View Full Version : Need advice on the look

imported_Xm Man
01-20-2003, 01:07 AM
Hi,I'm pretty new to the vbulletin, but I design this vbulletin template ,but my concern is if it is bad to make to img oriented the vb or if you think is ok, I would like to know if any one can tell me how to change the actual background in the middle from color to piture,Thanks and let me know what you think :)

Tony G
01-20-2003, 01:12 AM
Not bad, but it's not the best pic to view the details of your forum.

01-20-2003, 02:05 AM
as toy said...hard to see detail.

from what i can see...its not that nice. looks like a bunch of tackey images

Tony G
01-20-2003, 04:47 AM
Toy am I?


01-21-2003, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by Xm Man
Hi,I'm pretty new to the vbulletin, but I design this vbulletin template ,but my concern is if it is bad to make to img oriented the vb or if you think is ok, I would like to know if any one can tell me how to change the actual background in the middle from color to piture,Thanks and let me know what you think :)

why don't u use the printscreen key instead using a digital camera(at least it looks like it)


01-21-2003, 07:45 AM
Originally posted by sonic

why don't u use the printscreen key instead using a digital camera(at least it looks like it)


I was wondering what the hell was up with that curved looked haha :p

Tony G
01-21-2003, 08:36 AM
That would be the logical answer. :D

01-21-2003, 01:00 PM
do you know how to use the prt scr button?

just push it when you want to take the pic...which will copy the SS to your clip board. open up phtoshop or something and make a new document (it shopuldsize it accordingly, but you need it to be the size of your resolution). then , just press paste...there you are!

crop it accordingly so we dont have a huge pic..lol

imported_Xm Man
01-21-2003, 02:05 PM
Hi,Sorry About my ignorance but I already change the picture,I think i need to do something more but I'm not sure please let me know and thanks for the help