View Full Version : How does it look..?

05-11-2003, 03:16 AM

Just purchased a vBulletin about a week ago today :D

I'm open to any constructive criticism :)

Tony G
05-11-2003, 03:20 AM
-Category Font a bit too big.
-Remove moderator column, you don't really need it if you have no mods.
-Some black boxes appear before images load on top of them.

Otherwise okay, your design is quite nice. Make all those images yourself? :)

05-11-2003, 03:30 AM
Yea i have another idea for the category font...

Well, it's still fairly new, but i'll comment out the moderator column for now, you're right, just a space hog..

And the black boxes are there because those serve as the border for where the images are. It's the same way the templates are coded, except the images take a tid bit longer to load then just color and text, so you notice it a little bit more... If i change it, then I'd have to change the border color, so that has to stay, unfortunately...

And yes, i made all the images myself :)

Tony G
05-11-2003, 03:39 AM
Easy way of removing those black boxes:

In the <td> tag of the image just hardcode the background to be the same as the one you have set (make sure no borders). Nobody will realise. :p

05-11-2003, 03:44 AM
Well It can't be an image, because I have text over it, so it's already set to background...

Did i understand you correctly? I obviously can't make the table thats providing the border (black) have the background image, b/c then, there just wouldn't be a border, lol.

The only thing i could do is add this to the td tag

style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: black;"

but there's always that loving phrase that "not all browsers support that" (d*mn netscape).... Anyways, it just wraps it around the td, and when the td's join they create a thicker border...


I just read the "Before Posting" LOL...


URL:http://www.webtrickscentral.com (forums - http://www.webtrickscentral.com/forums )

About: My main goal was to create a web site to help the more internet illiterate people design a web site, with tutorials on HTML, and CSS. Plus other goodies for even the more advanced. But I like helping people, and I figured this would be a good idea for my first web site, is to share everything I know, and teach it to other people who can benefit from it. I am going to try to get an active community at my forums, although I've never had much success with this part in the past... :rolleyes:

Template Mods: Most likely way too many to mention. But in general, add spaces between categories, modifyed the header of the forumhome, and the header itself. I ripped apart the postbit (may not look like it too much), but little things count. I made it fit to my liking, exactly how I wanted it. Although I did discover than a image with a height of 13 pixels leaves extra space at the top, and an image with 15 pixels leaves no space. I wasted a whole trying to figure it out. Pretty funny. Lets see, I also edited the announcements, forum display, and thread lists that make the colors change onmouseover. Thats all I can think of, although I'm sure there are many more miniscule ones...