View Full Version : Paid Membership special logo beside the UserName ?

12-29-2002, 01:33 PM

this is my first post here and i'm really happy to find this incradible site ... it's AWESOME

ok, i have a request please..

i'm impleminting a Paid Memebership system on my board..
and i would like to put a special logo beside the "Username" of a special UserGroup that will be the one gathering all the paid members..

this is made in www.phpportals.com , please find a sample for it here :

can you see the small Cup logo beside the Username ?
it's only for the members paid for thier membership...

can u please help me implement this in my board..

thanx and happy new year :)

12-29-2002, 01:41 PM
my guess is there are 2 ways to do this.

1. You can add an image next to the usergroup name in the admin CP. So...you pick your usergroup, add " to the end of the group title....the add <img srg="image.gif"> That might work, but will require you to change usergroups when someone pays.

2. File Hacking. You can use the contributor hack over at vbulletin.org. once installed, add the variable they give you (im not suer what it is) ight next to the usergroup in the postbit. Then, change the text to be displayed to an image (the hack should tell you how to do that)

they BOTH should work. the 2nd one is better though because it allows you to check a box, instead of changing a usergroup.

hope that helps!

12-29-2002, 01:54 PM
WOW .. that was real fast :)

i'm already using the first way.. but i need the logo to be fixed beside the Username to allow custon titles and the logo still apear.

the contributor hack @ VB.ORG is known to have problems with cookies.. didn't you mean this one :

any how thanx allot for your fast reply Cypher720

12-29-2002, 02:29 PM
probably not supposed to be discussing hacking - but a mod will set me straight if this is "illegal"

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33195&highlight=contributor - the original - very basic...and it works

12-29-2002, 02:46 PM
3. How my hackless award system works: make a hidden, admin-editable-only profile field and add the <img> code there then put $post[fieldn] in the postbit. But for it to be automated you'd have to use Cypher's methods.