View Full Version : My Forums - LCDMOD.com Forums :D

01-03-2003, 11:31 AM
Hi People,

I just wanted to know, does my site Sux0rs / R0Ckz :D

Well i wanted to know, does the site look cool?

Is there any improvements i could make?

Is there anything that is useless and not needed?

I have done quite a few hacks to make the forum a little different, aswell as purchasing a new skin :d

tell me what you think :D



01-03-2003, 02:58 PM
Nothing personal but it's just another Ravio skin; I like it better when the webmaster takes the time to make one 100% original :)

Tony G
01-03-2003, 10:27 PM
Thats a bought one right? But I agree with filburt, making your own always turns out better. :)

01-04-2003, 04:00 AM
yeah...i really dislke the ravio skin...be unique

Tony G
01-04-2003, 11:05 AM
Just if you took me the wrong way, the skin is fine, but like I said something original is better.

01-04-2003, 04:17 PM
hmmm, the link won't work for me. Perhaps my modem connection just isn't having a good day.

Well, you did say you bought a skin for your forums - so if we look beyond that to scrutinize your installed hacks - hopefully someone here can give you some constructive tips on the manner in which you have applied those very hacks.
Unfortunately I apologize that I cannot, as I said, the site won't load for me.

But you appear to be proud of your site - way to go!!!
And purchasing a skin to already alter it from it's original version is the first step ahead.

Keep up the inspiration ;)


01-04-2003, 04:20 PM
Nothing works here either

01-04-2003, 05:07 PM
Ditto, I can't view it. Getting very high (400 ms) ping times, too.

Tony G
01-04-2003, 10:35 PM
It's working for me.

01-05-2003, 01:32 AM
must be back - works for me too

01-05-2003, 12:05 PM
Thank You fo your comments.

The reason i went for a premade skin, is because i am totally bad at graphics programs, photoshop etc.

I also wouldnt know where to start! How do you know the sizes of the images.. and the links.. and createing a style file!

I can use paintbrush but thats about it! But one day when i get a bit more time im going to concerntrate on graphics and design and im sure i should be able to make a basic nice skin :D Well i have to start somewhere :D

The site has been having a couple of nameserver problems which are hopefully fixed.

quinte - im looking forward to a reply :D

Please give me
Thanx once again

01-05-2003, 05:39 PM
Well - your site is actually very appealing, you know !! But I must admit that I am a fan for fixed width forums :)

Of all the available skins out there, you picked a nice clean one. It is well laid out and not cluttered. The postbit (showthread) is just beautifull!

If I had to be critical, then this is what I would change, if it were my site.
1. There is a lovely balance of darker blue (#3B81C7) throughout the homepage, except on the top portion where you have the welcome panel and the shoutbox. This area does look a little bleak, so perhaps just introduce some more of this lovely blue in there.
2. Often I see shoutboxes tucked away somewhere. I like the way you have put it boldly inbetween the welcomepanel and the forums. But there seems to be just a tad too much white space, particularly below the shoutbox.
3. I do not know if it is omitted on purpose, but I did not see the "private messages" anywhere? Perhaps your members are not partial to it? - just my suggestion.
4. I had to leave a site I was on yesterday because of their snow flake effect on a black background - got me squinting big time. Luckily your background is pale, so it blends in rather nicely, and I must admit, after a while I failed to even notice it. It does make for a nice seasonal touch.

Other than that - don't change a thing. lol I love it!!

regards, quinte.

01-09-2003, 09:16 AM
i think it is a good skin but as said before - why put up for review a site skin which you didnt design - also, that registration pop up is extremeley annoying :)