread:
I will state once again, WE DO NOT have access to the license system and cannot see who is licensed above who is marked in our forums. If you are not a marked member, then we cannot detail your status and you will need to contact vBulletin. Contacting myself or the other moderators here at vBT does not help the situation.
I have personally been fused at and some profanity used. I have stated to please not PM me regarding such. The license system here is ALWAYS kept up to date with what we are provided with, that is the best myself and the staff can do. I finally ask again that you please contact support at vBulletin if and only if you have a true problem completing the registration requirements for licensed status.
Enjoy the new skin and the upgrades!