View Full Version : A roster template

12-24-2002, 05:10 AM
I was wondering if this was possible for someone to do a roster template.

I'm in a gaming clan and we have 20 or so members. I run our new clan forum and a clan-mate asked me if it was possible to have a place on our forum for a roster of all our clan members. the roster would have a place for a small pic of you, your name, a profile and a small pic of your favorite game map.

Look here for an example of what i'm thinking about...


I have no idea how to do something like this myself but if someone were to try it I would be very appreciative.

Our forums are located here http://heroclan.com

12-24-2002, 02:45 PM
What's wrong with just using the memberlist?

12-24-2002, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by filburt1
What's wrong with just using the memberlist?

Well I want to keep the regular forum members separate from my clan members so people can see which ones are in the clan and which ones aren't.

I have been looking for this hack all over the place and I haven't come across it yet. So that probably means it hasen't been done yet. I suspect it would be a very popular hack if someone were to do it. There are a lot of gaming clans out there that have forums and would greatly appreciate something like this, I know I would. :)

Thanks for your interest filburt1. :)

12-24-2002, 05:07 PM
Im not 100% positive but I think in this case it would be a mod and could be done ( in my experience ) form the existing templates. I did something similar and i remember seeing somewhere in the memberlist mods to include certain user groups only. It could easily be modded to include the same tables twice to have a split memberlist. Memebrs on top registered user on the bottom each seperated etc.